Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 156 Dota and Lava

"Bet. Hahaha, what can Mr. Zhang give me? What do you want from me?" Mo Yu said with a smile: "Speaking of which, there is really nothing about Mr. Zhang that I value."

Counting it down, Zhang Yiming has everything he has.




Maybe just the connections that I have had in the industry for decades can be of some use.

As for money? His net worth is definitely hundreds of times that of Zhang Yiming; ability? There is no shortage of capable people in fishing companies, and the most indispensable thing in China is people. Who can’t recruit someone with money?

"Mr. Mo is humiliating me?" Zhang Yiming's face darkened.

Mo Yu said sincerely: "No, no, no, it's not humiliation, it's just that I really can't think of anything that Mr. Zhang can give me. Forget it, the bet just now was really a no brainer. For a moment, Mr. Zhang took it for granted. I never said that."

Zhang Yiming couldn't bear this stimulation, and immediately argued: "Does Mr. Mo definitely think that I will lose? This bet, on the contrary, I can't think of anything to get from Mr. Mo."

Hearing this, Mo Yu spread his hands and said, "Then how about pretending that the bet does not exist?"

"No!" Zhang Yiming flatly refused: "Now that you have spoken, there is no reason to go back on your words. If you win, I will resign from Tianxing at the cost of my loyalty. I will come to work for free and sign a lifelong employment contract. I will never abandon it." , work until you retire, and never do anything that betrays your interests, Mr. Mo, for the rest of your life."

"I won, what can Mr. Mo give me?"


Mo Yu was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but nodded and said to himself: "It is indeed a good bargaining chip!"

Although he has everything, loyalty is not so easy to buy in modern society, and it is not like in novels. Now that Zhang Yiming is paying the price for loyalty, Mo Yu is moved.

With loyalty as a guarantee, many of Zhang Yiming's qualities seem very precious.

And even if Zhang Yiming betrays him, it doesn't matter, he won't suffer much loss.

"Since you have made a price, then I will make a price too!"

"I have learned about your resume. You have started a business before Tianxing, but the game was eventually acquired, and you became the chief designer of Tianxing, responsible for coordinating all aspects of game development and operations."

"If I lose, then I will give you, Mr. Zhang, all the design ideas for a game that can compete with "Gods and Gods", but this game can only be owned by you, and any form of transfer is prohibited."

"This should be enough to match Mr. Zhang's chips."

LOL focuses on operation, skills, and ease of use; DOTA focuses on overall perspective and awareness. When the two games are integrated, one must take the lead.

After several version updates, "Gods and Gods" finally became the shape of LOL. Many elements borrowed from DOTA have been deleted. Now, except for dodge and a few heroes and equipment names, it is completely It has nothing to do with DOTA.

In the previous life, DOTA was gradually declining under the pressure of LOL, but the competitions held were no worse than LOL, and the prize money was even higher.

Mo Yu doesn’t want to give up DOTA.

When I thought I was almost certain to win the bet, it would be great if I could get Zhang Yiming to take charge of the DOTA project.

"How about it?"

Mo Yu asked with interest.

Zhang Yiming clenched his hands into fists and took a deep breath: "Mr. Mo is indeed confident. In addition to "Gods and Gods", it turns out that he has another game in his hand. No wonder he dares to say that he will be invincible in the world within twenty years by making a MOBA game! "

He sighed secretly in his heart.

This trip was indeed the right one. Getting such a big piece of news from Mo Yu's mouth would be a huge profit.

He believes that the bet is too difficult and it is almost impossible for Mo Yu to complete it. If he can get his design ideas for this type of game from Mo Yu, the founder of MOBA, then even if it is not transferred, he can learn from it and turn "Battlefield" into a new one. "Changed his appearance and then competed with "Gods and Gods"!

"I really want to see what kind of game can make you so proud. I accepted this bet!"


Mo Yu stood up and applauded, and then walked to Zhang Yiming: "The bet has been established. I believe that you will not deny it as a person. I will not sign the contract in black and white, so as not to follow the truth. I just hope that Mr. Zhang will not break his promise when the time comes. !”

"Never break your promise!"

After seeing off Zhang Yiming, Mo Yu went home from get off work.

At this time, the place where he lives is no longer the small room he lived in when he first crossed over. It has already been replaced by another large flat floor in the urban area of ​​several hundred square meters.

The developer of this community happens to be Jingzhou Construction Engineering.

Because the plot of land was obtained relatively early, the community was also built early. The location is located in a bustling and bustling area of ​​Jingzhou, but the community is quiet and mysterious inside, giving it a sense of tranquility amidst the bustle.

Since time travel, he only went back during the Spring Festival last year. At that time, "Gods and Gods" was not very popular, and his parents only knew that he had opened a game company, but how big it had become and what achievements he had achieved were still unclear. Nothing is known.

Apart from phone calls, my parents didn't know much about it.

It just so happens that the house he lives in now is very big. Apart from the regular cleaning staff, he is alone and too lonely. He plans to pick up his parents when he returns to his hometown during the Chinese New Year and let them see what he has done. achievements.

