Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 163 Miracle Walker is still farming!

“This account is in the bronze tier, and it’s the first time for the anchor to play in the bronze round. I didn’t expect that he overturned the first time. I’m really sorry~”

Licking her lips with her pink tongue, Hanging Ren became a little more serious.

Three minutes later.

"Look, the barbarian king on the other side can't do anything to me. Many people in the barrage say that Bronze is difficult to beat. In fact, it's really not that difficult. With the skills of the anchor, I can win even if all my teammates are idle."

The hanging man said the most pretentious words in the gentlest tone.

Going online again, Hanged Man once again scored a solo kill.

The pose showed an eight-toothed smile: "The pressure from the opponent is still not strong enough. You should be able to win this one easily. Viewers, please pay attention. The anchor will teach you how to play silver."

As if he heard what he said, not long after, the blind jungler from the opposite side came up to GANK and easily took Teemo's head.

She was slapped in the face just after pretending. The lady's face darkened, but she still maintained a gentle tone and took advantage of the black screen time to check the movements of her teammates.

"It's okay. This time I attracted the opponent's jungler to catch me, so my teammates can do their work. Look!"

On the screen, the jungle swordsman Miracle Walker was chased and killed by the opponent's mid laner Wandering.

"You are the strongest! Miracle Walker!"

"Hit him, Miracle Walker!"

"Hey, hey, hey! Miracle Walker!!!"


"I'll beat your cow!"

As the Miracle Walker fell, the noble lady in the capital lost control and began to break through the defense. The contrast began to increase. The half-dead barrage suddenly became more interesting, and the audience immediately became happy.

"Finally I saw the anchor breaking the defense!"

"Not everyone can break into the bronze round!"

"Posture, show your strength!"

fifteen minutes.

The Hanged Man died, and the Miracle Walker moved to the top lane and began to close the line.

He held his posture against the black screen and kept shouting.

"Still not leaving yet, Miracle Walker, let's go!"

"There's someone coming from the other side!"

twenty minutes.

In the middle team battle, Captain Teemo died again.

Miracle Walker and Xia Yuqing stepped forward to harvest.

The noble lady began to give up her gentle manner, her tone was passionate and angry, and she shouted again and again.

"Miracle Walker, hit him!"

"I'm surprised you're such a weirdo and you still haven't left, Xia Yuqing!"

Twenty-eight minutes.

Little dragon group.

Captain Teemo took the lead and led his teammates to charge!

A fierce team battle started, and tens of seconds later, as the remaining bottom duo fell to the ground, the team battle collapsed.

The Hanged Man completely gave up his ladylike manners, didn't pay attention to his image at all, and screamed.

"I'm killing a big cow. Someone can help me!"

Seeing a huge defeat in the team battle, his attitude was completely broken, especially when his teammates were all dead, the Juggernaut was still there using F4, and he could no longer hold his breath, opened his mouth wide, and fell into madness.

"Miracle Walker is still farming!!!"

"Miracle Walker, let's take a look!!"

"Miracle Walker, why don't you turn around and hit him!"

"Miracle Walker!"

The attack signal kept flashing, and the noble lady in the capital no longer had any noble manners, and her gentle tone was already thousands of miles away.

At this time, the barrage began to flood the screen!

"Miracle Walker is still farming! Hahaha!"

"From noble lady to hanging man, her posture completely breaks the defense!"

"The anchor's famous scene, pay attention, pay attention!"

Thirty-two minutes.

The last wave of team battles started, and they rushed to the high ground on the opposite side. At the critical moment when they were about to push down the incisor tower, explode the crystals, and gain victory, all the players on the opposite side were resurrected and began to push back.

It was difficult to prevent the counterattack.

The two sides faced off in the middle.

"Careful, Miracle Walker."

Before the words could reach the ground, Miracle Walker was kicked back by the blind man on the opposite side and fell directly to the ground, and the team battle started smoothly.

The Hanged Man Teemo stepped forward, but was caught by the robot's magic hook, and died tragically quickly.

Finally the game ends and the crystal explodes.

The lady transformed into a machine gun, her hands trembling, opened the chat box, and quickly tapped the keyboard to type. Strings of letters were typed out and then deleted, but in the end nothing came out. She held her head in her hands, full of pain and nowhere to express it!

The barrage filled the screen and started laughing, and all kinds of strange words came to my face. The number of people in the live broadcast room had already grown from a few hundred to thousands.

Unable to bear the excitement, Hanging Ren retired at the speed of light and was disgraced, leaving only a famous scene that began to circulate among the audience.

That night.

Someone started to make animated pictures in the post bar, add subtitles, and add the moment in the lower right corner of the lady breaking her guard and holding her head, and a world-famous painting called "Miracle Walker Still Brushing the Wild" was finally born!

Someone else made a video with the title "Miracle Walker is still clearing the jungle". They recorded the entire live broadcast and made it into a video. They cut together the gentle and cute gesture at the beginning to the broken defense and hugging the head at the end, and uploaded it to Youku. It quickly aroused heated discussion among players.

Only this one time.

The lady from Beijing is beginning to make a name for herself in the live streaming industry!


Mo Yu turned off the video, his laughter deafening.

