The battle on the field was fierce and the offensive was overwhelming.

In the crucial third game, SKT played extremely fiercely, and Emperor Star did not give in and fought back.

This kind of competition with constant fighting and constant killings makes the audience excited!

17 minutes.

Article 2 Pioneer Regiment.

The Lion Dog seized the opportunity, started a team circle first, and then went straight to the male gun. Unfortunately, the male gun was displaced and ran away, and he was not killed in seconds. Then he was attacked by SKT's back row. Fortunately, with Shen's shield, the Lion Dog flashed away with remaining health and escaped from the battlefield.

Lu Zibo accumulated enough balls and poured all his ultimate moves into the Dao girl who entered the field. He cooperated with his teammates to kill the Dao girl, and then used his backhand to scatter the flowers to interrupt SKT's subsequent offensive.

Then Xin Zhao, the stupid chicken, was killed, and Shen Fang and the poodle were chased and killed.

The two sides played 2 to 2, and neither Pioneer got it.

18 minutes.

Chengfeng Lion Dog was resurrected and wanted to steal the vanguard, but was discovered by SKT's vision. The two sides fought together again in the middle and jungle.

In the small-scale 3V3 team battle, Emperor Star grabbed the vanguard, but gave away the head of the poodle.

But Pioneer has already made a lot of money.

After Lu Zibo returned to the city to resupply, the Pioneer was placed in the middle. The outer tower in the middle that SKT had held for 18 minutes was destroyed. Then the pressure on the field of vision increased greatly. The crucial middle tower was lost, and all the outer towers were destroyed.

21 minutes.

Wilderness encounters.

The ball girl's reinforcements were timely, and she cooperated with the poodle to kill Xin Zhao instantly. Guapi Wandering activated his ultimate move and disabled two people with one set of output. Shen landed again and successfully covered his retreat. Guapi did not dare to pursue anymore and could only give up the head in sight.

23 minutes.

Battle for dragons.

Both sides circled the Xiaolong Pit for vision, and ten people gathered together.

The poodle circled around and was driven away, and the robot Q came to the plane among the crowd.

The plane did not immediately W, but instead dodged first and then flew away, for fear of being hammered down by the robot.

Guapi Wandering dealt a lot of AOE damage, Lulu's big move saved the remaining health plane, the ball girl cut off the man's gun from the side, and sent the head herself, and carefully saved the remaining health poodle, the field was in chaos.

In chaos.

Chengfeng accurately calculated the blood volume, and at the last second of life, punished and snatched the little dragon.

Both sides played 2 for 1.

Emperor Star's midfielder and jungler were all dead, but they got the dragon. SKT Pig let the male gun fall to the ground.

After several consecutive waves, Emperor Xing obtained resources, but SKT's key male gun was targeted miserably, and Guapi's development was excellent.

26 minutes.

Big dragon group.

In this battle, Guapi showed great power. After activating the ultimate move of Despair, the wandering mage transformed into a spell machine gun. He threw various skills crazily, and the arcane energy continued to surge, hitting a huge amount of AOE. In addition, he had time and banshee bonuses. Xiao Bingxin is protected, able to resist and fight.

At the critical moment, Lulu's shining spear broke the cover of the melon-skinned banshee. The ball girl's planes focused their fire and the melon-skin was taken off in seconds, but then the remaining health of the two men was also taken away.

The two sides played a wave of 3 for 4. Emperor Star was left with only planes, and SKT was left with robots and sword girls.

No one got the baron.

Post-war statistics showed that Guapi dealt tons of damage, with one person causing close to 4,000 points of output, which was terrifying.

At this moment.

Guapi Wandering lived up to expectations and had the intention of taking over the battlefield.

A wandering mage with 3,000 health, over 100 armor, over 100 magic resistance, over 300 spell power, and a life-sucking ultimate move at the critical moment, an archangel shield, and a wandering mage who is about to burst out of his golden body, is standing there. The feeling that one man can stand against ten thousand others is a deterrent to everyone in the Emperor Star. No one can kill him in a single fight. They have to find an opportunity to gather fire to have a chance.

Backstage at SKT, Choi Min-sik expressed great comfort.

"Sang Hyuk, you did it!"

"You are the key to the team, and you have lived up to the sacrifices of your teammates!"

The other members of the logistics team also looked emotional.

Although a lot of resources have been lost and the economy is temporarily behind 3000, the pre-match tactical goal has been achieved. As long as Faker's wandering mage stands there, it is the most solid line of defense and the most ferocious turret, which can win enough for the team. Pull space.

"The defeat of the Emperor Star has appeared, boys, come on, charge towards the championship!"

Cui Minzhi shouted angrily, as if he wanted to vent all his resentment for losing two games in a row!

On the field.

SKT internal voice channel is discussing.

"Very good, Xianghe's Ryze has developed. Next, we can play 41 or work together to get resources. As long as we stand in a good position, Emperor Star will not be our opponent!" Fumanduo suppressed his excitement and analyzed the scene. on the situation.

"After the resurrection, we will continue to force the dragon team. At this time, the Emperor Star definitely does not want to fight us. The wandering development has reached its peak and is the strongest presence on the field."

"If we delay it any longer, when everyone is fully developed, Ryze's role will not be so obvious!"

"The dragon must force the team to gain a chance to win!"

"That's right!" Guapi took away the refreshed blue BUFF and said in a deep voice: "Emperor Star must have guessed what we were thinking. Wear more real eyes when you go out. Only by taking away the field of vision can you have a chance to win!"

The Emperor Star on the other side is also discussing internally.

"It's not easy to fight. The wanderer has developed and can't be dropped in seconds!" Chengfeng was a little frustrated: "The half-meat I used is not enough, even if I add Shen."

Top laner Niu Fei's face darkened: "The best way is to see if you can find him alone. If you can get rid of the team battle first, then you can fight easily. If you delay for a while, when the wandering golden body comes out, it will be even more impossible to play. Who can It can’t be killed, it even explodes due to damage.”

Lu Zibo scanned the equipment column for the ten players on the field.

At this time, in the entire SKT team, the Wandering Mage has the most luxurious equipment, including Magic Wear Shoes, Banshee Veil, Little Bingxin, Time, and Archangel. The last item is that he gave up Magic Wear and chose Golden Body instead, with full life-saving equipment.

The others were much worse. The male gunman who died many times only had attack speed shoes and a red cross to drink blood, and the endless one only had a big sword.

He said calmly: "The other people on the opposite side are averagely developed. As long as we can kill the stray first, team battles won't be a problem. Grab the Baron's vision first!"

Afterwards, everyone from Emperor Star walked out of the spring with two true eyes each.

Everyone surrounded Lulu, protecting him as he gradually advanced to gain vision.

"Both sides are very cautious now. They are competing for vision around the dragon. It depends on which side can find the opportunity first!"

"As long as one person is caught alone, a team battle will break out!"

"However, SKT took the lead and the Dragon Pit was completely dark for Emperor Star. It was completely unclear what SKT was doing!"

"The situation is not favorable to the Emperor Star!"

Miller analyzed a lot, looking worried.

Wawa worriedly said: "At this point in time, Faker's wandering development is too good, and the damage is too explosive. It is difficult to target in team battles. He is both powerful and powerful. If you want to win, you must kill him in seconds!"

"It's not that easy." Xiao Cang shook his head: "The only one who can cut to the back row is the poodle. Unless he goes in with caution and then taunts him until he wanders, the others must immediately follow up and deal damage to have any chance."

"But the strays are very cautious now, and the poodle doesn't have such a good chance!"

"This wave of dragons is very difficult to defeat!"

Jay Chou concluded in the end.

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