Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 164 Anchor Competition

The scale of the anchor competition is destined not to be too big, and it will not attract too much attention.

The purpose of this competition is to attract "Gods and Gods" players to join Moyu Live Broadcast and bring new users to the live broadcast platform.

Everything is organized around this purpose.

"I will let the game company arrange to cooperate in promoting the news of the anchor game. The relevant information can be logged into the client immediately to build momentum for the game." Mo Yu said: "In addition, players will take a commission from the revenue generated by betting on the game. I plan to use it to build Hope Primary Schools in rural towns around Jingzhou."

"The betting method sounds a bit like gambling. We can't put facts on it. This matter will be done in the name of Moyu Live Broadcast. The location selection of the Hope Primary School will be left to you. Don't be deceived. , the supervision of funds must be strict, and funds should be earmarked for specific purposes. Do not donate to any organization, we will find someone to repair it ourselves."

"Understood!" Jiang Qizhang nodded and said: "Doing charity will be of great benefit to the company's image. When the time comes, I will ask a few reporters to follow up on the report and do their best to promote the company's positive image!"

Mo Yu said with satisfaction: "As long as you understand, if the money is not enough to build ten primary schools, the company can subsidize it. You can apply here and I will let the finance department approve it."

"In addition, there are still too few "Gods and Gods" game anchors on the platform, and there are not enough people to hold anchor competitions. You can ask the people below to pay more attention. Potential newcomers can be signed first, and at least there must be enough people. "

"Yes, I know." Jiang Qizhang nodded, and then worried: "But Mr. Mo, I don't know much about holding competitions. How should the specific rules be formulated?"

Mo Yu waved his hand, took out the documents that had been prepared and handed them over: "Don't worry about this, I have already made a plan."

"The anchor competition adopts a points system. All participating teams are randomly selected and paired by the computer. One point will be added for a win and no points will be deducted for a loss. Before the deadline, the top eight teams with points will enter the competition."

"At this stage, Moyu Live needs to select a few representative games and use them as typical promotions."

"After reaching the quarter-finals, we will adopt a single round-robin BO1 competition system. One team will play a game with seven other teams. Bonus points will be added for winning and no points will be deducted for losing. After all games are played, the top four will be determined. , enter the semifinals.”

"The final semi-finals and finals will adopt a BO5 format until the final winner is determined! This stage is also the most important stage of the game. Before the game starts, you need to arrange a dedicated person to vigorously promote it."

"We must use this anchor competition to increase the number of users of Moyu Live!"

"In addition, you don't have to worry about professional referees and commentators. I will ask Yang Qiu to cooperate with you. He is now responsible for the organization of the company's e-sports events and has organized two more games. He is very experienced!"

Mo Yu arranged all the things that needed attention, and Jiang Qizhang was completely relieved and no longer had any worries.

When Mo Yu left, he immediately began to gather people to arrange matters.

Fishing company.

The office area allocated to the event organization department has become increasingly crowded. With the Jingzhou Cup being held, the original manpower is far from enough. They have been recruiting people during this period, and the entire eighteenth floor seems to have nowhere to stay. .

The entire office area is divided into multiple parts.

One part is a dedicated makeup team. Players, hosts, commentators and other people who need to be exposed in the video screen will have their makeup done by the girls in the makeup team before the game.

One part is the photography team, with more than a dozen people working, and next to it is an area specially used for taking pictures blocked by a curtain.

The main job of the photography team is to take makeup photos of the players, do post-production retouching, posters, stadium snaps, and all other shooting-related work.

Next to it is the area for the field personnel.

Referees, equipment, security, hosts, commentators, a large group of people mixed together.

Five people who often appear in the audience's sight, such as Tian Weiwei, Xiao Cang, Su Xiaoyan, Miller, and Wawa, work in this area.

On the other side, there is also a dedicated sound team and stage layout team. The entire department can be said to be small but well-equipped.

The entire event organization department, working together, can roughly afford all the manpower needed for a competition of the size of the Jingzhou Cup. No matter how big it is, no matter how many, it won't be enough.

