Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 331 This person is no small matter

"The mid laner with the watermelon hair? Faker?"

Lu Zibo immediately remembered that he and Faker hadn't played against each other yet, but he already knew Guapi's name and some of his deeds when analyzing the team before the game.

"He seems to be number one in the Korean server. His name is Lee Sang Hyuk. He is also a talented player. He used to be in a solo team called FG. Later, he was recruited to SKT to play mid lane. Even SKT's qualification to participate in the A-level competition was directly replaced. FG.”

"What? This person is very strong? Even you are not sure?"

"Not bad." 09 nodded: "Now the whole world recognizes that the national server is the first division, but the Korean server, like the other three major divisions, is lagging behind. The reason is because the national server was opened first and the team level is better. There are so many talented players emerging.”

"But I want to solemnly remind you, don't underestimate this person. Even in the Chinese server, he is definitely the top player. Many anchors have no ability to compete with him. Even I To fight with him, you must have a strong spirit, otherwise you will be suppressed even if you are not careful."

09 is not famous for his personal strength in the eyes of outsiders. They think that his greatest strength is his overall outlook and team spirit.

But everyone who has actually played against him knows that 09's personal strength is definitely at the top of the group. However, there are few solo kills in the game and too much consideration for the team. Even the equipment is often poor. He is more team-oriented, which creates the illusion that his personal strength is not very strong.

As a member of a domestic team, Lu Zibo has been ranked 09 many times not only in the main matches, but also in daily training matches. He knows his level best and knows that he is a hidden master.

For such a person to admire Faker so much, Lu Zibo immediately became more vigilant.

"What the hell? That's what you're talking about?" Lu Zibo said in surprise: "It seemed like that when I watched the game. He didn't gain anything in your hands, did he?"

"It's not that simple." 09 waved his hand and said: "Only when you play against him personally can you know how powerful this person is. Not only in positioning, blood exchange, skill release, timing, and calculation, Faker is a master among masters. , you must be more vigilant when fighting him.”

"Listening to what you said, I would like to have a chance with him." Lu Zibo became interested: "I think it will be easy to defeat SKT as long as we suppress Faker."

"Almost, but not that easy." 09 nodded: "Faker is very strong in terms of personal strength. In my opinion, his biggest shortcoming now is that he has not done enough in the team aspect. There is a lot of room for growth."

"However, "Gods and Gods" is a team competition game. No matter how strong Faker is personally, he cannot be 1v5, but he is the core of the team, and everyone else plays around him. As long as Faker is suppressed, SKT is missing an engine, and its overall level will drop a lot."

"But having said that, it's not that easy to fight. The skills of other people in SKT's team are not rubbish. They are all very strong, and they are only on par with players of Faker's level. separated."

"If Emperor Star encounters SKT, it will be difficult to do anything based on individual strength alone. Starting from teamwork, we should be able to open up the situation."

09 was sincere and told Lu Zibo some of the experiences he summarized after the game.

In his opinion, SKT's biggest problem is that it is not good enough in terms of teamwork. After all, it has only been established for a short period of time. As long as it does not encounter a situation like the fifth game where all members explode, no matter whether Emperor Star or LGD want to win There are great opportunities.

It’s just that the pressure on two to chase three is too great.

Under heavy pressure, that BO5 allowed all SKT players to evolve and exert 120% of their strength, which was how they defeated LGD.

"I understand." Lu Zibo thanked him and said, "I'll treat you to dinner after we get off the plane."

"Forget it about eating." 09 shook his head: "Originally, I wanted to invite my parents to Jingzhou when I reached the finals, but now that I have lost, I really am not in the mood."

"Fortunately, I still have another chance. I have to seize the time to train and strive to reach the finals. I will wait until I finish playing S1 to eat."

"Okay." Lu Zibo said regretfully: "Our next fight with TPA will also be a tough battle!"

The two chatted all the way until they got off the plane and entered the hotel, then they dispersed.

