Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 474 This is the GPL!

The GAG ​​version of Draven's passive is directly killing people and getting money, rather than critical hits and bleeding.

The advantage of two heads in the early stage is almost a 1,000 yuan lead financially. Even though the male gunman is known as a real man, he does not dare to step forward to fight. The equipment is not at the same level, and he has to wait for the jungler to come!

At this time, LGD's bottom lane was at a disadvantage just like the top SKT bottom lane.

AD's disadvantage radiates to the difficulty of competing for resources in the lower half of the jungle.

For the first dragon, LGD had no idea at all and gave up decisively.

Immediately after the 8-minute Vanguard Group, Noshou Ka's well-timed attack led to the crocodile's ultimate move. Although no kills were produced, key skills were missing in the early stage, and LGD had no choice but to give up.

At this point, LGD was at a disadvantage.

"This one is a bit like a replica of the previous one, but LGD is at a disadvantage!"

"SKT has designed a lot of time nodes for the resource group, making it impossible for you to fight. Let's see how LGD breaks the game."

Miller's tone was a little worried.

Less than 10 minutes into the game, LGD fell on the defensive.

The game took a turn in the 14th minute.

At the Xiaolong Pit, neither side wanted to make a move. Crocodile relied on the advantage of one more TP than Nuoshou to stay on the line, while Nuoshou chose to take the position in advance.

Ludlevin's equipment lead has been endless, but the male gun is not bad either. He has attack speed boots, storm sword, and pickaxe. If he really wants to fight, the damage will be extremely high in an instant.

When the two sides were fighting, SKT chose to take the lead in opening the dragon, fighting and pulling at the same time.

At this moment, Crocodile TP landed, choosing a perfect position to circle back.

Then the moment he entered the field, he directly flashed R and W, and found an opportunity to drive to Draven!

"The crocodile TP went around and drove to Draven!"

"Kill Draven first!"

"Zed entered the scene and cut to the male spear, but the damage was not enough. Instead of killing him instantly, he ate Lulu's sheep instead!"

"Spiders and robots are dealing crocodiles to protect Draven, but Xin Zhao also entered the field, and Crescent Sweep blocked them all!"

The situation on the field changed rapidly, and the two sides fought a 5V5 group.

Crocodile's wave of TP circled back and cut to Draven, directly hitting SKT's highest output point in the early stage. With his own jungler Xin Zhao entering the field, the violent output of the two big men made Draven only have to dodge. If you can wait to die, robots and spiders can't survive!

The other side.

Feike's Zie forcibly cut the male gun, but was controlled by Lulu's transformation into a sheep and did not deal any subsequent damage. Nuo's hand cut in from behind, but was directly controlled by the wandering mage in the middle 09. It was extremely cumbersome and could not keep up with the output to deal blood rage. .

All five members of SKT are clearly arranged!

Crocodile and Xin Zhao entered the field and cleared out SKT's back row in a 2-on-3. Zed entered the field but had no effect. Instead, he was directly killed by the male gunner with a super long-range ultimate move. Noshou entered the field and finally defeated Blood Rage, but failed. He was tightly restrained and pulled, and in the end he was only able to kill Xin Zhao, who was still alive.

The team battle was completely defeated!

"A perfect 1 for 5!"

"SKT was wiped out by a team fight, and Xiaolong was also lost!"

"The crocodile's perfect maneuver caught them off guard!"

"After this wave, SKT's previous advantage is gone!"

Miller was about to stand up, put his hands on the commentary table, leaned forward, and went completely crazy!

Unparalleled and fierce cheers erupted from the scene!

Even if you wear sound-isolating headphones, it is difficult to block all the sounds. Although the sound is weak, it can be heard clearly.

The corner of Faker's mouth twitched, showing a look of discomfort. His eyes were full of black and white. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the audience through the gap between the computers. The large number of LGD fans made him feel heartbroken!

It’s over!

The perfect operational rhythm before was completely lost in this wave of chaos!

Next, LGD's economy will overtake it. Defense towers, jungle areas, and dragons will all be lost, and the field of vision will be completely compressed. It will be a big loss!

The slightly panicked voices of his teammates suddenly sounded in the voice.

After a team like LGD gains an advantage, there is no need to think about the next step. SKT will definitely usher in a suffocating continuous attack!

16 minutes.

Crocodile, with the help of Xin Zhao, jumped over the tower and killed Nuoshan; in the bottom lane, Spider wanted to regain the rhythm, but due to the robot's initial mistake, the duo was eliminated, leaving only Spider to flee in panic.

In the middle of the road, facing the wandering mage who had already held back his time, Xiao Bingxin had no idea of ​​taking action.

The situation was suddenly reversed!

The second vanguard, the third dragon, the fourth dragon, single capture, river encounter

SKT is trying its best to regain the situation. Several waves of beautiful single captures have resulted in kills, but the key resource group always falls into defeat.

Faker tried his best to turn the situation around.

It's a pity that once his robbery enters the battlefield, he will be stared at by Lulu. Weakness, sheep transformation, ultimate move, crucible, shield, and a lot of skills are waiting for him. They have no effect at all, let alone kill the male gun. , even trying to cut Lulu to death is difficult!

28 minutes.

"This robbery has been targeted to death, and its effect is completely gone. It is too difficult for him to kill people!"

"At this point in time, the advantage of SKT's lineup is gone!"

"It's all physical output, and the spider equipment is too poor, so it's useless!"

"The only way is to rely on Lu Nuoshou to unleash Blood Rage and use multiple big moves in team battles. However, Nuoshou is now poorly equipped and too fragile. He can't handle it when he enters the field!"

The three commentators were all discussing excitedly.

LGD has an overall economic lead on the field, and SKT's defeat is certain!

31 minutes.

In the third big dragon group, LGD both forces and fights. If you don't come, I will take the dragon. If you come, I will fight back.

SKT had no choice. With another dragon, they couldn't hold on and had no choice but to come out.

The five of them maintained their formation, using their vision to look out of Longkeng's field of vision, hoping to see clearly the situation on the field.

Just after entering the wild area, another crocodile appeared. Although it did not bite Draven, it hit the spider. Cooperating with Xin Zhao, the two people ran rampant and broke into the Ten Thousand Army. The spider launched Feitian at the last second. Already full of blood.

Behind the two strong men, the remaining male guns, Lulu, and Wandering also charged!

The huge economic lead brought about a huge gap in equipment. Unable to cut, cut, or hold, SKT was completely defeated!

LGD played 0 for 5!

Take advantage of the momentum and rush to the high ground, bulldozing the game!

2 to 0, overall lead!

SKT has reached the edge of the cliff!

After the game.

Commentators from all over the world are feeling sorry for SKT and marveling at LGD's strength!

The Southeast Asian commentator looked excited: "SKT played really well up front, but LGD is too strong! In such a disadvantageous situation, they were able to stay calm in the face of danger, seize the perfect opportunity to start a team, and completely turn the situation around!"

The North American commentator loudly appealed: "Whether it is in terms of operations or fighting, this LGD can be said to be the strongest team in this MSI. Teams in the GCS division should learn more!"

The Korean commentator cheered: "SKT still has a chance. Play well in the third round and stabilize the situation. I believe you can once again perform the miracle of letting two chase three!"

The European commentator looked solemn: "FNC behind the scenes must see clearly. They must seize LGD's weaknesses. Only by defeating this powerful team can we have a chance to win the championship!"

Domestic commentators laughed loudly: "This is GPL, this is the strongest division!"

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