Walk to the study.

Mo Yu turned on the computer and logged into the official platform.

At this time, the platform has an additional dedicated game category-MOBA compared to before.

After entering, there are more than 20 MOBA games inside, but the download volume is not very high. The first one is "Gods and Gods", with more downloads than all other MOBA games combined!

The second is the ranking of popular online games on the home page.

This list will be updated every half month. The official has the data of all the games on the platform. Based on these data, the rankings can be accurately sorted and there will be no mistakes at all.

At present, "Gods and Gods" has firmly occupied the third throne.

The top one is "World of Warcraft" and the other is "Fantasy Westward Journey".

The two giants have suppressed the list for several years since their birth, and no game has been able to match them. Now, only "Gods and Gods" has the best chance.

Such eye-catching data is the main reason why many major manufacturers have followed suit. On the contrary, it is the e-sports competition that he has been vigorously promoting. Those major manufacturers seem to have no reaction so far, except for Zhang Yiming.

"If you stay here for a while longer, it won't be long before the throne changes hands!"

Mo Yu murmured to himself, then shifted his gaze, found the search box above, and entered "race hegemony".

Soon, the search results interface popped up.

The first one on the list is "Racial Hegemony", produced by Lava Games. Mo Yu clicked the mouse to enter the game homepage.

The page shows more detailed data about "Racial Hegemony".

On the left are some real-machine demonstration screens, beautiful screenshots of the game, but there are no CG videos.

On the right side are player ratings, game introduction, type, download data, and sales unit price.

Scroll down further for player comments.

"The rating is 6.8, the unit price is 18 yuan (12% off during the Golden Autumn Sale!), and the number of downloads is 18,965."

Mo Yu looked at the data of "Racial Hegemony", then slid the scroll wheel down and started browsing player comments.

“It’s very rubbish. It successfully wasted an hour of my time. I have refunded the money!”

"Bad review!"

"Many places are plagiarizing Warcraft. It is recommended that it be removed from the shelves!"

"The gameplay is unique, the content is simple, and the graphics are rough and need to be improved!"

"The content is too little, it's like a semi-finished product. How can the designer have the nerve to upload it?"

"As I expected, the sales data were very poor, less than 20,000 yuan. The platform even included it in the Golden Autumn Promotional Gift Package. For a new game that has been on the shelves for less than three months, it is simply a hit. Face!"

"Looking at the comment section, most of them are negative reviews, with very few positive reviews. The few more pertinent reviews also say that the content is sparse, suspected of plagiarism, and the pictures are rough."

"It seems that Chen Rucheng's final attempt did not succeed!"

Mo Yu shook his head secretly.

After returning from CJ, he was also consciously paying attention to the news from Lava.

During the Jingzhou Cup, "Racial Hegemony" was finally launched.

Moyu bought and downloaded it on the same day.

The content of the game is basically the same as what was shown at the CJ exhibition. Based on what was learned at the time, it is obvious that Chen Rucheng was unwilling to go bankrupt and finally made a desperate attempt to create a miracle and make a fortune to support the company again.

The results are obvious.

The sales were bleak, and the response from players was generally poor. Even as a new game, the platform actually reduced the price for promotions, and the price was only less than 20,000 yuan. Obviously, Chen Rucheng's last ditch effort failed.

After deducting the commission from the platform, the revenue brought by "Racial Hegemony" to Lava may only be enough to pay employees' wages. As for remaking the entire game like Mo Yu?

Do not make jokes!

Chen Rucheng is not a time traveler!

"After all, it is a game with sparse content and rough graphics. Even the most critical racial settings are borrowed from other games. Even if the gameplay is unique, it is unlikely to be loved by players."

"This situation is very similar to that of its predecessor. It relies on gameplay, but only gameplay!"

"I believe that by this time, Chen Rucheng should have reached the edge of bankruptcy and entered a desperate situation. His last effort failed. He should also recognize the reality."

"I just don't know why you didn't contact me. Did you forget?"

Mo Yu frowned and thought.

He is definitely going to make RTS games, and Chen Rucheng is his favorite candidate.

He originally thought that Chen Rucheng would contact him in the near future to discuss the merger of Lava into Moyu, but he never expected a call.

"Forget it, since he is a valued talent and he doesn't come to me, then I will give him one last chance!"

"If something cannot be done, then don't blame me for being ruthless and do it yourself!"

Mo Yu murmured to himself, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

Sea market.

Lava Studio.

At this time, the Lava Studio was completely empty, and the office area was empty. Even the lights were not turned on. The whole area was illuminated by the sunlight coming from the window.

The work station was also empty and neat, without anything else.

All the computers that cost a lot of money to configure were shut down, and some were even covered with dust. On some desks, several green plants were almost withered because no one had changed the water and cared for them.

In the entire company, only one room with the general manager's office still had lights on, and faint sounds of discussion could be heard from it.

"Acheng, give up, there's no chance!"

"We failed, and so did Race for Hegemony!"

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