Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 361 Five Major Leagues

"What Lao Mo said makes sense." Zhang Zhaoyang stood up: "Since everyone has joined the league, they are in the same boat. Once there is a scandal, it will not only affect the Moyu Company, everyone here will be affected. Influence."

"Now that the alliance has come forward to manage, many things will be beneficial to everyone as long as they can be solved quickly through public relations in a timely manner, so I support the establishment of an alliance."

"I also support it." Deng Junhua said: "It is necessary to form an alliance. The more formal the better, a grassroots team cannot give the outside world confidence. Don't forget, we also need sponsorship from others to build a club. By then, the league will be full of chaos. , the club’s management is in chaos, so who is still willing to invest?”


"A coalition can be formed."

Others felt a coalition was necessary.

From the perspective of their clubs, the league can standardize the entire e-sports industry and achieve rewards and penalties, rather than a chaotic state that lacks management or has difficulty in management. An orderly and reasonable event system is beneficial to their operations. The disadvantages outweigh the disadvantages, and no one wants to see someone breaking the rules lawlessly.

Such a chaotic state will only cause the entire system to collapse without any benefit.

Huang Tao, who raised objections, was also convinced.

"I was narrow-minded and didn't think deeper. I'm sorry, Mr. Mo."


Mo Yu waved his hand and said with a smile: "Since everyone supports it, the World E-Sports Alliance will be officially established. If anything happens, we will discuss it internally and resolve it."



The meeting lasted a long time.

In addition to determining various matters regarding the domestic league, the meeting that day also stipulated the specific positions of each club in the WESC China Branch.

There is no doubt that the position of branch secretary-general will be held by Mo Yu.

Because Emperor Star won the first world finals, Zhang Zhaoyang served as deputy secretary-general.

Because LGD was established earlier, its results in S1 were second only to Emperor Star among domestic teams, so Deng Junhua served as the second deputy secretary-general.

All other remaining clubs are members of the league.

In the other four competition areas, Mo Yu also informed during the video conference the next day that the company branch personnel and local agents discussed the formation of leagues and WESC branches.

At the same time, the position of Secretary-General of the WESC Headquarters is also held by Mo Yu. One of the two Deputy Secretary-Generals of the Headquarters is still Zhang Zhaoyang. The remaining seat is temporarily to be determined and will be voted on later.

If you want to get this position, there is no doubt that grades are the best persuasive factor.

Especially for S2, which club can win the second world championship is almost determined by its boss.

In addition, the meeting also set the schedule for the spring season. The first game of the league will be played at the temporary venue of Wanlv Park on January 5, 2009. It will last for one week, followed by a break and a holiday in the 2009 Gregorian calendar. The match will resume on February 16.

Before that, there is another major event. Members of each club team will rush to Jingzhou to officially register with Moyu Company and receive their numbers.

December 29, 2008.

In this era when there is still a three-day holiday on New Year's Day, news about the leagues in the five major divisions has been released, and at the same time, the spring season schedule has been officially announced.

There are a total of 8 teams in the North American division, which together form the GCS league, including C9, CLG, DIG, EF, FQ, TL, TSM, and 100T.

There are 10 teams in the European GEU League, namely FNC, M5, S04, EG, SK, G2, MSF, SPY, ROG, and OG.

There are 9 teams in GMS in the Southeast Asia Division, namely TPA, FW, AHQ, HKE, JAY, JT, M17, WS, and XG.

The Korean Division has the most GCK teams, with 14 teams, including MF, LH, MKZ, DD, XS, NeL, XD, NS, NEB, TOP, SS, KTA, KTB, and SKT.

There are a total of 9 teams in the domestic GPL, namely Emperor Star, LGD, WE, IG, DFG, OMG, Royal Family, Starry Sky, and Pengcheng.

At this point, the list of league teams in the five major divisions has been released.

On the day the news was released on the official website, it caused a shock on the Internet in various countries.

Just after experiencing the big scene of S1, e-sports enthusiasts thought that there would be no games this year. Just when everyone felt extremely regretful and howled about how they should live without games, the big news about the league suddenly came out. .

Players are going crazy.

The high-density events throughout the year are simply good news for e-sports enthusiasts.

This time, there are not only cup and S games, but also league and MSI, which is really exciting.

Such a dense schedule means that as long as you have free time, you can watch games almost 365 days a year. Even if the league is on break, there will still be cup games. After the cup games, it will be the league again, which is double happiness!

"It's so cool!"

“I didn’t expect the official to suddenly launch such a big move!”

“Does e-sports now have to compete with other commercial sports?”

"Carnival, a real carnival!"

“I’m really looking forward to the first game of the league!”

Discussions flooded the Internet, and word spread quickly.

The major earthquake in the industry once again attracted the attention of the media.

These media swarmed in like flies that smelled the smell, and went directly to the agents for interviews. Under Mo Yu's instruction, the branch managers also cooperated very much, talking about e-sports in the interviews. .

What e-sports will be the favorite competitive event for young people in the future, e-sports is changing the world, e-sports is on the rise, fishing companies are committed to creating new industries, everyone is welcome to invest, and other topics.

Anyway, talk about everything.

All the visiting journalists, no matter how big or small, win over those who can win over them, give benefits to those who can, and greet those who cannot be corrupted with a smile. I only hope that they can write from a fair standpoint and not take quotes out of context or add extravagance. Just guess.

If possible, it would be better to lean more towards e-sports and write more good things, that would be great.

It is precisely because of this kind attitude that reporters from various media outlets almost always expressed praise and boasted in their articles after returning home. Suddenly, e-sports suddenly became popular, and e-sports suddenly became a A hot topic on the Internet, attracting more attention.

The aftermath of S1 has just subsided, but the residual heat of the super prize is still there. League news is released again, one wave after another, with constant climax!

Many people have turned their attention to this newly emerging industry that has made big news.

The number of users of "Gods and Gods" once again ushered in a new round of rapid growth!

Just when the news about the five major leagues was making a fuss, on January 2, 2009, the three-day New Year's Day holiday ended.

It coincides with light snow.

Tiny snowflakes fell from the sky in Jingzhou, and the entire city was gradually wrapped in silver.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, a strange scene appeared in each club.

E-sports players who have always only gotten up at noon all woke up early for the first time today.

Because the player registration process will officially start today!

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