Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 330 Unofficial decision

"What a dark horse!"

In the audience, Shang Xingyue was surprised.

"It's really unexpected that LGD actually lost to SKT. This result is probably something no one could have imagined before the game!"

Looking at Guapi, who won the MVP award on the stage and was being interviewed with a smile on his face, Mo Yu couldn't help shaking his head and sighed: "It's really hard to believe that the favorite to win the championship lost to a dark horse. Who dares to believe it? Before the start of S1 , if anyone dares to say that SKT can win, they will probably be laughed out of their wits. Now it is completely different. The SKT team has become famous in one battle, and everyone knows about it. Several of their players are going to be famous. !”

"Yes!" Shang Xingyue sighed: "Now, only LGD and Emperor Star are the only domestic teams left. I don't know if they will be in the finals by then. If they don't perform well, maybe an overseas team will compete in the finals. Then It’s really unacceptable.”

SKT won the upper bracket championship, which means that one team in the finals has been determined, and the remaining team will have to choose between LGD and the four teams that fell into the lower bracket, FNC, TPA, and Emperor Star.

Although there are still two domestic teams among them, the odds are no longer comparable to what they were at the beginning.

Before the game, almost all the viewers felt that this time S1, if nothing else, with the technical strength of the national server teams, there would definitely be a civil war between the national server teams. Who could have imagined that this would be the result?

If there were two overseas teams in the finals in Jingzhou, domestic e-sports fans would be so angry that they would vomit blood, and their title as the first division of the national server would be deprived of them!

No one can accept it.

Just like the S7 of that year, which Chinese person doesn't hold a breath in his heart?

Mo Yu was a little worried when he thought about it. He was really afraid that such a result would definitely cause a huge blow to the development of e-sports in the country, not to mention the investigation report given by Shang Xingyue. As a result, we might as well consider whether to incorporate e-sports into official sports.

Shang Xingyue also thought about this problem and said with a little worry: "Although the civil war in the finals will definitely not be fought, there must at least be a domestic team, right? If you can't win the championship, you have to have a runner-up, but according to the current situation, This is worrying, do you want to use some means?"

"You mean the results of the game were manipulated internally?"

Mo Yu asked.

"I'm just making a suggestion. It's up to you to decide whether to do it or not." Shang Xingyue said, "But this result will definitely be more beneficial to you and e-sports."

"That's not necessarily the case!" Mo Yu thought for a few seconds and shook his head firmly: "Although there are advantages, the disadvantages are actually greater."

"Since e-sports is a competitive sport, it must be fair no matter what. I will definitely not do something like deciding the champion. First, it is against the spirit of sports. Second, it will not pass my own test. Even if something happens in the future, The exposure of the matter is also a major blow to the credibility of e-sports, and the gain outweighs the loss!"

"Okay!" Shang Xingyue sighed: "What you said makes sense. In any game, even a black whistler will be scolded, let alone a direct decision. I thought too simply."

"You are also thinking about me." Mo Yu waved his hand and said, "It's just chaos if you care."

"Fairness is always the most important factor that cannot be ignored in competitive sports."

"If you really go by the results of internal manipulation as you said, it would be a stain on the word competition, which is unacceptable to anyone. It's like some countries hosting a game as hosts, and all the penalties are in their favor, and they will definitely receive a lot of abuse. "

"Even if there is no Chinese team in the S1 finals, which will cause a setback to the development of e-sports, we will definitely not do such a thing!"

Mo Yu is familiar with the development of e-sports. Once he takes the lead in S1 and gets off to a bad start, then Spinach, who is deeply involved in e-sports, will definitely cause an uproar. He will not do it even if he is killed. Then It’s about digging your own foundation.

Just like last year's Enter the Dragon Cup held in South Korea, which caused disconnections. As long as e-sports exists, people will always remember this incident. It is a black spot that will never be erased in the history of Korean e-sports development.

"In case no domestic team advances to the finals, all I can do is try my best to maintain the situation and increase publicity to cover up the negative emotions as much as possible. The rest depends on the fans' own thoughts. Whether they support it or not, I don't care. It’s not here anymore.”

"Then I hope LGD and Emperor Star will work hard!" Shang Xingyue sighed: "No matter what, the 1/2 chance is still very high."

"Come on!"

Mo Yu sighed.

With SKT winning the upper bracket, there are only two stages left.

One is the semi-finals held in Shanghai. The remaining four teams, LGD, FNC, TPA and Emperor Star, will go to the Shanghai Stadium to hold the event. There are 13,000 seats on site and four super large screens in the southeast, northwest and northwest. Even the spectators sitting furthest away can clearly see the game.

The stage uses an extremely innovative 3D video effect. The entire ground is a three-dimensional picture as if it is in the clouds. There are two giant dragons breathing fire and waves in the clouds, and on the back of the dragon is the competition computer.

When the stage effect is turned on, from a distance, the players seem to be competing on the back of a giant dragon in the clouds.

This visual effect is most obvious when watching the live broadcast through a computer screen.

The other time was the finals held in Jingzhou.

SKT will directly skip the semi-finals in Shanghai and have more preparation time to go directly to Jingzhou to prepare.

The reason why I chose to skip is also a little compensation for the winner of the upper bracket.

Many people think that the double-elimination format is unfair to the winners of the upper bracket, because the losers have two chances, and the winners win continuously, but once they fail in the end, they will be completely outcast and can only be the runner-up.

Taking this into account, the bye in the semi-finals of the Magic City stage is a little preferential treatment for the winner's group champions, allowing them more time to prepare, but the loser group champions do not have this time. Once they win, they will take first place in the loser group. , then you have to go to Jingzhou immediately to participate in the finals, and the rest time in between will be much shorter.

After the Jinling stage, the remaining five teams were divided into two groups.

SKT flies directly to Jingzhou, while FNC, TPA, LGD, and Emperor Star fly to the Magic City.

On the plane.

Emperor Star and LGD sat together and chatted about the game that just ended.

"I didn't expect that you actually lost to SKT. Everyone didn't expect it at all." Lu Zibo asked: "09, speaking of it, you are the team that has the most contact with SKT. Do you have any experience to share?"

"There's no contact at all. It's just a beating. Don't put gold on me." 09 smiled bitterly: "But if we really talk about experience, I have to remind you that if Emperor Star enters the finals, you must Be careful of the opposing mid laner!"

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