Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 411 Set a new high, breaking through 30 million

early morning.

Mo Yu got up early in the morning. After washing up, he ate breakfast in the hotel room and used the computer to check some work report records sent by Jingzhou.

On the computer screen in front of him, there were many work reports, all of which were related to various data on various events and its games.

"Very good. The total number of GAG users worldwide has increased by 20% compared to last month. The total number of all servers has exceeded 30 million. The domestic increase is the highest. It has officially exceeded 10 million. It is really good news."

Looking through this record, Mo Yu felt very comfortable.

Since the end of S1, GAG's user growth has entered a high-speed lane, soaring without any signs of stopping.

Before S1, the total number of GAG users worldwide was less than 20 million; after the end of S1, it grew rapidly. Until today, after removing those duplicate IP accounts, it finally exceeded 30 million!

In China alone, there are 10 million people, while in other regions, the largest number is North America with 6 million, followed by South Korea, Europe, and Southeast Asia.

"Based on the current data growth rate, with the popularity of the league, there should be a period of rapid growth, followed by a period of flattening. By the end of the year, S2 will usher in another period of explosive growth. At that time, GAG will even It may exceed the 100 million mark and become the game with the largest number of players in the world."

He is not making random predictions, but making judgments based on actual conditions.

GAG has been online for two years now. Every time there is a new event, the number of players will increase. Especially in the three major A-level competitions and S competitions, the growth is the most terrifying.

And this year there are many key nodes.

First the league, then MSI, then the three major A-level cups, and then S2. Each time it will be the biggest event in the minds of global e-sports enthusiasts, and it will inevitably spread and give GAG ​​a wave of publicity. force.

"It's a pity that after all, there is only one GAG, and other games are still inferior."

"But I can't be too greedy. The current data of "Race Conflict" is also very good, and it should increase when the map editor comes out. And the CSGO internal beta went well, and I believe it won't be too bad after the open beta."

"Right now, the company still has a Red Alert game under development, but it's still too little. It's time to speed up the pace and develop a new game. Otherwise, it will be too late if the creativity is occupied by others."

Mo Yu frowned and fell into deep thought.

There happened to be a survey report in front of him, which recorded many major and minor trends in the global game industry.

There was one point that concerned Mo Yu very much.

That's when various game competitions began to pop up like mushrooms after a rain.

Let’s talk about China first. Major manufacturers are persistent in their evil intentions. Many tepid MOBA games that copy GAG are also beginning to be promoted under the banner of the World Finals. As for those competitions, the prize money is only tens of thousands of yuan, and the contestants are all domestic. Players, the game has not even been exported to the country and has nothing to do with the world. That does not affect it at all. It is the World Finals anyway, and what you want is to gain popularity.

In fact, these are not bad, they are all clowns and not worth mentioning.

The most important thing is that many popular games are now starting to hold offline real-person competitions, such as Running, MapleStory, Dragon Nest, Legend, Journey, DNF, Dancing, etc., and even MMORPGs are also starting to hold them. In offline PVP competitions, everyone wants to get on the fast train of e-sports.

In addition, some game manufacturers have also heard news that they are eyeing CSGO and Race Hegemony, and are imitating and developing games to follow suit.

In foreign countries, e-sports is also popular. Various racing, fighting and other games are also holding competitions, and other games are also following the trend.

It can be said that e-sports competitions are now completely popular among global game manufacturers.

As long as it is a game, regardless of whether it has anything to do with competition or not, the event will be different from previous offline meetings. Anyway, they are all competitions, and they are all under the banner of e-sports!

"What a troubled time!"

"The concept of e-sports has begun to take root in people's hearts, and major game manufacturers have also understood the power of e-sports competitions. The overall global situation is very good. However, for me personally, it seems that I am constantly being pushed to catch up, and I can't stop. Take a rest for a while, or you will be caught up!"


Mo Yu sighed.

"New games need to be launched at a faster pace. We cannot let other manufacturers come up with similar ideas first, otherwise we will end up in second place and lose our orthodox advantage."

There was a lot of traffic outside the window, and Mo Yu looked into the distance, feeling a vague feeling that time and time could not wait for us.

In his memory, there are still many games suitable for competition that have not yet been developed, and the speed must be accelerated to prevent other companies from taking the lead.

"Three days have passed. I wonder if Shang Xingyue has made an appointment with his father?"

He has been in the imperial capital for three days. There are still many things waiting for him in Jingzhou. He cannot waste a moment. Unfortunately, Shang Xingyue still has no definite news. Mo Yu has no way to give up. He must seize this time. Opportunity, otherwise it would be difficult to meet Shang Cunyuan.

"We can only wait slowly, there is no rush!"

Shaking his head, Mo Yu was about to go back and continue working.

Jingle bell bell~

Suddenly, the phone rang. I walked over quickly, picked it up and saw that it was Shang Xingyue.

Mo Yu's heart moved and he immediately pressed the answer button.

"Hey, Xingyue, it's morning. Have you had breakfast?"

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Mo Yu greeted him first.

After the joke that night, the relationship between him and Shang Xingyue suddenly changed from just friends to much closer. They no longer referred to each other by their full names or positions when talking, and they started to develop into lovers. .

However, the two of them didn't care much. They let everything take its course. They didn't deliberately go on dates, go shopping, watch movies, etc. like most men and women who have a crush on each other. It was still pretty much the same as before.

But it is this kind of plainness that is truly extraordinary.

"After eating, we just arrived in Taili." Shang Xingyue said in a friendly and caring tone: "What about you? Are you busy with work?"

"No, I just finished eating."

Mo Yu smiled.

"That's good. Be sure to remember to have breakfast on time. No matter how busy you are, don't forget that your body is your own."

Shang Xingyue ordered.

"Well, don't worry."

Mo Yu accepted this instruction with peace of mind, just like a wife reminding her husband.

"That's good." Shang Xingyue smiled and said, "By the way, I have already agreed with my father that at 3 o'clock this afternoon, you can just go there. He will be the only one at home by then."

Mo Yu perked up after hearing this, and the wait was finally here!

He suppressed his excitement and asked a series of questions: "Am I alone? Can I go? What should I bring? Are there any precautions?"

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