Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 306 Two things



Mo Yu received Shang Xingyue.

"Didn't I tell you to fly directly to Rongcheng? Why are you here in Jingzhou?"

He took the suitcase from Shang Xingyue's hand and Mo Yu led the way.

Shang Xingyue followed him: "The game hasn't started yet anyway, so I might as well come to Jingzhou and set off with you."

"That's okay." Mo Yu smiled and said, "I'll have someone arrange a hotel for you to stay in. You can take a walk around Jingzhou and leave as soon as the things are done."


Shang Xingyue nodded and glanced around.

She saw S1 advertising posters everywhere in Jingzhou Airport. There were many sculptures of characters in the game erected in the open space of the lobby. The entire airport was filled with a strong e-sports atmosphere.

"You are really willing to spend a lot of money. The airport is full of advertisements. Just now on the plane, the stewardess reminded the passengers about the upcoming S1 event. What a big deal!"

"In today's era, publicity may even be more important than the product itself. If I want to develop e-sports, of course I can't lag behind in marketing." Mo Yu said with a smile: "But we are just in Jingzhou, and we are all familiar with each other. Everyone is willing to cooperate, and there is no such grand occasion in other places.”

The two walked all the way outside the airport and waited for the driver to drive over.

Just like inside the airport, S1 promotional posters are posted in many places in the terminal building. Even the signs on the street lamps have been replaced by the world finals advertisements from real estate companies.

The roofs and bodies of the taxis that come and go are all the same.

"Wait two minutes, I have already informed the driver to start driving."

Mo Yu put down his phone.

Shang Xingyue said: "It's okay, I just took this opportunity to tell you something."

"What's going on?" Mo Yu joked: "Did the station change its tune and agree to be on the show?"

"That's not true." Shang Xingyue lifted his messy hair from his ears, looked at him and said solemnly: "There are two main things, they are very important."

Her tone and demeanor were extremely solemn. Upon seeing this, Mo Yu immediately put away his smile and listened attentively.

Shang Xingyue said: "First, in my family, you must be very curious about my identity, but my father's identity is very important and he is in a high position. There are often people who try to get a breakthrough from me through various means, so I never tell anyone about it, but this time, I told my dad about e-sports, and he was very interested in you and said he would like to find a chance to meet you."

Mo Yu was startled when he heard this, and a feeling of nervousness suddenly surged in his heart.

He knew that Shang Xingyue's identity was mysterious, but he never knew what the specific situation was. Unexpectedly, Shang Xingyue would take the initiative to confess this time.

Taking a deep breath secretly to calm his mind, Mo Yu said as calmly as possible: "Your father wants to see me? I don't have any objection, but I just don't know who he is? From your tone, it sounds like it's very extraordinary, not something ordinary people can do. An easily accessible existence.”

"It is indeed not something that ordinary people can easily access." Shang Xingyue nodded, then changed the subject and dropped a super bombshell.

"My dad is Shang Cunyuan! Do you recognize him?"

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

Mo Yu's heart was pounding!

It turns out it’s really Shang Cun Yuan!

Although there had been speculations, but now it was finally confirmed from Shang Xingyue, he was still shocked. His previous mental preparation was of no use at all.

Shang Cunyuan's status is too high. He is one of the big figures who stands at the apex of power. He manages all cultural and sports activities in the entire country. For him, e-sports can really mean the difference between life and death with just one word.

The position is high and the authority is high! The position is high and the authority is high!

Mo Yu couldn't help but take deep breaths, and it took a long time to calm down.

"I didn't expect you to be Shang Cunyuan's daughter! It's unbelievable, it's amazing!"

The look of horror in Mo Yu's eyes was still hard to erase.

"My father's identity is very important. I was also influenced by him and became very interested in the sports industry, so I became a sports reporter." Shang Xingyue said: "Just know this and don't spread it everywhere. , I didn’t want to tell you at first, but I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to explain clearly, so I told you. You just need to know what’s going on.”

"I know that. You must be tight-lipped!" Mo Yu nodded, but couldn't help but ask: "I wonder if you have told him about e-sports, and what is his opinion on e-sports?"

"This is the second thing." Shang Xingyue said: "Due to the Olympics, this year the country put forward the slogan of vigorously developing sports, and it even made headlines in newspapers."

"Yeah." Mo Yu replied, "I've seen the news."

Shang Xingyue reminded: "Because of this, the e-sports event has reached my dad's ears, and he has sent people over to investigate. I wonder if you have discovered it?"

"Has anyone come to investigate?" Mo Yu was startled when he heard this, and immediately lowered his head to think about it.

Since it was after the Olympics, there was only the Emperor Star Cup. However, there were countless tourists from all over the world at that time, and there were outsiders everywhere. Even if there were investigators who could not find him, he would not be able to find him.

Moreover, he had been watching the game with Shang Xingyue in the infield and had never seen any investigators at all.

"I don't know that. After thinking about it, I really haven't seen it before."

"It doesn't matter whether we have met or not." Shang Xingyue waved his hand and said, "This time I became an investigator!"

"Huh? Are you an investigator? What do you mean?" Mo Yu was confused.

Shang Xingyue immediately told Mo Yu what his father had arranged, and also shared some of his guesses.

Mo Yu was overjoyed immediately after hearing this.

"That is to say, once this investigation is passed, maybe e-sports can become a registered official project?"

If e-sports becomes an officially recognized project, the benefits will be huge.

It means that a gangster has a formal identity. No matter what he does, he can be justified. He can stand firm in the face of public criticism. He can take the initiative in the situation. No one can slander e-sports, and e-sports can also do it. Becoming a formal event can attract more funds to enter the competition. You can apply to join an internationally recognized competition and have the confidence to discuss it in various cities.

There are so many benefits!

Whether it’s actual or hidden benefits, there are all benefits that are simply too numerous to count!

Mo Yu didn't expect to hear such great news, and he was inexplicably excited!

He thought that e-sports in his previous life was only officially recognized a long time after its emergence. Unexpectedly, in this world, he encountered the opportunity only in the second year. What a blessing!

"Very good!"

Mo Yu couldn't help but clapped his hands and applauded: "But is it as expected? What do you think?"

"I guess so, otherwise the investigation is meaningless." Shang Xingyue nodded, and then said: "Of course, although you and I are friends, I don't like to show favoritism in this matter, and once I do it, I will make false claims. It is also very easy to be exposed. I will only report what I saw, heard, and witnessed with my own eyes. I hope you can understand!"

Mo Yu waved his hand and said indifferently: "Don't worry, I can understand. It's a huge blessing to have such an opportunity. You don't have to worry about anything at all. It's enough to report it according to the facts. Whether it's good or bad, write it all down. , who you want to interview, what photos you want to take, what videos you want to record, all are given the green light, without any privacy!”

"That's good!"

Shang Xingyue smiled slightly.


At this time the driver arrived.

Mo Yu immediately asked Shang Xingyue to get in the car and rushed all the way to the company.

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