Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 426: Powerless

In just an instant, Pan Sen was knocked out of the Demon Drinking Knife. The next second, he died on the spot. He had no time to rescue him and was killed by the damage.

09 looked at the damage calculation chart on the black and white screen.

It shows that he took a total of 2697 points of damage in 1.86 seconds, of which Bomberman hit the most. Passively and EQ added 1400 points in an instant, which is terrifying!


Taking a hard look at the people of Emperor Star who rushed forward, LGD had no choice but to retreat. The death of the mid laner basically lost hope for the second dragon. Moreover, there is now a huge economic gap between the two sides, and a hasty team fight may lead to Destroyed in one wave.

Various thoughts flashed through his head quickly, and finally 09 chose to retreat and stay high.

It was this wave of decisions that put LGD into a situation of chronic death.

Relying on the Baron BUFF, Emperor Star once again launched an attack on the LGD highlands after replenishing supplies.

Under the defense tower.

The POKE formation was spread out, and everyone in LGD always moved carefully to prevent themselves from using skills. The most important thing was not to use Bomberman's skills.

However, with the fully reduced CD, Bomberman's Q skill has a ridiculously short time, and the bombs are hitting him one after another, and the damage cannot be dealt with at all.

After several waves of consumption, LGD's two highlands were broken. Finally, when Emperor Star turned around to get the fourth dragon, he attacked rashly despite the pressure of his vision, but was seized of the opportunity. Bomber hid in the back row and output wildly, and Hell Cannon went crazy. After random bombings, LGD was directly knocked out and destroyed.

Both sides trade 2 for 5!

Emperor Star took advantage of the situation and pushed to the high ground. LGD's first resurrected Feng Nu and Liquong were unable to stop them. They could only watch the base being destroyed and the game ended.

Emperor Star took the lead in winning the first game, and the two sides tied 1-0.

After the game.

Bomberman undoubtedly won the MVP of this game, and his unique damage data led the game. The output of 3W6 was exactly double that of 09 Panson!

This is the end of the first game.

The players from both sides walked back to the lounge along the player channels on both sides of the stage.

There were loud cheers from the audience!

Zhang Yiming wildly waved the flag in his hand and cheered loudly.

The range of his movements was too exaggerated, and because he was sitting in the front row, he was instantly captured by the camera, and his screaming face appeared on the big screen. Mo Yu in the lounge was very surprised when he saw it.

"He came to watch the game too?"

Mo Yu's face was full of disbelief.

Although Tianxing and Moyu are not rivals, they still have a competitive relationship. Zhang Yiming, as the designer of Tianxing, actually appeared at the competition site of Moyu Games. This discovery is a bit extraordinary.

Mo Yu couldn't help but think about it.

Shang Xingyue, who was on the opposite side of the video, heard this and asked curiously: "Who?"

Mo Yu pointed at the big screen: "That person, Zhang Yiming, the chief designer of Tianxing Games!"

"Chief designer?" Shang Xingyue said in surprise: "Shouldn't such a person be busy with work? How can he have time to watch the game?"

"Who knows?"

Mo Yu was also puzzled: "Let me ask after the beating."

On the commentary desk.

During halftime, game highlights were replayed on the screen.

Wawa couldn't help but said: "This one seems to remind me of the Emperor Star from last year's World Championship. Although it was very stretched in the early stage, especially in the bottom lane, it was simply eye-catching, but as the wave of the Pioneer Group started, the Emperor Star His condition quickly returned and he gained momentum!"

"That's right!" Miller nodded: "I hope the next two Emperor Stars can be maintained!"

"Looking forward to the exciting performances from both sides!"


Emperor Xing, who returned victorious, was warmly welcomed by the backstage team.

The moment the door opened, the first thing that caught my eye was the applause of all the staff. Han Wenhui stood up to greet him, his hands were red from the clapping, and the applause continued in the lounge.