The next day.

Magic City Stadium.

The auditorium was all full, and the enthusiastic atmosphere in the venue almost broke through the roof and reached into the sky.

"Welcome everyone to the semi-finals of the S1 World Finals. Today's first game is LGD vs. FNC!"

"Both teams are invited to enter!"

After Tian Weiwei's announcement, both parties entered the room and the game officially started.

This game is also a focus battle.

LGD lost to SKT, but no one would think they were incompetent. FNC was also the only player left in the European division, with good strength. The battle between the two sides affected countless viewers.

Before the game, both sides did a lot of research, and now there are many tricks in the fight that make other teams feel like they have discovered a new world.

A simple opening eye position allowed LGD to seize the opportunity.

"When I went to see LGD for a meeting two days ago, they said that FNC had a weakness in the bottom lane and the top lane when they were on the red side, that is, the auxiliary eye position at the beginning would be inserted directly into the river instead of into the lane."

"LGD obviously took advantage of this ward position. The five of them directly gathered together and waited for you, waiting for the FNC duo to show up."

Seeing the five LGD players on the court starting the game and directly squatting as a group, Guan Zeyuan smiled and solved the audience's doubts.

As soon as he finished speaking, something happened during the game.

FNC really gave them a chance. As soon as the bottom duo walked to the river and wanted to ward, they assisted the Bullhead body to explore the grass. In an instant, five big men jumped out.

——First, Blood!

As soon as the first blood was obtained, they dispersed immediately without any greed.

Several people in FNC were stunned. They were still looking at the empty entrance to the jungle, suspecting that LGD had no idea at the start and was just opening the jungle honestly. As a result, bad news came from the bottom lane.

Five people took it all at the beginning, which shows no moral ethics at all.

There were all kinds of MMP and Wang Defa in the voice, and Niutou was speechless.

LGD was laughing their heads off, especially 09 who got first blood. They were laughing like crazy.

"The lead is 400 yuan, this is a huge profit!"

Looking at the extra red crystal on his body, 09 felt that the previous depression of being beaten by SKT from two to three had disappeared a lot.

With this advantage at the beginning, it was much easier to play in the 09 lane. He quickly suppressed a small amount, and then the jungler successfully caught people in several waves, which helped him roll the snowball.

In the end, the first round of BO5 between the two sides ended with LGD bulldozing the base and winning.

Soon, the second game started.

FNC bottom lane obviously discovered the reason why the top player was caught. This time, they were much more cautious. They pressed F at any time when inserting an ward, just for fear of another five big guys coming in the grass!

However, LGD also knew that this little trick was indispensable, and others must have been prepared for it, so they chose to start normally.

But even this normal start is not that simple. After clearing the first wave of jungle, LGD started to cause trouble again. The continuous moves accurately hit the weaknesses of FNC's tactical play. In the first ten minutes, they showed perfect restraint. The economies of both sides expanded rapidly.

Finally, the game ended at 29 minutes, and LGD made another victory.

The third one.

LGD won two games in a row, and FNC finally showed its power. Through continuous linkage between the upper and jungle, they regained one point.

The two sides fought to a score of 2 to 1.

The European commentator was very happy after seeing the result. He bluntly said that FNC has the qualifications to win the championship and will once again stage a dark horse miracle of letting two people chase three.

But the reason why a miracle is a miracle is because it is too difficult to replicate!

38 minutes later.

The miracle is broken.

FNC lost to LGD 1:3 and regretfully left the field.

The last single seedling in Europe has completely collapsed!

LGD successfully advanced to the lower bracket finals.

The European commentator sighed: "It is a pity that FNC ended the S1 game, but no matter what, they have tried their best and still did not give up in the face of powerful opponents, but fought with all their strength!"

"This fighting spirit deserves encouragement! They are great!"

"Don't blame the fans in front of the screen, let us send encouragement to the five young men!"

"Come on, FNC! There will be another chance next year!"

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