Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 472: Win the first city

The prince in the field of vision behind the tower had already walked out when the two of them took action.

In order to grab the second line, the policewoman moved forward. When the prince walked out of sight, he only had to take a few steps forward to EQ him!

The moment he saw the prince, Zhu Rang instantly confirmed his suspicions, knowing that there must be someone behind the skateboard shoe's daring to hit him so fiercely!

However, he felt that the distance was far enough and he was confident in his positioning, so he did not dodge in the first place.

It was this mistake in decision that caused him to suffer a big loss.

The skateboard shoes were equipped with Nami's W skill, which caused a large amount of deceleration for several times in a row. It was the distance difference caused by this small deceleration that made the prince actually walk up directly. He saw the position and the extreme distance and fired EQ without even blinking. He immediately picked him up into the air, and with a passive war rhythm, the policewoman's blood volume instantly dropped a lot!

"Have the opportunity!"

"The policewoman didn't leave because she wanted to save her skills, but it seems like she was going to save herself an accident!"

Miller suddenly sped up his speech, and the tension made the audience tense up and stare at what was happening on the big screen.

on the screen.

After the prince picked EQ first, SKT's first-level duo had no countermeasures. Zhu Rang was shocked and quickly handed in flash treatment and ran away.

However, because the pressure line was a little deeper, the Prince of Skateboard Shoes also dodged. Finally, after the Prince carried the tower, he drew his spear and took away the head!

Skateboard shoes take a hit!

"This wave of changes in junglers from both sides is so thrilling!"

"LGD's 09 flash in the middle was replaced by the blind man's flash and he didn't die!"

"SKT's bottom lane policewoman used both moves to give first blood!"

"SKT suffered a big loss!"

Skateboard shoes themselves are easy to hit online, they do high damage, they allow for good vision, they are not afraid of being pulled, and they are very flexible.

In the early stage, the female police officer only relied on a negligible range advantage.

As a result, first blood is now given, and the bottom lane is instantly at a disadvantage.

Next, the SKT bottom duo will be difficult to mix with!

As for the overall situation, since both junglers took the same BUFF and immediately came to squat, they did not have the advantage of taking advantage of the opponent's GANK opportunity to steal the jungle first. This means that after this wave, LGD suffered a small loss in the middle, and SKT went down. If you suffer a big loss along the way, it will be hard to compete for the next Xiaolong resources!

You can't expect Faker to kill the 09 ball girl alone, right?

The Great Demon King is still in his infancy, has not evolved to the ultimate form, and is far from the strength he had in his previous life to cover the sky with one hand!

Even if it is achieved, 09 is a cautious person by nature and can consider the overall situation. If he needs to be cowardly, he will be cowardly. He will not be killed so easily!

The person with the same ID in the previous life was a player who used Shadow Demon to use the Vanguard Shield!

Putting it in LOL is like a Langton from the Enchantress!

How to kill?

As long as this kind of person is not given a chance, he can't be easily killed in a one-on-one line, okay?

Except for team fights, don't try to get kills from him!

as expected.

In the next few minutes, 09, who did not flash, was very stable. Apart from cooperating with his own jungler to push and invade, there were almost no small moves on the line, easily giving Faker no chance to exchange blood.

Even if Faker deliberately exploits his weaknesses or takes the initiative to fight, 09 will never be willing to fight.

The beating made Faker feel like he had taken off all his clothes, and the opponent was not tough, but just couldn't beat him!

09, who has no flash, knows best when to do something and take the initiative to attack?


He only plays defensive counterattack!

I was so anxious that my head was sweating. I squatted for more than ten seconds at a time, and finally I could only step out and release a sky sound wave to express my presence.

Under this situation, SKT's midfield selection lost its original role and had no effect at all.

The disadvantage of SKT's bottom lane is getting bigger and bigger.

The early burst of the skateboard shoes was terrifying, coupled with the unique displacement passive, the more the policewoman fought, the more uncomfortable it became. The blind man wandered around several times and failed to seize the opportunity. On the contrary, he was counter-crouched by the prince in two waves, and almost got killed, if not enough Flexibility will definitely kill you!

The disadvantage of the blind man resulted in the disadvantage of the wild area. The prince successfully seized the opportunity to take over the first dragon, without any trouble!

As for hitting the road?

What’s so interesting about big trees fighting big bugs?

It’s not ranked, the competition is full of meat!

The game lasted until 24 minutes.

The situation on the court has become a desperate situation for SKT.

LGD has an economic lead of 7K, and the head ratio is 6 to 3. They control three dragons and two vanguards in a row. They have three heads of skateboard shoes in the bottom lane, and the damage is directly maxed out!

From the first wave of sudden changes in junglers on both sides, LGD has taken advantage of the bot lane advantage and snowballed. Not to mention the female police system has no advantage, the tower has not been pushed down, and the lane is still being killed. It is simply a complete collapse. !

A few small team battles broke out in the middle. The skateboard shoes slid around and the damage output was full. Faker failed to find a good opportunity with several flank cuts. On the contrary, the 09 ball girl performed several waves of double-eye operations.

The big tree on the road can really only be a big tree if teammates are not harmed. It is not a tree spirit. There is nothing you can do except get beaten up.

LGD's top laner, the big bug, at least has one hand to bite and silence, so he can start a team and rush forward, and that's it!

"This one is so smooth!"

"From the beginning of the wave, the prince's jungle rhythm has the upper hand!"

"All kinds of resource control, counter-jumper, blind man has nothing to do, can't beat him!"

“Bottom lane skateboard shoes are also up!”

"Unless SKT is truly blessed by a miracle, we won't be able to grab the next Dragon Soul group!"

"And the big dragon doesn't have a chance. LGD's vision is so tight that it won't give you a chance to steal the dragon!"

"We can't win in a team fight, and there's little hope of a punishing fight. We can basically declare that SKT is far away in this round!"

Looking at the situation on the court, commentators from all over the world know that SKT is basically out of luck unless a miracle happens.

Even the always tough-talking Korean commentator lamented: "There is no chance. Facing a team like LGD, SKT's performance is still not impressive enough. The existence of big bugs and skateboard shoes on the opposite side also makes grabbing the dragon a luxury!"


"Theoretical victory may be almost non-existent!"

"I hope I can learn a lesson and come back in the next game!"

"Although this performance is not good enough, judging from the previous state, we still have a chance to defeat LGD!"

Finally, the game came to an end in 27 minutes.

Armed with Dragon Soul and Baron BUFF, the five of LGD teamed up and broke through the high ground in one fell swoop. SKT resisted with all their strength, but they all died tragically.

The game is set!

LGD wins first!

Throughout the game, LGD had a significant lead in kills, resources, damage, and economy. The jungle prince won the MVP of this game!

"As expected of LGD, a team like this is a huge challenge for FNC and SKT who are participating in the finals. If they want to win this unrivaled team, SKT must think of new ways!"

"Take a short rest, and then hand over the picture to the studio!"

In the studio.

Luo Xin stood slim in a black slim-fitting long skirt, and her long legs under the skirt instantly turned millions of people into wolves.

"Okay, thank you to the three commentators, Wawa, Miller, and Xiao Cang. This is the studio, and I am Luo Xin, today's host." Sister Tuozi faced the camera, and she was generous and experienced. She said: "Today's first At the end of the game, LGD performed very well. SKT, which had performed well in the previous rounds, didn't seem to play that well. I wonder if the three guests have any opinions on this game?"

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