Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 155 In the next twenty years, the world will be invincible

Jingzhou Railway Station.

Zhang Yiming and Zhao Xing bid farewell to each other.

They ran into each other twice in a row on a field with tens of thousands of people, and their favorite teams were each other's rivals. This wonderful fate made the two men, who were more than ten years apart in age, actually become friends, and even left each other's numbers, so that they could meet again in the future. Watch the game together.

Before getting in the car, Zhao Xing waved goodbye: "Lao Zhang, I'm leaving. See you next time! I hope LGD will win the next game and Royal Family will be the runner-up!"

Zhang Yiming's originally smiling face turned dark: "Get out!"


Zhao Xing laughed, then turned around and left.

Watching Zhao Xing's leaving figure, Zhang Yiming gathered his mood and walked out of the station.

During this time, he put all company affairs behind him, enjoyed the game, and was completely immersed in the competition. In addition to feeling happy, he also gained a deeper understanding of e-sports.

Sending Zhao Xing away meant that his happy time was over and he had to face the more realistic problems at hand.

How can "Battlefield" surpass "Gods and Gods", or in other words, how can Tianxing avoid being suppressed by Moyu?

The incident kept lingering in his mind.

"The traditional online game model has been operating for too many years. The rise of MOBA games is the next trend in the industry. Maybe as Mo Yu said, the entire online game industry in the future will be dominated by MOBA games!"

"This situation may not be impossible. I have personally experienced the entire Jingzhou Cup, and I can fully appreciate the power of the MOBA + e-sports model. The two combined into one simply complement each other and are even more powerful!"

"In such a situation, how should Tianxing deal with himself in the future?"

"There is no problem in developing "Battlefield" in advance, but now "Gods and Gods" is too strong, and Mo Yu has already been in the front. If Tianxing wants to maintain its current status or even surpass it, it must also start from e-sports competitions. Make a fuss, but is it still too late?”

The sun was shining brightly, but he felt a little cold. The road ahead was confused and he couldn't help but feel discouraged.

I have never participated in an offline game in person, so all the data are just words on paper. Although I know it is very strong, I don’t have that kind of practical experience.

Only by truly and completely experiencing the e-sports arena can you feel the charm of e-sports.

Even a guy like him, who thinks he has been immersed in gaming for decades and has lost interest in playing any game, can become a fan of a team in just a few days after being completely immersed in it. This is enough to prove the importance of e-sports. That kind of terrifying attraction to people.

Zhang Yiming feels that if Tianxing does not take action, it will watch its current number one position in the industry pass to others.

It's just that he thought about it over and over again and couldn't think of a way to solve the problem.

If we continue to develop step by step, the future of online games will definitely be worrying, and they will be easily suppressed by the rising Moyu companies. However, if we copy the e-sports + MOBA model, "Battlefield" has not yet been launched in public beta, and it is far away. Falling behind, by the time it was enough to hold a competition, "Gods and Gods" had already disappeared to nowhere!

"One step is slow, every step is slow!"

"But since you've come here, you can't just leave empty-handed. Let's go to the Fishing Company."

In the office.

"Mr. Zhang, why do you come to Jingzhou when you have time?" Mo Yu greeted Zhang Yiming warmly.

Zhang Yiming sat on the sofa: "Goodbye, CJ. I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much! The recent Jingzhou Cup of "Gods and Gods" was very lively. I couldn't help but think of what Mr. Mo said to me last time. Come and have a look.”

He sighed and said with a wry smile: "You won't know if you don't come, but you will be shocked when you come. The scale of the Jingzhou Cup is far beyond imagination."

"Oh?" Mo Yu asked curiously: "Mr. Zhang watched the game?"

"I saw it." Zhang Yiming nodded: "It's far more lively than I imagined. The teams compete on the stage, the audience cheers, and there are tens of thousands of spectators. It's really touching people's hearts."

Mo Yu smiled when he heard this: "Being praised by Mr. Zhang proves that the Jingzhou Cup was held well!"

"Not only is it good, it's unheard of." Zhang Yiming said: "I have been playing games for so many years, and I have also held some offline activities. It is very impressive to have hundreds or even thousands of people here, but compared with the Jingzhou Cup, it is simply It’s a world of difference.”

"The reason why I came to visit Mr. Mo today is firstly that I should pay a visit to Mr. Mo when I come to Jingzhou, and secondly I want to ask Mr. Mo what his views are on the future of the domestic gaming industry."

"What do you think? Why do you ask this?" Mo Yu asked in confusion.

Zhang Yiming shook his head: "Mainly because I have seen the grand occasion of the Jingzhou Cup, seen how popular the game "Gods and Gods" is now, and thought of "Battlefield", I couldn't help but wonder what Mr. Mo was thinking. How do you view the current mainstream MMORPG online games, and what is the future of MOBA games?"

Mo Yu thought for a few seconds and couldn't figure out what Zhang Yiming meant when he suddenly visited and asked, but he still replied: "The domestic online game market is now in full bloom, but it has actually reached its peak, especially for mainstream MMORPG online games, the way forward is almost cut off. All games of this type in the future, no matter how they are developed, will at best be regarded as old wine in old bottles, without any major innovative gameplay."