Jiang Qizhang couldn't help but laugh: "Mr. Mo, I didn't expect that the software would become a hot topic just a few days after it was launched. Now the posture live broadcast room is the most popular live broadcast room on the platform. As long as it starts broadcasting, thousands of people will flock in and give gifts." The income is also considerable.”

Mo Yu finally stopped laughing: "I didn't expect that he would be the first one to break out. The contrast is really too strong. The front is gentle and cute, and the back is holding his head in his hands and crying, it's just too much. It has a visual feel. If I were a viewer watching the live broadcast, I believe I would also click and pay attention."

Jiang Qizhang smiled and said: "Indeed! Nowadays, everyone is not too open-minded. Although the live broadcast of the posture is more dramatic, it is different, so he stands out."

"I plan to give him some support and put his live broadcast room on the homepage to attract traffic and attract users' attention. If we can cultivate a big anchor, it will be of huge benefit to the development of the platform!"

"Just follow your own ideas." Mo Yu said with a smile: "Now everyone can't let go of live broadcasting. Now that the posture has risen, I believe others will follow suit. But a single anchor is not enough. Have you signed any other contracts recently? Type anchor?”

"There are quite a few!" Jiang Qizhanghui reported: "This is the first time we have seen this live broadcast on the entire Internet. Many users are very interested, and everyone has started live broadcasting various contents."

"According to statistics, there are games such as World of Warcraft, Fantasy, Bubble Hall, and Kart. There are also live broadcasts of singing and dancing. However, the one with the most popularity on the platform and the highest income from gifts is our "Gods and Gods" live broadcast room. Other anchors The popularity was low, so I signed contracts with a few anchors who had a stable audience of 300 and gave them internal contracts."

The contract he is talking about is another type of internal contract that is different from the players' internal contracts.

This kind of internally signed contract is just like the author of online articles.

As long as the anchor completes the live broadcast for the month, he can receive a salary of 1,800 yuan + gift sharing from the Moyu Live Platform every month. He can be full-time or part-time, and can give up at any time, which is welcomed by many users.

There is another type of outsourcing contract.

This kind of contract is prepared for the emergence of multiple platforms in the future. At that time, platforms will compete for talents. For example, some big anchors will inevitably be popular. If they want to grab talents, they will have to pay high signing fees. , requires a contract period, and in addition to gift income, you can also receive advertising income on your own. This is an external contract.

Mo Yu said: "Being able to maintain a number of three hundred people is considered to have a certain potential. It is not an exaggeration to give an internal sign. However, most of the audience groups on the platform are players of "Gods and Gods", and there are very few other groups. In addition to placing more ads, we also need to find other ways.”

"What solution?" Jiang Qizhang asked.

Mo Yu said: "The total number of users of "Gods and Gods" is now several million, but the number of viewers converted to the live broadcast room is only more than 100,000. This is far from enough, and the ratio is too low. The hundreds of thousands of users of the game itself Ten thousand people are the easiest audience to attract for Moyu Live in its initial stage, so I plan to hold an e-sports competition on Moyu Live.”

"Competition?" Jiang Qizhang thought for a few seconds and then replied: "This is a good idea. If more users of "Gods and Gods" can be converted into users of the live broadcast platform, it will be of great benefit to the future, both in terms of investment and advertising. Very useful!”

"Exactly!" Mo Yu nodded and said: "The live broadcast platform has performed well just after it was launched. There will definitely be many competitors in the future. We have the confidence of games and we are in an invincible position, but we need to think about the follow-up To rise among many platforms, a large amount of financial support is indispensable.”

"Today's hardware conditions such as servers, networks, and personnel salaries are expensive. The reason why I separated Moyu Live is precisely because of the introduction of external investment."

Moyu game, Moyu live broadcast.

As one of the two companies owned by Mo Yu, he wanted to hold all the equity in Moyu Games. In the past, there was a lack of space, so he promised Zhang Zhaoyang.

But now there is no news from Jingzhou Construction Engineering. Mo Yu heard that the project is too important to Jingzhou Construction Engineering and the investment is huge, so the board of directors has never reached an agreement on the venue transfer.

Just as the crisis is coming, the national real estate industry will experience a curve of small rise, big fall, and big rise next year. Mo Yu has already made plans to use money to buy land and houses at the bottom, and to build his own museum and headquarters building.

Even if Jingzhou Construction Engineering is willing to sell the venue later, he will not give up the gaming company's shares, but will find another way.

As for Moyu Live, Mo Yu does not intend to hold full shares.

The development of live broadcasting will definitely cost a lot of money, and it is certain that it will be an emerging industry favored by major investment companies. Moyu plans to release equity, accept financing, grab money from it, and develop and expand the platform.

As long as the platform can grow, it will be of great benefit to the development of e-sports in the future.

“If I want Moyu Live to attract the attention of various major venture capital firms, the current scale is not enough, so I want to organize several online e-sports competitions of “Gods and Gods” to attract gamers and convert them into viewers. , to build momentum, attract external capital injection, and boost development.”

"This competition is called the Moyu Anchor Competition. It will be held entirely online. There is no limit on the number of participants. As long as they are anchors on the platform, regardless of whether they are signed or not, they can participate in the competition!"

"The schedule does not need to be so formal. We can open up the virtual currency fish balls on our platform for betting. The platform anchors can form teams freely, and the official organization will draw lots to determine the opponents, and finally determine the champion!"

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