Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 345 Confrontation Battle

"You must not go up there, something will happen!"

Grabbing 2 in the bottom lane is something that almost every team's bottom lane combination must do. Even if it is a weak combination, getting to 2 first can stop the opponent's attack and help you live more comfortably.

Airplane and Lulu had the same idea.

There is not much difference in the number of deaths on both sides of the line, and there is every chance to reach 2 first.

Because of this, invisibly, in order to make up for the damage, he made a mistake in the position of the aircraft. He only looked at the line and completely forgot about Caoli.

The next second.

The robot moved forward and took the lead to release the hook. The aircraft subconsciously wanted to move, but did not want to cross, but was hooked instead.

At this time, he was not worried at all, because the robot was only level one, and so was the male gun opposite him. With Lulu behind him, nothing would happen to him at all.

Just when this idea first appeared, Xin Zhao suddenly rushed out from the grass and stabbed him. The red buff slowed down and hit the third blow to fly away. The planes flashed and flashed, but it was useless. He was directly stabbed to death by Xin Zhao and flashing. The SKT bottom lane duo After getting the assist, Xin Zhao gained first blood.

"Ah! What a careless move!"

"The Emperor Star bot lane duo didn't expect that Xin Zhao would come to arrest him right after he was red, and he was his own red!"

"This wave is such a loss!"

"How can a plane that doesn't dodge fight a robot and a gunman?"

Several domestic commentators were very upset.

In the voice channel, the duo was also apologetic.

"My mistake, I never thought that Xin Zhao was here!" The plane sighed, waiting for resurrection to continue online.


Quickly cutting the screen to the bottom lane, he found Lulu hiding safely under the tower. Lu Zibo said: "Keep your vision in mind. SKT's playing style is obviously different in this game. They are playing very fiercely. Don't give it another chance!"

"Don't worry." The aircraft player nodded and said: "The kills are for the jungle, so the disadvantage is not big. It's just a loss of experience!"

"Well, just hold on steady."

Lu Zibo withdrew his gaze and continued to stare at the center.

As soon as this game started, he felt a huge pressure that was completely different from the previous two games.

In the first two games, Faker played relatively steadily. From this round, Guapi's wandering became a bit more stable and aggressive. With the help of a teleport, he obviously wanted to quickly reach the Goddess Tears and find an opportunity to suppress his ball. Female blood volume.

Lu Zibo looked towards the jungle. While Xin Zhao was ganking the bottom lane, the Lion Dog had entered the SKT jungle to brush the blue. However, Xin Zhao's position was unclear. Was he changing the jungle or going straight to the middle?

The trinket eye he carried with him was still on CD. Even though he knew that Guapi Ryze might be bluffing, he did not dare to rush forward to exchange blood for fear of giving him a chance.

SKT backstage.

Cui Minzhi slapped his thigh: "Okay! The God is obviously afraid. Otherwise, facing the handsome Ritz, he would not be so indulgent as a ball girl. He would definitely hit him, but now he didn't do it. It's all because of the stupid chicken. pressure!"

"If we keep fighting like this, we can really win!"

The other members also looked happy.

If you win the championship, the bonus given by the company will definitely be much higher than that of the runner-up. They also support the players on the stage from the bottom of their hearts.

And backstage at Emperor Star.

Han Wenhui tapped his fingers on the table, and after thinking calmly, he said to Zhang Zhaoyang beside him: "SKT's playing style has become more aggressive. It seems that they are going to put all their efforts into a fight!"

"What happened?" Zhang Zhaoyang was puzzled: "What did you see?"

"Looking at the first two games, SKT rarely chose a radical play mode, and more of them preferred to operate team battles, not to mention using the idea of ​​catching people at the second level. The stupid chicken's play style was more inclined to keep Faker's development. "The Korean speaker said solemnly: "But this time, from the initial five-person invasion to this wave of captures, the entire SKT team has obviously changed their thinking. However, we only want to disrupt the situation by fighting to get people's heads. That's the only way. Only then can they find a chance to make a comeback.”

Zhang Zhaoyang recalled the previous games and immediately understood what Han Hui meant. He couldn't help but worry: "What should we do? Could something happen to this?"

"That's not the case." Han Wenhui waved his hand: "In terms of fighting, we will not lose. It's just that the competition is different from the daily ranking. The personal strength of the players is not much different. The test is actually the plunder of resources and the competition between the teams. We need to cooperate with each other, so we focus more on rhythm, tactics, and operations, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t fight at all!”

"Xiaobo and the others are all real ranked champions. It's not that easy for SKT to break the tie through fighting!"

"As long as you understand SKT's style of play, I believe everyone will not have any pressure to deal with it!"

"SKT is completely shooting itself in the foot, thinking too much!"

During the game.

SKT's playing style is more fierce. The early waves of ganks were all initiated by stupid chickens. SKT's overall offensiveness was much stronger than the previous two games.

Faced with such a continuous offensive, everyone in Emperor Star was a little uncomfortable for a while, and the economy fell behind slightly.

After successfully evading a wave of cooperation between Guapi and Benji, Lu Zibo returned to the city.

He frowned, thinking about SKT, which was completely different from before. Various images flashed through his mind. The next second, he instantly figured it out and knew SKT's tactical ideas.

"I see!"

He reacted immediately.

"Be careful. The other side wants to disrupt the situation by fighting. Please be steady and follow the rules step by step. Don't let the rhythm be disrupted."

"Let me tell you, why is this stupid chicken so aggressive that he dares to rebel?" Chengfeng said: "When it comes to fighting, we are not bad either. Niu Fei, look at me!"

The words just fell.

The poodle rose to 6 and went straight to the bottom lane.

Turn on the hunting rhythm of the ultimate move and enter the stealth acceleration state. At the same time, Shen, who was reminded, stepped back to prevent being interrupted. The ultimate move was hung on the poodle to coordinate the attack.

Marks appeared on the heads of SKT's bottom duo.

Immediately afterwards, a one-eyed hunter emerged from the darkness, carrying a back-up, and rushed towards the man's gun.

"The poodle fell to the ground and rushed towards the male gun, QWEQ, the male gun was tied up with a hook and lock, so he landed carefully and received the taunt!"

"Perfect COMBO, the man's gun can't be handed over even if it flashes, he will be killed!"

"The robot was also killed by jumping over the tower!"

"0 for 2!"

"Emperor Star regains the advantage in the bottom lane!"

After completing the attack, the four members of Emperor Star pushed the tower directly. The rest of SKT had no time to support, and half of the health of the tower was lost. Then the two players in the bottom lane cooperated with the jungler to switch to the dragon, and the kidneys returned to the city to replenish, and the TP came online.

After a wave of decline, Emperor Star recovered its previous economic disadvantage.

30 seconds later.

Xin Zhao caught him, but fortunately his waist was strong enough, so he handed over Flash to save his life.

1 minute later.

The CD of the lion dog's ultimate move improved and went straight to the middle.

Guapirez was keenly aware of the danger and quickly retreated behind the tower. The stupid chicken quickly returned to help, and the poodle returned without success.

Several waves followed.

The two sides were back and forth, with stupid chickens attacking everywhere, looking for opportunities. SKT was very aggressive.

Emperor Star continued to respond with powerful counterattacks. Although the frequency was not high, as soon as the lion dog's ultimate move was good, it immediately looked for opportunities to strike. There were two waves in the middle that cooperated with Shen's ultimate move, and got two kills again.

At 14 minutes into the game, the upper and lower outer towers of both sides were broken, and the head-to-head ratio was 9 to 7. It was a wonderful offensive battle.

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