Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 333 Loser’s Bracket Champion

3 to 0!

The shortest time!

Emperor Star has once again become a hot topic in the e-sports circle, and many people are discussing it.

As the next opponents, LGD and SKT are even more prepared.

Both teams were studying all night, hoping to find a way to deal with it.


09 regretfully sighed: "It's not easy to play. Emperor Star's understanding of the version is completely different from that of other teams, including ourselves. Many of the tactics they use are beyond our imagination and are difficult to target! I have to say that the coach led by Han Wenhui The team should have more advantages in analysis, and professionals should do professional things!"

"Mr. Deng, LGD should also find a way to set up a professional coaching staff. We players may be good at playing games, but we are still far behind in formulating tactics and understanding the game."

Deng Junhua solemnly agreed: "Don't worry, I have already started looking for a suitable candidate!"

The other side.

"Everyone, are you sure you can deal with Emperor Star?" Cui Minzhi asked worriedly: "We have already reached this point. No matter what, we must fight for the championship. We have won LGD, and now we have to study Emperor Star!"

As the captain, Fumanduo shook his head and said: "It's hard to say, the current Emperor Star is tactically superior to other teams. I guess LGD may not be an opponent. We will meet Emperor Star in the finals!"

Faker said solemnly: "I also think it will be the Emperor Star, but I am really not sure. We have also studied their tactical ideas privately, but judging from this game, the Emperor Star needs to use it better. If we want to defeat them, there is no way. so easy."

"No matter what, only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you win every battle. Just watch the video!" Cui Minzhi sighed, holding his forehead.

Magic City.

The game continues.

The first round of the semi-finals has already determined the advancement of LGD and Emperor Star, and the next morning will be the 4th and 5th place ranking matches between FNC and TPA.

After an exciting round of BO5 between the two sides, FNC narrowly defeated TPA 3-2 and won fourth place. TPA unfortunately lost and only finished fifth.

According to the pre-match prize distribution plan and the current total prize pool of 14 million.

FNC will receive a high bonus of at least US$980,000, while TPA will receive at least US$560,000.

At the same time, the money will continue to rise until the end of the last day of the S1 Finals.

When the game ended and both teams were counting prize money backstage, everyone was going crazy with excitement.

None of the ten players in FNC and TPA come from wealthy families. Even if such a large bonus needs to be divided into five parts, it is still an astronomical figure for them.

At this moment, several people became more determined to continue on the road of e-sports. Only e-sports can bring them glory, social status, and wealth!

That afternoon.

The loser's bracket finals between LGD and Emperor Star finally started.

The two super strong teams, ranked first and second in the pre-game rankings, are recognized as the favorites to win the championship. They are two of the earliest professional teams in the world with a long list of titles, which makes the game between the two teams attract a lot of attention.

All live broadcast channels in the five major divisions have already received a large influx of viewers before the game even started. The number of viewers far exceeds any previous game.

According to post-match statistics, the highest number of global viewers of this game exceeded 8 million, and the total number of viewers was 14 million!

The data is the highest among all e-sports events, and it is also the highest since S1 was held!

Covering almost 85% of all "Gods and Gods" players in the five major regions!

The heat is terrifying!

Douyu alone had at least more than 1 million real viewers, which attracted a lot of traffic to other anchors on the platform and bought many gifts. The entire live broadcast room was almost crowded, far exceeding Chen Shaojie's expectations in advance. I would say that more than 100 million was well spent!

And on the competition side.

Emperor Star played a total of four games with LGD.

In the entire BO5, except for the second game, LGD turned defeat once, and the remaining three games were all won by Emperor Star. From beginning to end, relying on better tactical operation ideas and a fighting ability that was not inferior to LGD, they finally defeated LGD 3-1 and successfully advanced. , won the lower bracket championship!

After the game.

When Yu Shuang interviewed Lu Zibo, the MVP of this game.

Yu Shuang asked: "Congratulations to Dixing Revenge LGD for winning the lower bracket championship and successfully advancing to the finals. I would like to ask The God, how do you feel about your performance? Did you perform beyond normal? Because your statistics in these four games are very good. Brilliant, even killed 09 twice."

Lu Zibo smiled shyly.

"Actually, it's not bad. I performed normally and hit everything I wanted to play. It's just my normal level. There is no extraordinary performance."

09, who was preparing to leave the stage backstage, staggered and almost fell down.

His face was dark, and he couldn't help but cursed Lu Zibo in his heart that he was not a human being.

"You bitch, your normal performance is to kill twice alone, right? Let me see if I kill you next time you eat!"

There was also laughter and laughter in the live broadcast room.

"This wave of 09 is about to shoot!"

"Humble, so humble, there is no trace of pretentiousness at all!"

"Hahaha, two solo kills is a normal performance. If you perform beyond the normal, isn't it a direct blow?"

"Pretentious warning!"

"I'm a fan, I'm a fan, and I'm handsome and nice to talk to. Is this what it feels like to be an idol?"

Yu Shuang continued to ask: "In this World Championship, your performance has been very good and you have won multiple MVPs. Everyone wants to ask you, what is the secret to staying hot?"

"Training, a lot of training!" Lu Zibo said with a serious face: "The level of training for professional players is definitely far beyond everyone's imagination. It is not the same as playing games, but as work, one routine, one eye position, one hero, even if you play until you vomit. If you haven’t practiced well and the coach doesn’t approve, then keep practicing!”

"Only constant training is the secret to keeping me in shape!"

These words shocked Yu Shuang for a moment, and she couldn't help but look at Lu Zibo with admiration. She couldn't help but murmur to herself: "He is really handsome and hardworking!"

During the short exchange, Yu Shuang deeply felt the conviction revealed in Lu Zibo's words, and a picture seemed to appear in front of her eyes.

It's quiet at night.

Everyone else was asleep, but in the Emperor Star Club, the five teenagers were staring at the computer, repeating the training over and over again!

"I think this is the reason why Emperor Star is able to get to where it is today!"

Yu Shuang sighed with emotion, then calmed down and continued to ask.

"I wonder what you think of SKT, our next opponent in the finals?"

"SKT is a very strong team. Their ability to make it all the way to the finals has proven their strength. It's very powerful!" Lu Zibo said with a smile.

"I didn't expect The, God, you to have such a high opinion of SKT, but now many fans on the Internet believe that the next finals Emperor Star will definitely be able to defeat SKT. I wonder if you are confident?"

"I definitely have confidence. No matter what, Emperor Star's goal is always to be the champion!"

The interview is over.

Lu Zibo's interview once again established the genius character that he worked hard to train more firmly, and he has more supporters. Even the children of several relatives in his family have this goal as a goal and study more seriously.

I am even more proud of it when I go out to play with friends every day.

Lu Zibo has become a celebrity in his school. Teachers often use him as an example to encourage everyone to study hard.

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