Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 302 Team Rankings

"There is no problem with the list, and the data is also very comprehensive. Now that the results have come out, this list will be sent to the official website. Also, how is the arrangement in Chengdu?" Mo Yu asked.

Chengdu and Jiangcheng are the venues for the first game of the S1 group stage, and Chengdu is ahead of Jiangcheng.

All participating teams must arrive in Chengdu as their first stop. Not only do they have to cooperate in shooting promotional posters, videos, and pre-match declarations, but they also have to get familiar with the venue, record the expedition ceremony, draw lots, etc. A lot of things are waiting there.

S1 is not just a competition, there is also a lot of publicity work that needs to be coordinated.

Every player has the potential to become the top player in the e-sports circle.

To promote e-sports, launching star players is a very good way to promote it. The most typical one is undoubtedly Uzi in his previous life. It can be said that everyone knows and knows about him. Whether he likes him or not, he is an e-sports player or not. Whether people in the industry know him or not, they must have at least heard of the name Uzi.

This is a kind of star effect, which can increase the exposure and influence of e-sports, which is of great benefit.

However, Mo Yu cannot make a judgment on who of the current players can stand out first, so everyone is treated equally and all treatments are the same. We will wait until later to see who performs better, has a better record, and the discussion is more popular. Then we can determine the star players.

"It has been arranged." Yang Qiu said: "The venue is set to be in Hall 1 of the Chengdu International Convention and Exhibition Center. A total of 5,429 spectator seats are arranged on site. The ticket price for the group stage is set at 88 yuan/day, and you can watch all the games on that day; In addition, the accommodation of the contestants is arranged in the Dreamland Hotel in Chengdu. Each room is equipped with computers and small blackboards to facilitate review after the game. In terms of food, six chef teams from Gaul, Meiliguo, Sichuan, Hunan, Shandong and Cantonese are arranged to take charge of travel. A total of ten air-conditioned buses have been rented for pick-up and drop-off.”

Yang Qiu reported a lot of things, including food, clothing, housing and transportation. The things were cumbersome but had to be done.

Compared with the previous life, the S1 held by Mo Yu was undoubtedly more grand.

Maybe it’s because he is Chinese!

I was born with this gene engraved in my bones, and I am used to the atmosphere of "It's no wonder that friends come from far away". I am used to the domineering attitude of "Coming from all over the world, and all foreign guests are convinced". I can never be easy in front of anyone. Losing the face of a great country is a pride engraved in one’s bones!

What's more, he is not without money. The revenue brought by "Gods and Gods" is billions every year. The S1 event itself has also recovered a lot of costs. Although hosting S1 is generally a loss, Mo Yu never Expect to make money from e-sports competitions.

The biggest benefit of e-sports competition is that it provides him with social status, fulfills his dream, and provides him with enough capital to settle down and live for life.

make money? That's a game thing!

"very good."

After listening to Yang Qiu's report, Mo Yu said with satisfaction: "Rongcheng is the first stop. It is to leave the best impression on everyone who is paying attention to e-sports around the world. You have arranged it well, but the competition will not be long. Finish the things in the company quickly, put aside all the unimportant things, and arrest them again in the six cities to make sure nothing goes wrong."


Yang Qiu replied: "I am currently arranging things for the Jingzhou Finals. When I finish my work here, I will go to other places and do it again."

Jingzhou is the final venue for the finals. It is also the city where e-sports was born. It is also known as the "e-sports capital" to the outside world. Officials and people are very supportive. It has a strong e-sports atmosphere and is considered a holy place in the hearts of many fans. , there will be a kind of pilgrimage mentality when you come here.

The S1 finals are arranged here, which is of great significance. The affairs are more complicated and there are more things to arrange.

Airports, roads, railway stations, bus stations, street lights, overpasses, buses, elevators, taxis, radios, and TV stations everywhere in Jingzhou where advertisements could be placed have been replaced. News of the S1 finals is everywhere.

When a bus passes by on the roadside, you can see the promotional poster of 'The First World Finals of Gods and Gods' on the side. The LED electronic billboards on the top of the taxi all have the same words. Turn on the radio and tune it to 91.8 Beijing On the State Voice Channel, there must be an advertisement chanted by a calm male voice in the middle of every program.

"The only and unique one in the world, the first World E-Sports Finals of "Gods and Gods" is about to begin; five major competition areas and dozens of countries, let's ask the heroes of the world who can compete; in December, the decisive battle will be at the top of Jingzhou!"

The advertising slogan is very average, but the dubbing is so soulful that it makes people's blood boil, their mood is surging, and they want to play it right away.

The taxi driver was immediately vomited. As soon as he turned on the radio, there was S1 news, which was unstoppable.

But there is no way, until the day the competition is held, Jingzhou will be a sea of ​​e-sports!

"Just be prepared. You can arrange the specific itinerary yourself." Mo Yu nodded and said, "By the way, there is one more thing. Is the ranking ready?"

"We have a preliminary plan, please take a look."

Yang Qiu took out another document.

Above the document is an official team ranking.

It lists the past results of each team, the field data of each player, and uses comprehensive statistics to determine the ranking.

The first one on the list is Emperor Star.

This is what the review says.

"Emperor Star Team is the first professional team in the world. It has won many championships and is currently the team with the most championship honors in the world. All the players on the team are top players in various positions and have unrivaled strength. !Whether it is tactics, game ideas, or game understanding, they are all at the top level in the world. There is no team in the five major regions that can compete with the Emperor Star team. Based on the comprehensive evaluation, the team believes that Emperor Star has the ability to win the world's No. 1 ranking. The strength of one!”

Ranked second is the LGD team.

"A super team sponsored by an extremely delicious food company. It is the second professional team in the world. It competes in competitions all year round with very few losses. It is also one of the earliest e-sports teams in the world. The players on the team have a huge number of players. The hero pool has achieved many good results. Among all the teams in the five major regions, no one is afraid of the name LGD. Any team must be prepared to face LGD because they know that any small mistake will be punished. LGD grabbed it and quickly tore it apart to win the final victory!"

Ranked third is WE.

"The third-ranked professional club in the world, currently the only champion skin owner, with a huge number of supporting fans, is undoubtedly the top three in the Chinese competition, suppressing most teams at its feet, and is also the first-class super team in the world. Team, if anyone dares to despise this lion, he will pay a heavy price."

The fourth place is FNC.

The fifth place is OMG, and the sixth place is SKT.

Next are Royal Family, TSM, KTA, IG, TPA, FW, C9, AHQ, NaJin Sword, and EG.

All domestic teams are at the forefront!

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