Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 412 Global epidemic, eternal world

"Okay, okay, you don't need to be so nervous. My father is not a big man-eating tiger." Shang Xingyue said with a smile, "I won't go. I have something to do in Taiwan and my mother is not at home. It's convenient. You two can talk among yourselves. In addition, you can just bring some fruit to the door. You don’t need to bring anything else, so as not to make any weird remarks if neighbors or outsiders see it. As for what to wear, when you meet my dad, you can’t dress slovenly. Dirty, right? Just be clean and tidy, nothing else."

"I'm sorry. After all, it's your father, and he's also a high-ranking leader, so I'm inevitably a little nervous." Mo Yu apologized.

"Don't think too much, just treat him as an ordinary elder and be respectful. My dad appreciates you very much and is very kind to others." Shang Xingyue smiled and reminded: "There is one more thing I want to remind you. You, you two have special identities after all, one is an official and the other is a businessman, so when you go there, you'd better pay attention to your whereabouts and try to hide as much as possible."


Mo Yu nodded.

"That's it, I still have work to do, so I'll hang up now."


After hanging up the phone, Mo Yu immediately called his assistant to buy some fruits, and specifically asked not to use too high-end fruit baskets, just put them directly in two bright red transparent bags. In addition, he would help him rent a more ordinary low-end fruit basket. The price of the car is black.

After everything was arranged, Mo Yu specially changed into a casual down jacket and drove his newly rented car straight to the Sports Bureau dormitory.

When he arrived at the place, he called Shang Xingyue. The security guard at the door heard her voice and opened the door with confidence.

Drove all the way downstairs.

Mo Yu carried the fruit and went directly to Room 202 on the second floor according to the address given by Shang Xingyue.

Press the doorbell gently.

Not long after, the door to the room was opened, and a face came into view. Mo Yu had often seen it on the news channel, and now he recognized it at a glance. It was Shang Cunyuan.

"Are you Mo Yu?"

Shang Cunyuan asked through the door of the room.

He was dressed like an ordinary person today, a simple sweater and trousers, with a smile on his face. He had no power and was very kind.

But Mo Yu didn't dare to neglect.

"It's me, Business Bureau."

"come in."

Shang Cunyuan looked him up and down, nodded slightly, opened the door and let him in.

After he entered, Shang Cunyuan closed the door, turned around and bent down again, and took out a pair of white slippers for Mo Yu from the shoe cabinet.

"Put it on."

When Mo Yu saw this, he quickly stopped him and was flattered: "I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself, Shang Bureau, please rest."

Hearing this, Shang Cunyuan chuckled and said, "You are a guest, so you don't need to be so reserved in private. And I heard that you and Xingyue are friends? Don't call me uncle, just call me uncle."

Of course Mo Yu followed the good example and quickly put the fruit down, bent slightly and said, "Uncle Shang."

Although he never expected that Shang Cunyuan would be so kind and not at all like the majestic image he saw on TV, Mo Yu did not let go because of this, but paid more attention.

One is because of e-sports, and the other is Shang Xingyue.

"Uncle Shang, I heard Xingyue said that you wanted to see me, so I took the liberty to come to my door today. I didn't bother you, right?"


Hearing this title, Shang Cunyuan was stunned, and then looked at Mo Yu carefully, with an inexplicable light flashing in his eyes.

In just this second, the expression on his face was still the same, but Mo Yu suddenly felt that the atmosphere had changed, giving him a feeling like a light on his back.

? ? ?

what happened?

"It seems that you two really had a good time." Shang Cunyuan stopped smiling, with a bit of scrutiny on his face.


Mo Yu's scalp went numb instantly, he didn't know what to say, and he was at a loss.

Fortunately, Shang Cunyuan did not continue, but led him to the study room, which made him sigh in relief.

"sit down."

After what happened just now, Mo Yu now sat down obediently and his body was straight.

Shang Cunyuan looked at him and nodded slightly.

"I heard that you started from scratch?"

"Yes." Mo Yu replied respectfully: "Both my parents are ordinary people. I have always wanted to make a game after I finished college. Later, I learned relevant knowledge by myself and developed and designed a game, but the data was not very good. Then it was simply taken off the shelves and remade, and then it became a hit.”

He said it was very simple, but the difficulty involved was not known to everyone.

Not to mention the predecessor, just Mo Yu himself, the first six months after crossing over were simply in darkness. He couldn't leave the door without taking a step forward. If it weren't for the physical and mental buffs after crossing over, and the goal of becoming an e-sports player. Supporting him, I'm afraid he really can't resist it and has to cross over again.

"I see." Shang Cunyuan nodded and said: "Since the game is doing well, why did you suddenly think of having an e-sports competition? Before this, no one seemed to have thought that such an event could be held. You Be the first!"

"It can be considered a coincidence." Mo Yu thought for a while and compiled: "Although there was no concept of e-sports at the time, some game companies actually held some activities to attract players. I also wanted to do an event, which happened to be developed The game is full of competitive elements, so I thought of e-sports.”

"Later, the response to the first competition was very good, and users liked it very much, so I just continued to do it, and finally reached the scale it is today."

He actually does e-sports for no other reason than to fulfill a dream.

When a loyal e-sports fan in the previous life travels back and discovers that there is no e-sports, but he has that ability, without even thinking about it, he must want to recreate e-sports in the new world and make e-sports possible. The competition took the world by storm.

As for the rest, everything is in service of achieving this goal.

"Listening to what you said, it seems a bit unintentional." Shang Cunyuan said: "Originally, I wanted to do an event, but I didn't expect that it would become a competition that is popular all over the world. It was a strange combination of circumstances."

"Absolutely." Mo Yu smiled.

"But now the scale of e-sports is not small. What are your plans in the future? Will it continue to grow or stay the same?" Shang Cunyuan asked again.

"Of course we will continue to grow bigger!"

Mo Yu answered decisively.

"E-sports competitions have become more and more formal. Even if it is not for myself, I must continue to do it for tens of millions of fans around the world. Moreover, developing e-sports is now an ideal goal for me. My goal is to expand e-sports. If the competition becomes a globally popular event that will last forever in the world, then it will be considered as a life worth living.”

These words were somewhat of a performance, but they also contained sincerity.

E-sports started with him, but it will never end with him!


Shang Cunyuan's eyes flashed with appreciation, his face became kind again, and the atmosphere in the room gradually relaxed.

He has been in a high position for a long time and thinks he has a good eye for people. Now after a few simple inspections, Shang Cunyuan knows that Mo Yu is not telling lies, but really wants to make e-sports a global popular game that will last forever. Project ideas.

And not only do they have ideas, but they are also constantly working on it and spending a lot of money on it.

He appreciated Mo Yu more and more.

"Actually, there is something else I have called you here today. Since your relationship with Xingyue is so good, Xingyue must have told you about e-sports being included in the inspection by the Sports Bureau, right?"

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