Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 379 Award Ceremony

"E-sports clothes and shoes?"

Mo Yu smiled when he heard this and said: "It's not that this business can't be done. Tiancheng has sponsored GPL now. Why not just launch a few club co-branded models or player co-branded models, use better materials, and sell them in limited editions. Maybe there will be some. Effect."

He came up with this idea to follow the practices of those big manufacturers.

If something is co-branded, it will immediately sell for a high price, or if nothing is changed, the cut leeks will be sold at a high price. This is an old trick.

However, fans readily accepted it even if they knew about it, and some people hyped it up at a high price.

Tiancheng can definitely do this business.

At least judging from Tiancheng's past deeds, his conscience is still there.

"What a good idea." Li Tiancheng's eyes suddenly lit up: "I will try it after the new year."

Zhang Zhaoyang smiled and said: "That's okay, Mr. Li. When the time comes, I will ask you to do a business to produce some Emperor Star peripheral clothing. I believe it should be easy to sell."

The three of them were chatting and laughing as they walked inside.


The venue has arrived.

Mo Yu led the two of them to the front row and sat down. Several domestic club owners were around, and everyone smiled and said hello.

"Mr. Mo, there was a big scene today. I never thought that one day, playing games would be as good as making movies, and there would even be an awards ceremony. I wonder who will win this time." Mr. Chen from Team Pengcheng laughed. , the hands kept moving, but the previous string of huanghuali bracelets had been replaced by another string of beads made of precious materials.

"Who said there can't be award ceremonies for gamers?" Mo Yu said: "If you want to do it, then do it well and do it formally. The outside world has seen that e-sports is developing rapidly, and everyone here will benefit."

"Mr. Mo is right."

Deng Junhua praised it: "If nothing else, our chili sauce is selling better and better."


Suddenly, laughter broke out.

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore. There are still people outside. You go ahead and I'll go out first."

Mo Yu stood up and said goodbye.

Several people also knew that there were many important people besides them today, especially people from Jingzhou City, so they didn't stop him and let him go.

Mo Yu waved his hand, stood up and walked to the door.

It didn't take long.

A low-key black Audi drove slowly.

Seeing the license plate from a distance, Mo Yu immediately knew who was coming.

He immediately went to meet him.

The car door opens.

Not only Yan Kaixian was in the car, but the leader of Jingzhou was also in the car.

Mo Yu was suddenly startled.

Unexpectedly, the big boss also came.

"Why, you don't welcome me?" The big leader looked at him.

Mo Yu quickly said respectfully: "No, I just didn't expect you to come."

"In the coldest month of winter, just think of me as being restless and come over for a stroll. Don't worry about it. Don't arrange for me to come up and give a speech or anything. Just continue to follow the procedure." The big leader waved his hand.

Mo Yu was a little embarrassed when he heard this.

After all, he is the highest figure in Jingzhou City. He has come here, so it would be remiss if he did not arrange a speech.

He looked at Yan Kaixian and saw Yan Kaixian shaking his head slightly.

Mo Yu suddenly knew what was going on.

"That's okay, it's cold outside, let's go in quickly."

"Let's go."

The big leader takes the lead and strides forward.

On the road.

He looked at the situation around him and said with emotion: "You have done quite a good job in this event. What's wrong? You suddenly want to hold such an award ceremony?"

Mo Yu carefully considered his words and said softly: "Although the world championship e-sports competition has already gained a reputation, most people outside who don't know the inside story still think it is just a child's trick. I hold the award ceremony to do this. An event to change the image of e-sports.”

"I'm afraid such an award ceremony is not enough." The big leader shook his head.

"It's not enough, but you have to start, right?" Mo Yu said: "Once is not enough, two, three, more times, there will always be results. Didn't those previous awards start slowly from scratch?"

"Very good, keep it up!" The big leader smiled and said: "This year's Spring Festival Gala in our province, you can go with me then. Just treat it as a show and let your family members go too. Do you have time?"

"That's natural."

Mo Yu agreed immediately.

Going to the Spring Festival Gala is nothing. If you have some status and fame in the province, you will be invited, but if you go with a big leader, the meaning is different.

Mo Yu once heard about it.

The leader of Jingzhou also has a lot of energy in Handong Province. Regardless of whether there are substantial benefits or not, it is also very beneficial to him to be able to follow him and recognize people.

"I'll pick you up then."

Time passed gradually while talking and laughing.

Anchors, players, coaches, as the protagonists tonight, will walk through the red carpet in costumes, leave their names on the signature board, and be photographed and recorded by reporters.

In the cold wind.

They didn't care at all and were completely immersed in the warm atmosphere of the scene, especially the female anchors, who were all dressed up to attend. They wanted to be elegant rather than warm, and they were crazy to attract attention.

In the live broadcast room.

Netizens were extremely excited.

Whenever male players or male anchors walked past one, no matter who they were, the comments were sparse. Even if a popular veteran professional player walked over, netizens would not react much.

But the female anchor is different.

On the red carpet of the award ceremony, those beauties walked slowly, wearing beautiful dresses with a pair of high heels, exposed big white legs, deep V, and exquisite makeup.

Netizens turned into hungry wolves and roared to the sky, and the Nutrition Express in the canteen downstairs was on the verge of selling out.

On both sides of the red carpet, camera flashes were on.

The scene was almost the same as those at those film festivals!

There were many surrounding tourists and citizens watching at the scene.

They don't know any professional players, but for beauties, I'm sorry, but the phone's memory is running out!

In the end, the red carpet session lasted for more than an hour, and until everyone had finished walking, the onlookers outside still did not disperse.

Inside the hotel.

The banquet hall was already full.

The time arrived at 6pm.

The leisurely music in the venue suddenly paused, then the lights in the entire venue came on, the stage curtain was raised, and all the staff on the stage evacuated behind the scenes.


The curtain opens, the stage lights shine, and a picture appears on the big screen.

Tian Weiwei, Yu Shuang and Ren Dong appeared on the stage in costumes.

"To all the summoners who are here and watching the live broadcast in front of the screen, good evening, everyone, and welcome to the 2008 "Gods and Gods" year-end awards ceremony."

The three of them bowed together.

The scene burst into applause.

The camera panned across the auditorium at this time.

Players familiar to the domestic audience continued to appear in the live broadcast room, and finally focused on the stage again.

at this time.

The prologue is over.

The three hosts got to the point tonight.

"In the past year, the "Gods and Gods" e-sports competition has continued to grow, and many outstanding players have emerged in our GPL competition area. After early voting by netizens, the final list of winners has been released, and now it is in my In hand."

Tian Weiwei shook the small card in her hand.

"I believe everyone can't wait for the results to be announced."


"Next, the award ceremony officially begins!"

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