Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 425: Only bombs but no people

"The three of LGD were full of ultimate moves, and the tree with remaining health melted on the spot. Pan Sen was shot to death, leaving only a wine barrel with nowhere to escape!"

"This wave of vanguard groups seemed to have no chance. Emperor Star lost the vanguard, but got three kills. The and God got double kills. In total, they made a profit!"

Miller stared at the screen with wide eyes and roared in disbelief.

“The location is great!”

"LGD paid a huge price for this pioneer. They gave Emperor Star a chance, and Emperor Star was ready to seize the opportunity. Bomberman's violent output is fully reflected!"

"The next middle road will be a bombing feast with only bombs but no people!"

The audience burst into cheers, and the live broadcast room was filled with NB666.

The director is very discerning, and the view suddenly cuts to the backstage of Emperor Star.

The entire uniform team was relieved, clapped their hands and laughed, and Han Wenhui jumped three feet high with joy, clenching his fists and waving his hands in the air, his expression full of uncontrollable excitement.

The game started to turn around with this double play.

18 minutes.

After the wine barrel tower, E took action. Bomberman reacted quickly and used a W skill at his feet to successfully open his position, blow up the wine barrel with his backhand and cripple Pantheon.

20 minutes.

Pan Sen's middle lane was bombed beyond recognition, his small demon-drinking knife was useless, and he couldn't hold the line at all. He wandered around in vain, and when he returned to the middle lane, the defense tower was directly blown up.

22 minutes.

The third dragon group.

09 Pan Sen circled back and tried to attack Bomber first. Four wine barrels were blown up, and he used a perfect ultimate move to successfully divide the battlefield.

Just when the situation was at stake.

Lu Zibo once again transformed into the dean. He first killed Pan Sen single-handedly, then hit three with a backhand big move. ZSMJ's wheel mother was beaten on the spot and fled in all directions.

LGD's teamfight formation was directly blown through, and the team started perfectly, but Bomberman turned the tide. They played 3 for 3, and Bomberman was unstoppable!

Emperor Star captured the first dragon!

At 25 minutes, the fourth dragon was refreshed.

At this time, LGD, which had only taken two dragons, chose to give up and turned around. 09 Pan Sen flew up, and cooperated with the wine barrel tree to catch Thain who was still leading the line without passing.

This time, it’s Bomberman again!

As if it had been expected, the ultimate range move shattered the battlefield, and Thain's chariot did not turn into a hearse, successfully saving a small life.

The LGD generals were so angry that they couldn't help but curse!

27 minutes.

At this time, both sides have two small dragons each, and the Dragon Soul Group is nowhere in sight. Both sides have set their sights on the big dragon.

Before the war started, the two sides competed for vision, and the real eye found PLY Fengnu who was doing the vision.

Just as he walked into the grass in the river, he was beaten to a low level by Bomber's EQA. He had to dodge to save his life, and the wheel mother also handed over for treatment.

Gaining the advantage, Emperor Xing quickly emptied the dragon pit's vision, and LGD's vision in the baron position fell into a disadvantage.

When Emperor Xing saw this, he decisively cut off the dragon.

The remaining 4 people from LGD outflanked and took over forcefully. The wine barrel once again played perfectly. The E flash directly hit the Leopard Girl. The Emperor Star was unable to continue and could only retreat. However, during the pull, LGD was also disabled and the dragon was pulled. Open, the blood volume returns to full, both sides stop.

crucial moment.

Emperor Star fired a wave of counterattack, and while everyone in LGD was returning to the city to resupply, the five remaining bloods cooperated tacitly, and relied on time difference to win the first big dragon in the game!

After being suppressed for a whole game, I finally saw hope of a comeback!

"The decision made by Emperor Star is so beautiful!"

"LGD never thought that you would dare to fight back against Baron when everyone is disabled!"

"To be honest, if we were caught in this wave, it would be a complete destruction of the group, but the command of Emperor Star was too decisive. Wealth gained from danger and we successfully seized the opportunity!"

"This big dragon BUFF will give the Emperor Star hope of victory!"

"And now, at this point in time, the Emperor Star POKE lineup is at its peak. After that, Blue EZ's output will become weak, and Leopard Girl will not be able to impress anyone!"

"Not bad! The scariest thing is that this wave of The and God bombers went home and made up for the magic penetration stick, the ghost book, the 15-layer murder book, the golden body, and the magic penetration stick. With these four pieces on, as long as they touch One moment, that’s hundreds or even thousands, and no one can stop LGD except the biggest tree!"

The commentary is constantly analyzing.

The situation turned out exactly as they said.

At the second tower on the middle road.

Lu Zibo hit Feng Nu with a bouncing bomb, and half of her health disappeared in an instant. She had to return to the city.

Turning around, another E skill was placed in front of the army line. ZSMJ accidentally stepped on one. The extent of the disappearance of the health bar in an instant scared the corners of his eyes and he did not dare to step forward at all.

"Release all outer towers, defend the high ground!"

09 Stop drinking and decisively issue a retreat order.

Emperor Star took advantage of the situation to get all the outer towers, and LGD's bottom lane high ground was also drained of a lot of blood, and they were just shy of reaching Bomberman W's killing line.

"The next focus will be on the second big dragon. This dragon soul may have to be delayed very late." Wawa explained.

"Well, that's right."

Miller nodded and analyzed: "Although the output of Emperor Star in the jungle is on a downward trend, the bomber in the middle is too scary. When he takes out his hat again, takes a big medicine, his magic power will exceed 800, and by then At that time, everyone was really bombed to death!"

"Don't talk about hats, now everyone is blown up to death!" The doll turned around and smiled: "The God's bomber is really good at playing, and it completely brings out the essence of seeing only the bomb but not the person!"

"Indeed! The most important thing is that the overall situation of the Emperor Star has been completely brought up by The God!" Su Xiaoyan couldn't help but admire.

"This is the strength of FMVP!"

Miller sighed!

In the live broadcast room.

The barrages kept coming.

Netizens spoke one after another.

"I learned it, fire a bomber now!"

"The club is looking for midfielders, and they are required to be good at Giggs, bomber, and demolition genius!"

"LGD has been blown away and deserves to be the world champion!"

"A fight against LGD starts? Let's win first and then talk about it!"

At this time in a certain Internet cafe.

A thin little boy took off his glasses and looked at the yordle throwing bombs on the live broadcast screen with a look of admiration in his eyes.

He couldn't help but mutter to himself: "Maybe this is my natural hero!"

On the playing field.

31 minutes.

The fifth dragon is refreshed.

After several waves of consumption, Bomberman's skills were accurately consumed, and LGD had no choice but to give up on the card-drawing dragon. Both sides chose to continue to develop until 34 minutes.

The second dragon is refreshed!

"Do your vision, do your vision, be careful, the other side might be there!"

"Be sure to watch out for the bomber!"

In the voice channel, both parties were fully focused.

On the mini-map, the signals are buzzing and ding-ding ding-ding. Both sides are marking the location of the enemy. Every battle for view is done with caution, for fear of something going wrong.

Just at this time.

Suddenly an engine roar echoed through the canyon!

The moment the veteran driver started driving.

09 Panson, who was standing on the flank to protect his teammates and looking for a position around the back, was immediately caught and knocked unconscious by a Thain dump truck that accelerated to 100 mph for 1 second. He was about to receive another heavy blow!

Everyone in LGD had just reacted and were preparing for rescue.

Behind the wall.

A volley of green energy bombs, golden light arrows, red bombs, and wooden poison darts all flew over!

09Changes color instantly!

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