Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 301 Final List

The battle ended faster than expected.

As both teams can participate in A-level events, it stands to reason that both sides should be at the same level, but in reality, when it comes to fighting, the Royal Family is not even a little bit better than their opponents.

Everyone was mentally prepared before the start of the game. As soon as the game started, they chose a set of famous and most familiar four-guarantee-one play. As a result, before the mid-term, each line had already gained obvious advantages.

When Shenchao got the Crocodile on the top lane, he was simply out of character. He played steadily at first, but after a few waves of duels, he found that the opponent's top laner was completely inferior to him in terms of blood exchange, understanding of the army line, operation, and consciousness. Shenchao directly transformed into the God of Killing. Two consecutive waves of single kills sounded the attack horn.

The crocodile's single kill was like a big drum to boost morale. After three rounds, the mid laner scored 82 or even 91 on five or five. The opposing mid laner had almost no power to fight back and was pinned under the tower the whole time.

Not to mention the bottom lane. Although Uzi is young at this stage, he seems to be a battle-hardened warrior in the game. He pulls and moves in various ways, making the opponent's AD unable to take care of himself. In the end, he even completed a tower jump. Kill.

The jungle was in a similar situation. A mantis was running rampant in the jungle. It was obvious that Olaf was not an advantageous matchup in the early stage, but Lucky was forced to give him an advantage. Olaf did not dare to fight at all and ran away when he saw it.

In just about ten minutes, all four directions were excellent.

The game finally ended at 28 minutes, and the Royal Family successfully won the first game.

"Wow, the opponent is too good!" The yellow-haired baboon shouted: "Really, there is no pressure at all, what's going on! I just defeated them online!"

Shenchao said with a smile on his face: "I thought I couldn't get the crocodile, but they couldn't help it at all."

Crocodile is his best hero.

In the domestic arena, everyone knows that against the Super League, if you are not sure, you must ban his crocodile.

As a result, the North American team on the opposite side gave way so generously, causing Shenchao to make all kinds of speculations. They dared to lock in under huge invisible pressure. After going online, they were still afraid of some secret tricks until they confirmed that their opponent was After the real dish, I didn't dare to let go until I got the first blood.

Uzi beamed: "If they are all teams of this level, then their seats will definitely be guaranteed!"

As the team leader, TABE was very happy, but he still warned: "Don't be too relaxed. The national server is the first division and the strongest. We have been baptized by so many expert teams, so this kind of one-sidedness occurs." situation."

"But after all, it is the S1 auditions, and there are many experts. It is impossible for the next team to be this kind of weak team. Don't be careless."

His warning reached the hearts of many people. It was gratifying to win the first game, but the ultimate goal was the S1 seat. The royal family must be cautious and pay utmost attention.

"Tabe is right, this is just the beginning!"

"Stop making trouble and get ready for the next one. Please be careful and don't get on top!"

"come on!"

Several people are united and continue to prepare for war.

Outside the box.

The players who gathered spontaneously grew more and more excited. Some of them cared about the royal family, while others paid attention to the game. However, without exception, it was always a joy to see a team from one's own country defeat a team from an overseas country.

Everyone watched with excitement and kept applauding and cheering.

Internet cafes all over the world have gathered into a sea of ​​red!

Since it was an online competition, the auditions went very quickly. One round could be completed within one day, and the competition soon came to an end.

After several days of fighting, more than a dozen teams from the five major regions are fighting with all their strength for the last two places. The further back they go, the stronger the teams become and their will to fight becomes stronger. Every resource and field of vision becomes more important. , all are thinking of ways to fight for it, unwilling to give up easily, laying the foundation for victory bit by bit.

But after all, in the e-sports arena, it doesn’t matter whether you are all-out or not, and regardless of will, only strength is the king!

Whoever is stronger will win!

Many teams with insufficient strength shed tears on the field and missed the final S1 seat. The last two teams fought hard and finally got the coveted seat.

Fishing company.

"Mr. Mo, the audition is over." Yang Qiu came over to report.

"Oh? Which teams are they?" Mo Yu put down his work and raised his head to ask.

Yang Qiu replied: "KTB in the Korean division and SHR in the national server are the royal family."

"Royal family and KTB?" Mo Yu smiled when he heard this: "You are well-deserved!"

Needless to say, the Royal Family is one of the earliest e-sports teams to appear. The players in the five positions in the team are all very strong in terms of personal strength, especially Uzi in the bottom lane. The genius at the AD position can match up with anyone.

However, it can be said that the royal family succeeds or fails.

The little fat man's personal strength is too bad. Even if he is not suitable for the version, the royal family will often use a lineup of four guarantees and one. Sometimes it will have miraculous results, and sometimes it will be defeated. The focus of the team is too tilted, the upper limit is very high, and the lower limit is also low. It's very low, and it's not a professional team yet. The team members are often scattered and it's difficult to get together. Their true strength has not yet been fully demonstrated, and there is a lot of room for improvement.

KTB has been dominating the country since the establishment of the Korean Division, but failed in several important games. Finally, some time ago, it was favored by a big boss and invested in the establishment of a professional club, which was renamed KT Club. It also has other establishments under its umbrella. A KTA team was formed, but KTA failed to win.

KTB participated in several A-level competitions after that, but due to various abnormal performances, they never got a place. Finally, the long-suppressed depression finally broke out in this audition. The five people worked together to beat the crowd. Got an S1 seat.

"The strength of these two teams is indeed very strong. They are the only ones among all the participating teams in this audition. It is reasonable for them to advance." Yang Qiu said: "Now all 16 seats are available. It has been determined that this is the final list of teams participating in S1.”

Yang Qiu handed over a list.

"Bring it to me and see."

Mo Yu reached out and took the list.

The list above is all the information of the sixteen teams participating in S1.

Team name, LOGO, players, participants, commonly used heroes, past honors, personal data, KDA, number of kills, number of MVPs... all are included in the statistics.

Not only the teams, but also the personal information of the players is very detailed, and it is obvious that they have done a lot of research.

A total of sixteen teams participated in the S1 World Finals.

There are a total of six teams from the Chinese Division: LGD, IG, Emperor Star, WE, OMG, and Royal Family.

FNC and EG are two teams from the European Division.

There are three teams from the Korean Division: SKT, NaJin Sword, and KTB.

There are three teams from the Southeast Asia region: TPA, FW, and AHQ.

TSM and C9 are two teams from the North American Division.

There are a total of sixteen teams, and the Chinese Division is still the undisputed first division, ranking first with the most participating seats!

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