"Isn't it too much?"

Mo Yu looked at the list and felt something was wrong.

Judging from various statistical data alone, there is no doubt that the accuracy of the ranking order of the list is true. The three established teams of Emperor Star, WE, and LGD are indeed the earliest established teams with the best results on the field. The national server is indeed recognized by players. Division One.

But just releasing the list like this, with all six teams in the national server ranking at the top, may cause dissatisfaction among players in other divisions.

"Needless to say, the strength of the national server is strong, but the competition results of the three teams of Royal Family, OMG, and IG may not be enough to support their position in the list, and the six national server teams are all ranked at the top. I am worried that it will If a dispute arises, my suggestion is to adjust it.”

Yang Qiu thought for a few seconds after hearing this, and then said: "The data on the list are all true and correct. All team rankings are also determined after careful comparison. Based on the record, the competitive level of the players, and the past teams The winning-losing relationship between teams may not be comparable to teams in other divisions.”

"And the ranking of the top three will definitely not cause any disputes. Everyone knows that Emperor Star, WE, and LGD are the strongest teams. Everyone is staring at them, and OMG, Royal Family, and IG are also ranked fifth. , seventh, tenth, this ranking is not too high.”

"In addition, the list also refers to the opinions of some external websites. On the external websites, they are even more radical than our ranking!"

Yang Qiu said and took out several reference materials.

The above is a list spontaneously arranged by some netizens on the Internet.

On several lists, the Chinese teams are all ranked at the top without exception. There is even a list where the top six are all domestic teams, while all other divisions are on the sidelines.

"Our list also takes into account the opinions of many netizens. Taken together, it may be the most accurate and popular list."

"Having said that."

Mo Yu frowned slightly, and after thinking for a few seconds, he felt that what Yang Qiu said made sense.

This is the reality. From his perspective, the overall competitive level of the national server is one level higher than that of other competition regions.

The first reason is that the national server is the earliest, and the second is that the competition in the national server is the most fierce. Not only are there the earliest professional teams, but these professional teams have also led to the improvement of the competition level in the entire division.

If not, tens of millions of players around the world in "Gods and Gods" would not unanimously recognize the Chinese server as the strongest competition region.

"What you said makes sense, so let's arrange it this way!"

Mo Yu finally came to a conclusion.

No matter how good the data is, it is just a data. Anything can happen during the game. No matter how excellent the past data performance is, it cannot represent the current technical level. The list can only be used as a reference.

There may even be some metaphysical meaning, tainted with some kind of indescribable curse.

After all, in the previous life, this list was ridiculed by netizens as a "list of sacrifices to the heavens". In a sense, the teams ranked higher were targeted the most and were overburdened. In the end, they often failed to perform well. The results, especially the first place, are almost without exception except for the triple crown winner SKT.

To a certain extent, this can be considered a poisonous milk list.

When I often publish, I will be ridiculed by countless netizens. Just let my team go, it doesn't deserve it!

The implication could not be more obvious.

The historical experience of the previous life has proved this. Mo Yu only hopes that this life will not be so outrageous, otherwise it will be difficult for him to survive!

"Then let's announce it as it is. Even if there are some controversies and questions, it doesn't matter, as long as it can bring heat!" Mo Yu ordered: "Send it out together with the S1 entry list. It's all up to netizens to discuss, don't worry about it. ”

"Okay, then I'll arrange for someone to proofread it again and send it to the official website immediately after confirming it's correct."

Yang Qiu immediately took the order and left.

The next day.

The entry list and ranking list are newly released.

In just one hour, the two announcements spread rapidly, causing countless discussions among netizens.

Many people are expressing their opinions on the official team rankings.

"Isn't it too high for the Royal Family to be ranked seventh? The teams that just entered the auditions should be ranked at least tenth or higher!"

"Hasn't IG already established a club? Is this still tenth?"

"Number one among the Emperor Stars? Who gives you the face?"

"The three established teams are undisputed. Emperor Star has the best results in the competition. It is normal to be ranked first!"

"Can a team like FNC be ranked fourth?"

"Why not? FNC won the runner-up in the European and American Cup and has a record to support it. Why can't it be fourth?"

"No? SKT is still ranked behind OMG? Although it is a Korean team, SKT's performance in the international arena is not worse than OMG, right?"

"The team from the Republic of Korea should be ranked first!"

"Isn't the Flash Wolf powerful? It really doesn't fit the current term!"

"Fart! Assassination Star is the strongest!"


Conflicts abounded.

Some are rational analysis, some attract hatred, some are controversial and some are questioning, in short, there is everything.

But statistics show that the focus of debate among netizens is more on the ranking of teams after the top three.

Many people think that OMG and Royal Family are ranked too high and should be moved back; others think that the Korean division team should be ranked higher; European and American netizens are more controversial about FNC's position. The European division believes that it is well deserved. The North American division thinks TSM should be higher; the Southeast Asian division is the most peaceful, with all three tier teams ranked in the middle, which they think is pretty good.

In short, netizens in each division have their own opinions. The list cannot satisfy everyone's appetite. Everyone feels that the teams in their division should not be ranked this way, but should be higher.

It's no surprise that it sparked a lot of controversy.

On the other hand, there are far fewer people who question the top three positions of the three established teams.

After all, the past record is there. Although there are occasional losses, more victories cannot be ignored, and the doubts of netizens are not so tenable.

The popularity is fermenting, S1's influence is gradually setting off a wave, and the competition time is approaching, and a large number of companies in the gaming industry, e-sports industry, computer host industry, etc. have focused their attention.

A storm is brewing!

Among the six major host cities.

The indiscriminate advertising campaign has become even more intense. Moyu Company has also done all the pre-game work, and the list of contestants has been compiled.

Sixteen teams, with a total of 80 players, plus several teams recruiting additional substitutes, and the rest of the logistics team including team leaders, coaches, etc., a total of 174 people, are ready to leave for Chengdu at any time.


Seeing that the time was getting closer, after work, Mo Yu planned to call Shang Xingyue before flying to Chengdu.

The ringing rang for a few seconds and was quickly answered.

"Business reporter, you're fine. Do you want to come over and watch the game?"

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