Tian Weiwei, who was studying and watching the hosting videos of major evening parties at this time, couldn't help but stretch, then took off her glasses, turned her head and complained to Xiao Cang behind her: "Xiao Cang, why does the company hold a new competition? I’ve been a little busy lately~”

Xiao Cang couldn't help but laugh and said: "Didn't you complain about being too tired last time in the Jingzhou Cup? Now I ask you to rest more and study more, why can't you sit still again!"

Tian Weiwei said boredly: "It's boring~ Although the competition is tiring, it is much more interesting than working every day just watching videos, reading books, and reading information!"

Su Xiaoyan next to her interjected: "I'd rather read the materials and study. It's just us who commentate on the competition. It's so tiring! During the Jingzhou Cup, I talked about it every day until my mouth was dry, and I had to memorize player materials at night. , studying tactics, I didn’t get a good night’s sleep at all, the company needs to recruit people quickly, we can’t catch a few of us raking in wool every day!”

The three girls were chatting here, and Doll Miller and the other two people sitting opposite also joined in.

Wawa said: "Stop talking, okay? You female commentators are fine. Miller and I have commented on many more games than you. When we play games, we are so exhausted that we don't want to do anything after get off work. We just want to sleep!"

Miller also chimed in: "It's time to expand the scale, but our office space is a bit insufficient. No matter how many people there are, we don't know where to put them!"

Tian Weiwei lifted the hair hanging down by her ears: "That's right, the place is too crowded, everyone is working together, and there is not enough space."

Several people were chatting.

Yang Qiu suddenly walked in.

As soon as he came in, he walked directly in front of a few people. When he saw the five people talking and laughing, he didn't mind. He walked over and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Tian Weiwei, who has always been carefree, said: "Mr. Yang, we are talking about competitions and recruitment. Now our department is short of manpower. Every time there is a competition, we are the only ones on the field. There is not even a rotation. When will we recruit people?" ah?"

Yang Qiu said: "Recruiting people must be approved by Mr. Mo. There are not enough competitions now. If we recruit more people, we will just come in and get paid without working. We have to work hard for everyone first!"

Xiao Cang smiled and said: "It's not hard work. Everyone is very free after the Jingzhou Cup. Mr. Yang, will the company still hold competitions this year?"

The Jingzhou Cup is over, and it has gone through a period of development. It is now mid-December, and the Chinese New Year will be coming in two months. Several people also want to know if the company has any new plans.

Most of the commentators and hosts of LOL games in the previous life were part-time contracts signed with the competition league. They did not need to work, that is, they were paid for each game they commented. In addition to e-sports games, they occasionally received extra money on weekdays. .

A commentator once broke the news that commentating on an ordinary LPL game will be paid about 1,500 yuan.

However, Mo Yu adopted a working shift system. All employees in the event department signed labor contracts with the company and received monthly wages. The bonuses he received for commentating games were not as large as in his previous life.

"The game plan depends on how Mr. Mo arranges it, but there is an anchor game recently, and you guys will be transferred there to help." Yang Qiu said.

"Anchor competition?" Wawa asked curiously: "Is it a competition held by Moyu Live?"

Yang Qiu nodded: "Yes, the live broadcast platform wants to attract users, so we have organized an online competition. The anchors will form their own teams to participate. You will be transferred there. In addition, after this competition is over, you can also consider Log on to the contract signing platform and you can live stream after get off work to earn extra income, and the company does not impose restrictions.”

When several people heard this, their hearts moved.

They have also paid attention to Moyu Live since it was launched.

Several top anchors on the platform earn a huge amount of money just from gifts every day. When they meet wealthy bosses, they can easily earn tens of thousands per game.

Several people have also had this idea, but after all, they belong to the same company, so they can't sign up rashly.

Now that Yang Qiu said this, he was immediately tempted.

Tian Weiwei couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Yang, can we also sign a contract?"

Yang Qiu smiled and said: "Of course, as long as it doesn't affect your normal work. After the exposure of the two games, you now have a certain popularity. Being a host is also good for the development of the live broadcast platform."

"But for this matter, you should register after get off work. Currently, the focus of work is on the upcoming anchor competition. I will take you to Moyu Live to see Mr. Jiang later. Everything will be arranged by him."

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