Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 154 Hand Brain Eye Nerve

In traditional sports, there are many tools specifically designed to test players' abilities.

In tennis, there is a special equipment used to test the player's turning speed and agility.

That's a smart sensor.

The main body is a soft cushion that is convenient for running, with four pillars inserted at the four corners. There are special sensing and timing devices on the pillars.

The tester stands on the soft cushion. When the test starts, the tester turns to the touch sensing device multiple times as required. When touched, the sensing device will reflect the tester's various data in real time, and then use intelligent sensing to The device exports and transfers the data to the computer for review by a dedicated person.

There are also specialized dribbling testers for football, badminton, table tennis and the like.

Mo Yu pointed at the computer: "Many traditional sports are no longer the traditional testing methods of running around and jumping around that we all think of. Many of them use high-tech means."

“But the test for e-sports players doesn’t need to be that difficult.”

He stood up and said: "Professional e-sports players usually do not need to expend a lot of physical energy. What is more important is reaction speed, dynamic vision, eye-brain coordination, etc., because players use their hands, brains, and eyes when competing. , the nerves cooperate with each other to act. To put it simply, the eyes see, the brain thinks, the arms do it, and the nerves react."

"So for players, we can actually develop several software specifically to test these abilities."

"For example, when the screen changes color and the player immediately presses the mouse, the computer will calculate how many milliseconds it took the player from the time it changed color to pressing the mouse, and then test the player's reaction speed; another example is when a black screen , a string of numbers flashes past, and the test subject needs to see the numbers clearly and restore the string of numbers and input them into the computer. This method can test the player's dynamic vision."

"Place several gadgets that flash different lights side by side. When one of the lights lights up, the tester needs to touch the light immediately. This method can be used to test the player's eye-brain coordination response; or use a test pen to Insert into the slots of different sizes of the instrument, and the tester needs to insist on not touching any part of the slot for 60 seconds and keep the test pen suspended. This is the suspension test, which can test the player's stability ability."

Mo Yu gave a few examples casually.

Of course, these are not his lies, they are real.

A reporter once interviewed an e-sports club, and the club showed the reporter several ways to test whether the opponent has the potential to become a professional player. The result was that the reporter was far from up to standard, and in many aspects could not reach the level of professional e-sports players. Strong responsiveness.

Mo Yu walked out: "The profession of e-sports player is far from being as easy as many people think. Those who can make a living in this industry must have better talents than most people in some aspects."

"For example, reaction ability. The level of ordinary people is usually 200 to 220 milliseconds, that is, 0.2 seconds to 0.22 seconds. The standard for professional players is around 150 to 170 milliseconds, that is, 0.15 seconds to 0.17 seconds, and the fluctuation cannot exceed 30 milliseconds. Because If the fluctuation is too large, the performance on the field will be unstable and it is easy to make operational errors."

"Don't think that the difference between them is very small. In fact, it is very huge. The difference of a few tenths of a second, on the field, means that one can easily react and dodge the opponent's skills, while the other cannot even react."

"Of course, I'm just giving a few examples. You can also hire people to develop several similar programs yourself based on the methods I mentioned. The difficulty is not very high and you can definitely make them."

"As long as the program is completed, and next time you meet someone who thinks he has the talent to become a professional player, then take him directly for testing. I believe that when the results are in front of you, he will not continue to mess around."

After hearing what he said, Zhang Zhaoyang and Deng Junhua were both shocked. They didn't expect that the test could be conducted like this.

Zhang Zhaoyang couldn't help but sigh: "If you hadn't said it, I would have been hard-pressed to think of testing players in this way."

Deng Junhua also nodded in agreement: "It is indeed an eye-opener. Looking back, I will find someone to make a special test program based on the methods Mr. Mo said. Everything will be determined based on the test results. If it cannot pass, it will not be easy to talk about." What, if it can pass, then the club can also get a good talent, and it is not a big problem to spend a little energy on training, just treat it as training players."

Mo Yu nodded and smiled: "That's it! This matter is actually very simple, you just didn't think of it. By the way, I heard that a company approached the club, hoping to sponsor the club?"

"Not bad!" Deng Junhua said: "There are a few local companies in Jingzhou, but they are all small businesses such as Internet cafes and clothing. The sponsorship fee is not very high, only tens of thousands of yuan. I don't want to take it."

"First, LGD was established mainly for product promotion at the head office, and the expenses were all allocated by the head office. Second, the price was too low."

Zhang Zhaoyang also said: "The people who are looking for Dixing are all the same, but there is also a manufacturer that bids higher. It is a domestic four-line headphone brand. The sales volume is not very good. The bid is 200,000! We require Dixing players to use them in future competitions. The company’s headphones, and the other party’s brand LOGO was required to be prominently displayed on the team uniforms, but I refused!”

