Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 334 Goodbye Old Ma

The game is over and the audience leaves.

In the crowd, Shang Xingyue asked, "What do you think of him?"

"Who? How about what?" Mo Yu looked confused next to him, not understanding what she meant by her question.

"Lu Zibo, E-Sports Star Project." Shang Xingyue said: "After watching so many games of Emperor Star, I have a good impression of him. He is young, handsome, hard-working, has achievements, and has a certain reputation. He is also well-known online. It’s not bad, if we push him out, the effect should not be bad.”

"Can consider it."

Mo Yu nodded.

Even in S1, Lu Zibo has already gained a certain reputation by virtue of his unique advantages, and he has good external conditions, making him a good candidate.

But Mo Yu has higher expectations for it.

"But let's wait and see. It's only the semi-finals after all. The runner-up is always less reliable than the champion. If Emperor Star can win the championship, that would be even better."

"What if I don't get it?" Shang Xingyue worried: "If Emperor Star loses to SKT, I'm afraid there will be negative effects."

"There's nothing we can do about it." Mo Yu shook his head: "Even if you start pushing now, it's too late. The finals are about to start, and you will have to face them sooner or later. However, whether Lu Zibo can win the championship or get the S1 FMVP, he is still very good. The best choice, at least in the national server."

In the five major regions, the audience in each region has their own favorite player. In the Korean server, it is definitely Faker, who made it to the finals when he debuted; in the national server, there is no doubt that Lu Zibo is the most famous, and the others are inferior in comparison. A little; and Europe, North America, and Southeast Asia also have their own favorite players.

If Lu Zibo can win the championship, then he is the best candidate. He can promote it in the five major competition areas. At the same time, the other four competition areas can also choose a representative.

If Lu Zibo fails to win the championship, he can still become a representative of the national server.

"The five major competition areas are integrated and distinct from each other. Lu Zibo's current achievements alone make him famous in the national server, but from a global perspective, he is still far behind. He needs to win the championship to qualify."

"I can push him out, but let's see if we push him globally or domestically."

The semifinals are over.

The next focus is the finals.

Tens of millions of e-sports enthusiasts around the world are paying attention to this game, and many big bosses who have investment ideas in e-sports are also waiting to know how popular the highest-level e-sports event is and how much benefits it can bring.

Mo Yu took Shang Xingyue back to Jingzhou. In addition to asking people to cooperate with Shang Xingyue to continue making written reports on the investigation, he also wanted to meet several important figures himself.

within the company.

Mo Yu personally received Lao Ma.

After previously connecting to ZFB as a recharge channel, this was the second time he saw Lao Ma.

The last time he mentioned to Lao Ma that he was interested in investing in e-sports, he wanted to use Ali's influence to promote e-sports, attract more capital, and at the same time use Lao Ma's power to stop Xiao Ma.

After all, in his opinion, there is no overlap between Lao Ma's industry and games. Although his investment style is very domineering, judging from his past life experience, Lao Ma is not very interested in games.

Xiaoma is different. Fishing Game and Penguin have a lot of overlapping businesses. Unless they join, it will be difficult to cooperate.

But at that time, Lao Ma was noncommittal and did not give a clear answer, so Mo Yu gave up.

Unexpectedly, before the start of the finals this time, Lao Ma actually came to visit in person. Although the reason given was that he happened to be passing through Jingzhou to take a look, it also made Mo Yu see that things might turn around.

As expected, the two briefly exchanged greetings for a while, and after being baptized by Lao Ma's infectious words, the two parties finally got down to business.

"You made the world finals quite big this time. I heard it caused a big earthquake in the gaming industry, and many companies are very envious."

"It's just good luck." Mo Yu said humbly: "I can only make a small achievement, which is nothing compared to you."

"Hahaha, you are too modest." Lao Ma laughed and asked mysteriously: "I heard that the higher-ups seem to have some opinions on e-sports?"

Mo Yu was stunned when he heard this.

There are no rumors at all that the big leader is paying attention to e-sports, and he has not revealed Shang Xingyue's purpose this time to anyone. It can be said that it is kept airtight, and no one knows.

But Lao Ma actually knew about such a secret thing?

As expected, his hands and eyes can reach the sky, which is incredible!

But Mo Yu was still pretending to be stupid: "What above? Which aspect do you mean?"

"Slippery!" Lao Ma smiled, stopped asking, and changed the subject: "Last time we met, you said you wanted to separate the e-sports industry and establish a new company, and you also asked me if I had any investment intentions. How about it? Now you still have Is it too late?"

"Have you thought about it?" Mo Yuxiao asked.

Businessmen make huge profits.

He didn't agree before, but he took the initiative to bring it up this time. There must be a reason. Maybe it was the question he just asked that made Lao Ma make up his mind.

"Yeah." Lao Ma nodded: "The e-sports you organize is great and has the potential to become a world-famous sport. I would like to join this train, but we at Alibaba don't have much experience in running competitions. , I don’t know if you still like it or not.”

"Of course I like it." Mo Yu said with a smile: "Leave professional matters to professionals. As long as you are willing to invest, Mr. Ma, that will be enough. Alibaba itself is a big sign."

"That's good." Lao Ma nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, time is running out. How much does 51% of the shares in the e-sports company cost? As long as it's not too outrageous, just sign the contract."

It was indeed a domineering style, Mo Yu secretly cursed.

"Sorry, Mr. Ma, I think we still need to discuss this matter more. Isn't it too hasty to settle it with just a few words between us?" Mo Yu declined.

Lao Ma frowned when he heard this: "Is the plan inappropriate?"


Mo Yu put it more bluntly.

Lao Ma changed his face when he heard this, but Mo Yu ignored it and said: "Alibaba doesn't understand e-sports, and it doesn't need e-sports to improve its industries. Investing in it is just a chess piece in your spare time, but I am different. , E-sports is very important to me, and I will not accept anyone or any company that wants to be a major shareholder, unless you can ask the higher-ups to take action, but I don’t think this is necessary, and you won’t be able to do it, right?”

"To be honest, what I am interested in bringing you into the game is not the money, but the various resources behind Alibaba. I want to use these resources to help e-sports go more smoothly, but you have to take the blame as soon as you come up. Let’s go, that’s absolutely impossible!”

"Maybe what I said didn't sound right, but there is no room for negotiation on this matter!"

"E-sports companies can let Alibaba invest, but the leadership must be in my hands!"

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