Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 380 The break and the first winter window

The whole audience was watching, and everyone held their breath and concentrated.

Tian Weiwei looked down at the card in her hand, glanced at it, and looked up ahead.

"Going all the way, overcoming obstacles and moving forward bravely!"

"From the Internet cafe competition to the world championship, from school to the professional arena!"

"He is the anchor of the team, he is the mountain standing tall in the middle, he is the strongest champion in the world, he is - The God!"

"Let us congratulate The, God, for winning the best MVP player in GPL this year!"

“Congratulations to The God!”

Tian Weiwei shouted the last sentence loudly.

Amid enthusiastic cheers from the audience, the camera turned to Lu Zibo.

In the auditorium, he was sitting with his teammates. When he heard that he had won the award, everyone gathered around him, and Lu Zibo's face was filled with surprise.

The screen in the live broadcast room was filled with tears.

His wonderful performances on the field this year were constantly replayed on the big screen at the award ceremony.

Accompanied by exciting music, Lu Zibo straightened his suit and stepped onto the stage.

The host presented him with a trophy.

"Please ask contestant The and God to give your acceptance speech. How do you feel now that you have received this award?"

Put the microphone to your mouth.

Looking around at the magnificent venue, Lu Zibo was at a loss.

Fortunately, he was a man who had seen the world and calmed down quickly.

"I feel very honored to win the MVP of the year. I would like to thank the officials for giving me such a great honor."

"It is the oldest professional club in the world, the first team to win the world championship title, and the undisputed number one team in the world!"

"Let us congratulate the Emperor Star Professional E-Sports Club for winning the title of Best Club of the Year!"


Awards continue to be given out one after another.

There was constant applause at the venue.

At this award ceremony, Mo Yu set up a total of more than a dozen awards.

They are MVP Player of the Year, Club of the Year, Coach of the Year, Most Popular Anchor, Most Popular Host, Most Popular Commentator, Best Potential Player, Most Popular Player of the Year, Best Brand Operation of the Year, and Best top laner, best jungler of the year, best mid laner of the year, best AD of the year, best support of the year, and so on.

These awards cover all figures engaged in professional e-sports in the country.

Players, hosts, commentators, clubs, managers, coaches... they're all there.

It looks not only at the record but also at netizen support votes, and at some of the deeds the club has done that year.

In the end, Emperor Star won multiple awards with an absolute advantage. Lu Zibo was not only elected MVP but also won the most popular player again.

Zhang Zhaoyang was grinning from ear to ear in the audience. Not only did the club itself win the award, but so did the players and coaches, which aroused the envy of other clubs.

In comparison, other clubs are much worse off.

But no matter what, they at least got one, and everyone was happy.

Everyone had a good laugh.

Although these awards have nothing to do with money and are just pure honors, sometimes honors are also a motivation to encourage progress. Spiritual rewards are sometimes more miraculous than material rewards, especially for the first batch of people who engage in professional e-sports. For people.

Love is the first driving force that drives them to enter the competition field!

And for Mo Yu.

This award ceremony not only further united people's hearts, but also allowed the outside world to see the formal side of e-sports, which is not just a kid's trick. More people saw his determination to develop e-sports.

E-sports is by no means just for fun, but a truly rising competitive sport!

Mo Yu, Zhang Zhaoyang, Lu Zibo, Li Xiaofeng, Deng Junhua, Li Tiancheng, Huang Tao, Ming Kai, Yu Jingxi, Jian Pride, whether they are bosses or players, everyone regards e-sports as a lifelong career!

The awards ceremony concluded the night.

The news spread to the Internet.

Someone was surprised and said: "We actually held an awards ceremony. Is playing games so formal?"

Someone immediately retorted below.

"This is not playing games, this is professional e-sports. E-sports is born out of games but is higher than games!"

"Don't look at professional e-sports from a narrow perspective. They are not Internet-addicted teenagers, but athletes who can also win glory for the country!"

"Sometimes, becoming a professional e-sports player is no more difficult than passing the 985 exam!"

"Let's face e-sports seriously. This is an emerging industry and one of the most important competitive sports in the future world!"

“Congratulations on e-sports becoming more formal!”

The next day.

After the awards ceremony, the next step is the exhibition match.

In the SOLO competition, the little fat boy Uzi fought against the crowd and won the title of SOLO KING.

The anchor entertainment competition also made netizens laugh.

Anchors from various platforms used their unique skills to stage a wonderful head-to-head battle. With Vincent's outstanding performance in this game, Draven's popularity soared and he transformed from a small anchor to a platform Head anchor.

Jiang Qizhang even personally stepped forward to poach people, lured them to Moyu Live Broadcast, and offered them high-value contracts.

Then comes the legendary competition for professional players.

Ten players from each club who performed brilliantly formed two teams with their former opponents, and each showed some heroes rarely seen on the field, which made the audience excited.

In the follow-up, there will be Water Friends Challenge, Interpretation and Entertainment Competition and other competitions.

Everything is different from the professional arena. Everyone does BP more casually, and the heroes they choose are all common in daily rankings. There is a lot of work, there are no stops, and there is no boring operation at all. If you are not fighting, you are fighting. on the way.


The competition session that lasted for a whole day came to an end.

So far.

The 2008 annual awards ceremony has officially ended, and it also announced that all games this year have been played, and the GPL league has completely entered the offseason, followed by the opening of the winter transfer window.

This transfer window is the first since the establishment of the league. The club owners are not used to it yet, and their teams have just been formed, so they have very few operations. There is no big poaching. At most, they just let their managers We checked to see if there were any good prospects, arranged a few trial sessions, and signed a few substitutes.

With all the fuss going on, the winter transfer period was quiet.

At the same time, the GDL secondary league has also entered the offseason.

The clubs that can be selected by Mo Yu to enter the secondary league are all small teams. They are either established for a short time or have insufficient funds behind them and have not achieved any results, but they are more formal than simple amateur teams.

At least the players have food and shelter, not just for love.

Unlike GPL clubs, GDL clubs take greater action during the winter transfer period.

The reason is that with the rise of professional e-sports, more and more newcomers are entering this field.

These newcomers have no way to join the GPL clubs, so they have to settle for the next best thing and seek opportunities to join the GDL.

Because of this, various GDL clubs set off a signing frenzy.

Many anchors and passerby kings have officially announced that they have joined a certain team and will compete in the GDL secondary league next year.

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