Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 360 World Electronic Sports League

After the establishment of the league, it was announced that all the e-sports systems that could be thought of in the "Gods and Gods" project have been completed. All that needs to be done in the future is maintenance and updates, so that the entire competition system will be continuously optimized.

However, besides the league, there is one more thing he has to do.

That is to establish a management organization.

No rules no standards!

No sports can escape gambling, disputes, scandals, competitions and other bad events, and the same is true for e-sports.

Things like prostitutes, drinking, squeezing players, not paying wages, malicious poaching, match fixing, contract disputes, ranking bad mouth, cheating, gunshots, and indecent photos are all things that happened in the e-sports field in the past life. One by one, the outside world's image of e-sports has been greatly damaged.

In particular, the royal family's contract arrears, Kandi's private life, and Boruto's match-fixing are simply huge scandals!

If there is no strong manager and a set of strong rules and regulations to punish, it will be completely chaotic. E-sports will have no image at all, and it will excavate the foundation of the entire industry.

Mo Yu will never allow such a situation to occur.

So he has to set up a management organization. Even though this organization may not be so formal and full of interest disputes, at least it is a sharp sword hanging over everyone's head.

With it, no one below would dare to be too presumptuous, otherwise they would be touching the interests of the whole and would not be accepted by anyone.

"Very good. Since everyone is willing to join the league, they should also be willing to think about the league." Mo Yu said solemnly: "Any organization must have a manager, otherwise no one can control who is wronged or breaks the rules. Yes, wouldn’t it hurt everyone’s interests?”

"So I propose to establish a new World E-Sports League. Not only do we invite you, but we also invite the first batch of professional clubs from the five major regions around the world to join it to form an organization that can judge arbitration penalties."

"At the same time, it can be considered that everyone is united and can unite as one to jointly control the development direction of the e-sports industry."

"I wonder what you think?"

Mo Yu proposed again.

The World E-Sports League is equivalent to the ACE League in its previous life. Strictly speaking, since there is no participation at the national level, it cannot be regarded as a legal organization.

The current status of e-sports in China is very embarrassing. The upper management has not yet issued a formal document, nor has it recognized the status of e-sports events. It is impossible to establish an official e-sports association.

However, there is no such organization to manage, develop and expand the e-sports industry. It is not enough to rely on Mo Yu alone. Multiple forces must be united.

So the World E-Sports League came into being.

In addition to managing various events under "Gods and Gods", this organization will also manage many e-sports games that will be launched in the future.

The specific responsibility is to punish inappropriate behavior of players and clubs, impose severe penalties on any individuals or groups that disrupt the event, and even restrict someone's development in the field of e-sports through voting.

In addition, the entire e-sports industry also has a certain say in brand management and event operations, and can make suggestions to fishing companies so that everyone can make progress together.

At the same time, we can also rely on the power behind the owners of various clubs to fully develop e-sports projects and unify global e-sports projects. Not to mention suppressing dissidents, we must at least set a standard so that any e-sports game exceeds Mo Yu’s expectations. If any competitive project is to be implemented, it must be included in the management scope of the alliance.

Otherwise, when the league makes an announcement, there will be few professional clubs to play games, and those games will have to be played in a small way.

Although this situation is unlikely to happen for the time being, and the most popular e-sports projects in the next few years will definitely come from Moyu companies, we have to take precautions and prepare for a rainy day.

Of course, the reason why the alliance was created was not because Mo Yu wanted to deliberately delegate power, nor was it because he found a leader for himself, but because his own strength was too weak to achieve the above things.

But except for Liu Guoliang, the nine club owners in front of us now are all powerful. The owners behind many clubs in the other four major competition areas are also powerful, wealthy and powerful, and they are not simple figures.

As long as everyone's power can be united, once the World E-Sports Alliance is established, it will immediately become the highest governing body in the global e-Sports industry. When official forces are invited to join in the future, the status of e-Sports will be truly unlimited. But it was shaken.

As the founder and initiator of the alliance, Mo Yu's status is definitely of vital importance. The significance contained in it is self-evident to him personally and to the e-sports industry.

Of course, the establishment of this alliance must be in his own hands, and it is impossible to really cause trouble for himself.

"World E-Sports Consortium, the English name is World E-Sports Consortium, or WESC for short. I believe everyone should know its specific responsibilities. It is mainly to manage players, manage clubs, and control the development direction of the e-sports industry so that it does not go astray. Strictly crack down on match-fixing and any person or group that damages the reputation of e-sports, all for the sake of the development of e-sports."

"I have also prepared specific written documents for everyone."

Mo Yu waved his hand, and Yang Qiu immediately took out the "Alliance Outline" he had prepared and distributed it.

The content in the outline is not too much. It mainly summarizes the things and goals that the entire alliance must do, and clarifies what is prohibited and how everyone should do it.

Once something really happens, the league can punish it after discussion based on this document.

A few minutes later.

"How's it going? If you have any questions, feel free to ask."

As soon as Mo Yu finished speaking, he saw that Huang Tao had something to say.

"Mr. Huang, what do you think?"

"Mr. Mo, I don't mean to refute, but do you think it is necessary to make it so formal?" Huang Tao frowned: "Let's just do a league, and what kind of alliance is it? It's a bit of a fuss, right?"

"It's not making a fuss out of a molehill." Mo Yu waved his hand and said: "Now that we want to engage in a league, we have to go formal. Everyone here must be aware of the situation of e-sports. Although we are all game enthusiasts, we cannot ignore the outside world. There’s a lot of misunderstanding about esports.”

"Without a governing body, if something goes wrong in e-sports, once it is reported and publicized, it will easily affect the image of the entire industry."

“The emergence of WESC is also to make a gesture to the outside world and let the outside world know that we people have the confidence and ability to manage the entire e-sports industry, and can promptly punish any unethical and illegal phenomena, so as to avoid making things worse again. Make a big fuss.”

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