Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 473 Who will win?

The studio is a part of MSI’s new setup this time.

In previous games, there was only a commentary booth, and during the breaks, either promotional videos or sponsor advertisements were shown. Because the duration was too short, they would be played multiple times, and the audience would get tired of watching them.

Therefore, under Mo Yu's guidance, Yang Qiu designed an additional studio for the rest period.

The layout is similar to that of a TV station's news section. Usually there is a female host and three guests, two men and one woman, as game commentators, which is used to add an additional link of explanation and analysis in addition to the commentary.

Guests usually invite free commentators who do not have game commentary tasks and star players from major teams.

In the studio at this moment.

In addition to the host Luo Xin, the remaining three guests are Wang Duoduo, Bella, and Dabi. All three of them are wearing formal clothes and sitting on the stage.

Interestingly, the stage where the game commentator sits is also specially customized.

The two male guests were completely blocked, but where Bella was, the bottom was empty.

The audience in the live broadcast room can clearly see Bella's two long legs sitting closely together and the majestic mountain peaks with her upper body exposed, which is very eye-catching.

The screen was full of barrages, and many LSPs licked the screen.

"Nice legs!"

"Oh~Bella, Bella, ball king Bella~"

"I really want to take a lick~"

"After the first game today, LGD is in very good condition!" Wang Duoduo said with a smile: "Since this MSI, SKT's condition has been obvious to all, but when we played against LGD, we were suppressed throughout the whole process. Now I feel that I have a lot of hope of winning the championship. big!"

"What do you two think?"

Big Nose nodded and agreed: "It is indeed very strong. When you watch the Spring Split, we WE can still suppress it, but in the MSI semi-finals, LGD's state was even better!"

Bella smiled and said: "Ruofeng, if you say that, are you really not afraid of being scolded by your boss when you go back?"

Ruofeng touched his nose awkwardly.

After suppressing the entire spring split, they were overturned in a key game. The entire WE will definitely be scolded by the big boss Li Xiaofeng, and they will definitely be criticized.

"Actually, it's okay, but don't say anything like this, it's too embarrassing."


The three of them laughed, and the atmosphere in the studio was very happy.

Some topics also use a joke tone, which not only does not embarrass people, but is a good way to adjust the atmosphere.

"To be honest, a team like SKT is really strong. Being able to reach the finals as the third seed of GCK is definitely something no one would have imagined before the game. But judging from this game, they may not be able to beat LGD!" Wang Duoduo analyzed: "There is no problem with the player's strength. The main problem is that there are errors in the execution of some tactics."

"In GAG games, sometimes the competition is about who makes fewer mistakes. If you want to say that everything is perfect, it's impossible." Big Nose spread his hands: "The most critical thing in the first game is the first wave of variations. , completely disrupted SKT’s predictions before the start of the game. Once the rhythm was disrupted, mistakes came.”

"LGD played very steadily from beginning to end." Bella said: "I just took a look at 09. This person is really stable. After he was caught flashing in the first wave, he didn't give Faker a chance at all. After several waves of demons, Ji deliberately sold blood to seduce her, but she didn’t fall for it.”

"09 is a very stable person." Big Nose agrees: "I have played with him too many times. It's not that he has no desire to attack, but he knows how to judge and know when to attack and defend when to defend. When it comes to looking at the overall situation, he is considered the best player in the world."

"That's right." Seeing that time was almost up, Wang Duoduo finally concluded: "LGD's performance is very strong, I hope they can maintain it. As for SKT, it depends on how they break the game!"

In the grandstand booth.

Shang Xingyue took a sip of water, looked at Mo Yu and asked, "Do you think LGD can win the championship this year?"

"Why did you ask so?"

Mo Yu smiled.

Shang Xingyue said: "I just think they played very well, and they are also one of the three imperial teams. The first MSI champion can't let other regions win the cup in China, right? That would be a bit embarrassing!"

Although MSI is not as good as the S competition, it is also the second largest competition in the entire GAG ​​competition system after the S competition.

If the first trophy cannot be kept in China, many domestic viewers may be unhappy.


Among the five major regions, the GPL is still respected, and the four major regions are subordinate to it. If the first MSI trophy is lost, the reputation of the first region will be criticized.

You know, at present, whether it is the development of the competition area or the overall strength, or it is broken down to a certain team, a certain player, or even ranking, players all over the world feel that the GPL is superior to others.

Players from some countries even create accounts in Dianyi to rank up to improve their strength.

This kind of thing exists in the other four major competition regions.

Major clubs even forcefully require their players to create accounts on the national server Dianyi, not only for daily training, but also for practicing heroes during games without being discovered by other teams.

It is precisely the emergence of this situation that has caused the competition in Ionia to become more and more difficult. Many individual players do not want to break into the top 100 of the king group. The only people who can stay at that level are professional players from various major competitions. .

Perhaps behind a string of garbled or unclear Chinese IDs are top players from other competition regions.

Even on the fishing platform, some anchors can be labeled as zone one masters, which is enough for publicity.

There is no way, there are too many masters in the king group, it is really impossible to make it!

"It's hard to say." Mo Yu pondered: "Although LGD performed well in the first game, today is BO5 after all. It's hard to say who will win and who will lose. But in my heart, I definitely hope that LGD can win the championship."

After all, they are facing SKT and FNC. No matter which side it is, it is not easy. If LGD wants to win the championship, they have to keep looking down!

Maybe I can defeat SKT easily in the morning, but when I face FNC in the evening, my form will decline.

It is still unclear who will win!

"All right."

Shang Xingyue nodded: "I hope LGD can win consecutively!"

The break is over.

Both sides returned to the field.

SKT, which was already one point behind, began to change its thinking. It had never played the previous game steadily, and now it started to find new things.

First, Feike took out a hand of robbery, which caused the audience to exclaim. Then he took out Draven in the bottom lane, and the top laner took Noshou, a jungle spider, and an auxiliary robot, maximizing his offensive capabilities.

Stupid Chicken also changed from his usual playing style of never leaving the middle lane at all times, and frequently visited the bottom lane.

After a few waves, he helped Delevingne get two kills, making LGD miserable in the bottom lane.

ZSMJ originally wanted to fight Draven with his male gun, but although Spider's several waves of GANK did not catch him to death, they did catch PYL's support, and the bottom lane was completely at a disadvantage.

Draven wielded his double axe, as if he was in a deserted place!

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