Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 305 Hope of becoming a formal project

"Probably millions of people will watch it!"

Shang Xingyue downplayed it.

Next to her, Lin Wan had been listening to the conversation between the two fathers and daughters. When she heard this, she couldn't help but said: "I have just heard a general idea. What kind of e-sports is just a game competition? How many millions of people can it be so exaggerated?"

Shang Xingyue was about to explain, but Shang Cunyuan waved his hand and said: "Don't underestimate e-sports. I have also heard some news that this event is very popular, otherwise it would not have spread to the bureau. Even if there are not many There are millions of people and hundreds of thousands of viewers, but the more specific situation is not clear and I only learned about it in written investigation reports."

Shang Xingyue heard this and secretly thought that it was indeed the case.

Someone in my father’s workplace has actually written an investigation report on e-sports!

What exactly is written in this report, and is it a good or bad evaluation of e-sports?

Shang Xingyue couldn't help but frown.

"Hundreds of thousands of people? That's incredible. It's a big movement!" Lin Wan said in surprise.

Shang Cunyuan nodded: "It really shouldn't be underestimated! Xingyue, since you are friends with the organizer, you should probably know more details. Tell me, let me hear what's going on?"


Shang Xingyue put away his thoughts.

"Actually, the millions of people I just mentioned are not an exaggeration at all. On the contrary, they are too few. Judging from the current situation, there should be tens of millions of e-sports fans around the world."

"Ten million?" Shang Cunyuan was very surprised: "Really or not?"

"Really!" Shang Xingyue said: "E-sports is different from traditional sports. Because it was born out of online games, it is very popular among young people, and its spread is particularly wide and rapid. In addition, watching games The convenience, so the actual audience will be much larger than people think!”

"This year it is 10 million, and next year it may be 100 million. It spreads very quickly!"

"This is a bit unexpected." Shang Cunyuan said thoughtfully: "It seems that the report is not comprehensive, continue!"

Shang Xingyue didn't know what was written in the report, but at this time, she also knew that what she had to do was to try her best to retell everything she saw and heard as it was, without adding words and vinegar, just stating the facts.

So she simply stated some of the things she learned.

After returning from Jingzhou, she can be regarded as an e-sports fan. She has learned a lot about e-sports. She has a clear understanding of the development history of e-sports, its current scale, competition items and other data.

At this time, the words are eloquent, organized, concise and clear.

"Actually, the development of e-sports is still in its early stages. The only project is a game called "Gods and Gods". The entire project operation system is similar to basketball and football. It adopts a commercial club approach. Each project Each club develops a team and then participates in various competitions to obtain bonuses.”

"The main audience for the event is mostly game players and people under the age of 25, and it has supporters all over the world."

"E-sports itself is not well-known in the outside world, let alone in terms of commercial revenue. The overall operation is at a loss and depends entirely on the blood supply from the organizers."

"Since e-sports was born out of games, the reputation of e-sports is not very good, and the public opinion environment is worrying."

"Currently, the entire e-sports structure is divided into five major competition areas around the world. It adopts a cup system similar to tennis, and the events are divided into four SABC levels from high to low. The World Finals you just mentioned is the most advanced S-level event. At the same time, the bonus is also the highest, exceeding 100 million!"


Shang Xingyue told everything she knew about e-sports.

Lin Wan had already gone to the kitchen to wash up at some point, but Shang Cunyuan listened very carefully and asked some questions from time to time. After getting the answers, he continued to listen carefully and asked clearly if there was anything he didn't understand.

"In general, although e-sports is only in its early stages, it is progressing very rapidly. The organizers are willing to invest money. There are many outsiders who are optimistic about it. It has a huge audience base. The economic benefits of the industry are not small. The most important thing is that it is the origin of modern times. It is a popular domestic event with great potential. I judge that its future scale and influence will not be too bad, and it is likely to become a popular and enduring competitive sport around the world!"

"That's about all I know."

Shang Xingyue took a sip of water and stopped.

Shang Cunyuan was silent for a few seconds before sighing: "It's amazing, it's really amazing. In just two years, it has developed to such a scale. Not only did the game become an event, but it also created a live webcast and held so many events. You That friend is really young and promising, what’s his name?”

"Mo Yu." Shang Xingyue said.

"Mo Yu. Mo Yu is amazing!" Shang Cunyuan muttered a few words to himself and sighed: "It is a great blessing for you to have such a young talent. I would like to see him in person if I have the opportunity. What kind of young man can actually have such great abilities!"

"If Mo Yu knew that I could see you, I would be very happy." Shang Xingyue said with a smile.

"There will be a chance!" Shang Cunyuan waved his hand and said: "Xingyue, what you just said about e-sports is much more detailed than the investigation report handed over by the bureau. So, you can help dad with something. How are things?"

"What's going on?" Shang Xingyue asked curiously.

"Due to the Olympics this year, the top management put forward the basic policy of vigorously developing sports and investigated many sports. It is because of this that I learned about e-sports." Shang Cunyuan said solemnly: "But you also It should be clear that e-sports is a bit sensitive, and previous reports were unclear, and many things were not carefully investigated."

"Since Mo Yu invited you to watch the game, how about you go there as a favor, conduct a thorough investigation, and then write back a detailed written report?"

Only then did Shang Xingyue realize why his father knew about e-sports so early.

The influence of the Olympic Games is extremely huge.

Through this conference, the country has gained a lot of face in the international community and boosted national confidence. It has shown the style of a great country in the world. There are many benefits, so the top management has proposed vigorously developing sports. Movement guidelines.

She had heard a little bit about this matter, and it had even appeared on the news column of CC1, but she did not expect that e-sports was also among the sports under investigation, and she had already sent someone to investigate and form a written report.

Suddenly her heart moved, and she immediately thought of a deeper level.

If the performance of e-sports is good enough and it can pass all the difficulties, it may be endorsed by the national level and become a recorded official sport. It will jump from a straggler to a regular army, which is equivalent to having a formal status.

As long as there is this official identity recognized by the authorities, it will be easy to handle, and the benefits to e-sports are indescribable.

Moreover, this matter is what is being done, and it is not a back door. There is no need to worry about anyone making irresponsible remarks. It is simply justified and has no impact at all.

"I don't have any objection." Shang Xingyue said hesitantly: "But Dad, you also know that as the end of the year is approaching, the work in the station is too busy, and I'm afraid it will have an impact."

"That's okay." Shang Cunyuan waved his hand: "I'll ask someone to say hello and ask for leave for you. I believe it will give you face. You can just go on your own, and be sure to record the truest situation."

"That's no problem!" Shang Xingyue immediately agreed: "I'll make preparations and set off in two days!"

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