"As for MOBA games, I predict that the market will be unified in one fell swoop in the next twenty years, and the number of users will exceed the sum of all online games at this stage!"

"As for how far away you are, you can't see clearly."

Mo Yu told the truth based on the situation in his previous life.

After World of Warcraft developed by Blizzard was introduced to China, domestic players who were used to turn-based and legendary types suddenly seemed to have discovered a new continent and flocked to World of Warcraft.

The groundbreaking dungeon PVE gameplay and PVP gameplay in the wild, battlefield, and arena laid the foundation for all subsequent MMORPG online games.

Later games such as Sword Spirit, Sword Three, Tower of Eternity, Jiuyin Manual, Red Cliff, and Heavenly Sword were just different skins, but the core of the gameplay was actually the same.

National war games such as Tianlong Babu and Zhengtu, which use krypton gold for props, are actually Legends plus World of Warcraft. The two games extract parts from each other and then combine them to attract users through large-scale PVP battles, but they also have nothing new.

Until League of Legends came out, it overturned DOTA in one fell swoop and swept the national gaming industry. The number of users set crazy records. At its peak, out of 100 computers in Internet cafes, at least 90 were playing League of Legends.

"The emergence of MOBA games will cause an unprecedented earthquake in the existing game industry. No game can match it."

Zhang Yiming's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, and he couldn't help but ask: ""Gods and Gods" is a MOBA game. Does Mr. Mo mean that "Gods and Gods" will suppress all games in the future?"

Mo Yu smiled slightly and nodded: "Anyway, I am talking behind closed doors, so I am not lying, right! In the future, "Gods and Gods" will trample all games under its feet!"

"So crazy?"

"It's not madness! It's confidence!" Mo Yu said proudly: "Since Mr. Zhang has watched the Jingzhou Cup, I believe he should have a deep understanding of it! Which game now holds a competition on such a scale? "Gods and Gods" surpasses all games It’s a matter of time!”

Zhang Yiming was speechless for a moment.

Ten seconds later, he added: "The Jingzhou Cup is really shocking, and the data of "Gods and Gods" are also scary enough, but now many manufacturers are developing similar games. CJ has only shown a part of it, and there are many more to come. People are observing the situation.”

"After the Jingzhou Cup, I believe that "Gods and Gods" will enter the field of vision of more and more manufacturers. By then, there will probably be dozens of MOBA games on the market. By then, will Mr. Mo still have the confidence he has now?"

Mo Yu laughed loudly: "In my opinion, those games are just rubbish and are not worth mentioning at all. To put it bluntly, Tianxing's "Battlefield" is also rubbish! When it comes to MOBA, in the next twenty years, we will be the best in the world. Invincible!"

DOTA, LOL, and King of Kings, he remembers all three games clearly, and it is only a matter of time before he can restore them.

In the previous life, they have proven that three of their games can swallow up the entire MOBA game market. Mo Yu is confident enough that in this world, he is invincible in making MOBA!

He was telling the truth, but to Zhang Yiming's ears, it sounded like he was speaking arrogantly.

"There are so many game manufacturers in the country, and Tianxing is the leading one. Why does Mr. Mo dare to say such nonsense?"

"Big talk? I don't think so!" Mo Yu said: "The facts can prove everything. It has only been more than a year since "Gods and Gods" was launched. The popularity of the official platform has entered the top five, and the game revenue has reached nine figures. It has millions of users, and the games that can be ranked above it can be counted on one hand.”

“You can achieve this level in one year, let alone the next few years?”

Zhang Yiming looked a little pale.

Of course he knew that the data Mo Yu mentioned were not false at all.

I came to visit Mo Yu because I couldn't see the future clearly, and I hoped to find out something from Mo Yu.

But he didn't expect Mo Yu to be so confident and arrogant.

He bluntly said that "Battlefield" is garbage, and let go of his harsh words. No one will be able to make a better MOBA than him in the next twenty years.

He argued: "The world is constantly changing, and players' preferences are also constantly changing. Twenty years is too long, where does Mr. Mo get the confidence?"

Mo Yu did not argue with him, but just smiled and said: "I naturally have confidence in my heart, Mr. Zhang, how about we make a bet?"

Zhang Yiming immediately asked: "What bet?"

Mo Yu replied: "Based on the current situation, I conclude that "Gods and Gods" will soon reach the scene I just described. In this case, it will be limited to three years. If "Gods and Gods" will be released within three years, If the number of users can exceed 20 million, and the highest number of simultaneous online users can exceed 1.5 million, then Mr. Zhang, you will lose, and if not, I will win!"


Zhang Yiming thought secretly.

There are 20 million users and 1.5 million people are online at the same time. Once such terrifying data is reached, it will be invincible.

According to official data released by Blizzard, World of Warcraft, currently ranked number one in the country, has only 7.7 million global users in the newly developed TBC version, with domestic users at most half, and at most 1 million online users at the same time!

Thinking like this, Zhang Yiming couldn't help but said: "Okay! How to calculate the bet?"

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