"That's a good shot, keep it up!"

Korean will give words of encouragement.

Lu Zibo smiled and said, "Finally, we have lived up to our expectations. Coach, hurry up and review the game!"

"Okay, everyone, sit down first!"

Knowing that time was running out, Han Wenhui immediately entered the state and led everyone to discuss and analyze, especially the bottom lane. He kept reminding him that the early mistakes of the top laner were too serious. If the middle lane had not performed exceptionally, the outcome of the game would have been unknown.

After a short rest.

Players from both sides took the stage again.

The second round begins.

In this game's BP, LGD was not stubborn at all. They directly took away Lu Zibo's hot bomber without giving him any room. Then they targeted the bottom lane with two consecutive moves, banning all the strong AD in the version, and then the first move Choosing someone and then taking the wheel mother forces Emperor Star to either continue to take EZ or can only take version T2 heroes.

Without any choice.

After discussion, Emperor Star once again took out the blue EZ in the bottom lane, and LGD took a hand of Card Master in the middle lane. The top lane still had a big tree, a blind jungler, and a wheel mother and a bull head in the bottom lane. There was no change in the overall idea, only Pan Sen changed to After getting the card, the support is still there, and it will be able to fight in the later stage.

Emperor Star still took EZ, and replaced the support with Qinnu. In the middle, Clockwork, the top laner Big Bug, and the jungler Amumu focused on one-handed big moves.

Game start.

Both sides line up normally.

At first, it was pretty normal. The first few minutes were very fierce, but there was no kill.

The game took a turn when the 09 card reached 6.

Taking advantage of the gap between holding blue, the card opened the eye of the sky, and the ultimate move landed. A yellow card was used to fix Lulu in the bottom lane. The Japanese EQ pointed out, and the wheel mother followed up with the output, and Lulu had no choice but to send out blood.

Then the duo had just come back to life and were caught again. The blind man R kicked Lulu back in a flash and gave away another kill.

The two wheel mothers have their heads in hand, completely opening up the situation.

The dragon, the vanguard, taking the tower, grabbing the line, the situation gradually collapsed, the clockwork was tightly defended, and several waves of ultimate moves failed to be pulled out. In the last 26 minutes, LGD brought the Baron BUFF and equalized the score with a 1W+ economic advantage.

The two sides fought to a 1-1 draw!

"AD gap!"

"Substitute quickly!"

"What are you playing as an auxiliary?"

In the live broadcast room, the screen was filled with bullet screens.

The duo looked ashamed, knowing that they had not performed well, and were speechless.

Back in the lounge, Han Wenhui wanted to accuse him, but he held it back and encouraged him instead: "Stabilize your mentality and play the final game well!"

Then the review began.

When the break was over and the contestants came on stage, Han Wenhui couldn't bear it anymore and finally broke out. He called Zhang Zhaoyang who didn't come to watch the game: "Boss, it's time for us to find a new player!"

The tiebreaker.

The two sides switch sides again.

The Emperor Star performance of this one is actually better than that of the previous one, as if the rise of the first one was just a flash in the pan, and now is their true form.

Losing the dragon, losing the vanguard, and losing a tower, everything he could have given up. Lu Zibo looked for opportunities several times but failed to produce any results. Ueno was invisible, the support was sleepwalking, and AD started to move again.

11 minutes.

The bottom lane was clicked as soon as the tower was clicked, and the line completely collapsed.

What followed was a chain impact like the collapse of a snow mountain, and the situation dropped again and again. In the end, in the 24th minute, GG was helplessly knocked out!

2 to 1!

LGD won the victory and were only one step away from catching up with WE at the top of the standings!

And Emperor Star was helplessly defeated!

Lu Zibo tried his best, but was unable to save himself.

After the game.

Handshake session.

09 walked up to Lu Zibo, looked at this young man who was trying his best to save the defeat in three games, and gently patted his shoulder. Everything was clear!

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