"Oh? Why did you refuse?" Mo Yu asked curiously: "Two hundred thousand is not a lot, right? Are there any excessive demands?"

Zhang Zhaoyang said: "The other party asked for 200,000 yuan a year, and he signed a contract for three years at a time, and he was not allowed to accept advertisements for similar products within three years. When I thought about it, it was only such a small amount of money, and the requirements were so high. In addition, his products were very important to the club. It’s not helpful, it’s completely useless, so I’ll just stop taking it!”

"It suits your rich second-generation temperament very well." Mo Yu laughed loudly: "Now is the early stage of the development of your club. It is true that you cannot sign a long-term contract like this. There is still a long way to go for e-sports competitions, and it will be even bigger in the future. , the value of clubs that can produce results will also rise with the tide."

"Let me give you some advice, that is, don't pay attention to these advertising sponsorships that are low in price, long in time, poor in brand, and low in product quality. You two are not short of such a small amount of money. On the contrary, the club will be affected by these small contracts or poor quality. The products will affect our own image, and will also hinder other manufacturers from coming to discuss cooperation in the future."

"When someone inquires casually, you gave tens of thousands of yuan to sponsor such a small company, but I want hundreds of thousands? Then the negotiation will definitely not work! You must not do this kind of thing of lowering yourself! You must be careful. Choose, choose the best among the best!”

"However, it is a good thing that advertisers are willing to sponsor. In the future, running a professional e-sports club may cost hundreds or tens of millions. It all depends on your own money. That is an endless bottomless pit of millions and millions." If you smash it in, you two may not be willing to stick to it for a long time!

"What I mean is that you can accept sponsorships, but you need to choose some good manufacturers to contact. In the early stage, it is best to be those related to e-sports, such as advertising for headphones, mice, computers, etc. Of course, there are other companies willing to sponsor The price is high, so you can actually accept it, it makes money, it’s not shabby.”

"Furthermore, when I hold events in the future, I won't place any restrictions on the club's advertising and sponsorship. It doesn't matter if you have dozens of advertising trademarks on your clothes, as long as the players are not embarrassed!"

“I will even look for advertisers to sponsor the events in the future!”

Mo Yu gave the two some suggestions.

Now is the early stage of the development of e-sports. It only costs a few dollars to run an e-sports club. I'm afraid it won't be that easy in the future.

PDD spent tens of millions to operate YM, and it was not enough to invest all the live broadcast revenue in it. In the end, it could only train players and sell them to LPL teams to maintain operations; each spot to join the LPL cost hundreds of millions, player transfer fees, signatures The fees are hundreds of millions. At that time, will they still have to pay for it themselves or rely solely on bonuses?

That's unrealistic!

For example, the operating conditions of many e-sports clubs in DOTA are not very good, and only a few can really make money.

It costs too much!

Such a huge consumption of funds, or the big boss is worth tens of billions, it doesn't matter.

If there is no big boss, then you have to operate it on your own. Advertising sponsorship is a major source of income.

Many professional players' uniforms are covered with logos precisely because there are too many sponsors.

Seriously speaking, Deng Junhua and Zhang Zhaoyang are actually playing clubs purely out of hobbies and have not thought about the future at all, so they don't really care too much about sponsorship. Now after Mo Yu said this, the two of them also reacted. .

Deng Junhua touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "Mr. Mo's words make sense. The two of us now say we are running a business, but it is more like playing. If we want to maintain the club for a long time, it must be open source, so the sponsors matter You really need to pay attention and find a few good brands that are willing to pay. I believe there are examples of my company out there. As long as the price is not outrageous, there will be no problem in negotiating.”

There are seven or eight kinds of single products in Lao Gan Daddy's entire line. In addition to the main products, the sales of other flavors have also increased significantly, which has brought a huge profit to the company, far exceeding the money spent on the LGD Club.

If there are food sponsors who pay to sponsor LGD, then Deng Junhua will directly give his own example, which will be absolutely convincing!

Zhang Zhaoyang also said: "Speaking of which, the sales of several properties owned by Jingzhou Construction Engineering seem to have grown well recently, but I don't know whether it is because of the Emperor Star or the Jingzhou Cup."

Speaking of this, he pretended to be indifferent: "Anyway, no matter what the reason is, we really need to talk about sponsorship."

"Exactly." Mo Yu said with a smile: "Go back and screen carefully. If there is a suitable one, it doesn't matter. Remember to check the other party's brand and products, and don't sign a long-term contract!"

"Don't worry! That's it, let's go first!"

Zhang Zhaoyang waved his hand, pulled Deng Junhua up and walked away.

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