Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 499 The rich man from the desert

Duan Yuanfeng is not being alarmist, but he really thinks so from the bottom of his heart.

If Mo Yu were here and heard his words, everyone would admire this man.

His prediction was so accurate!

It can be seen from the experience of the previous life. Since the release of LOL, what other MOBA games can be played?

Shinzo? Three hundred heroes? Overwatch?

In the final analysis, it is either a flash in the pan or a small effort. Even DOTA, in the Chinese server, relies on the old and young to survive, and the situation abroad may be better.

It can be seen from this that on the PC side, when it comes to MOBA games, except for LOL and DOTA, the others are just small shrimps and not worth mentioning.

And that time was already how many years after DOTA appeared?

DOTA was also a very popular game when it first appeared!

Mo Yu’s GAG has only been around for less than 3 years now. If DOTA catches up at this time, it may not be impossible to regain its glory and stand at a higher position!

Taking advantage of the current wave of e-sports blowing all over the world, Moyu not only wants to develop GAG, but also DOTA!

Inside the venue.

Players are already at a fever pitch.

At this press conference, Huang Jiajian announced too much content for three games. In this year when MOBA is very popular, the emergence of DOTA has caused renewed turmoil in the market that has been occupied by GAG for half of the country.

Many players who are interested in MOBA but not interested in GAG are already looking forward to it.

The unique new gameplay and more difficult operation feel than GAG have made many people eager to try it.

When the trial was open, even if there was only a rough game map and a few heroes, the players still enjoyed it.

Even Duan Yuanfeng and Cen Fucheng joined in the fun and lined up to experience it themselves. After playing, the two looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

There are really too many ways to play.

Both of them are game designers and are well-known in the industry.

But when I played DOTA, I was still extremely shocked by the content of the game, and I didn’t know how to evaluate it.

A MOBA game filled with many new mechanics that they had never thought of was beyond their imagination.

There are too many things in DOTA and it is too complicated. Before you experience it, you may think it is just okay. But after you actually get started, you will know how fun it is.

Although there is no high-intensity competition in reaction speed like in GAG, DOTA has its own fun.

Brand-new gameplay with exclusive skills for magic rods and magic crystals, the complexity of multi-operations, and the whimsical idea of ​​combining elements to form new skills. In addition, the entire game is completely different from GAG, with more emphasis on fighting rather than the strategic rhythm of resource competition. , all give DOTA a fascinating charm.

"My premonition is stronger now."

Looking back at the trial point surrounded by players, Duan Yuanfeng couldn't help but sigh.

"After actually playing it, I completely understood why Mo Yu dared not be satisfied even with GAG and launched DOTA. This game is definitely a masterpiece among MOBA games. Even if it is not as good as GAG in the future, It is definitely inferior to one tour and superior to ten thousand tours.”

"I heard it will be officially launched at the end of the year?"

“I can’t believe how many players other games will retain by then!”

Duan Yuanfeng shook his head, as if he saw the number of players in his Peak Glory reaching a new low.

Cen Fucheng remained silent.

He didn't believe Duan Yuanfeng's words at first, but now he had to believe it after playing it, and he felt the same way in his heart.

Once DOTA comes out, other MOBA games except GAG will really have no way to survive. At most, they will linger and make small troubles.

The gap is too big!

There's no comparison at all!

At this time, he somewhat understood Zhang Yiming's thoughts. From a purely game designer's point of view, if he could preside over the design of such a game, regardless of any other factors, I am afraid that even he himself would not be able to help but devote himself to it.

The two of them walked slowly.

During the journey, I saw many designers from other manufacturers who had also been mixed in the crowd before. After experiencing it, they all looked solemn and hurriedly called the company to report the details.


Cen Fucheng said: "Penguin really wants to cooperate with Moyu Game?"

Duan Yuanfeng shook his head: "I think so anyway."

"How about asking?"


Duan Yuanfeng was stunned and looked at him in surprise.

Cen Fucheng nodded and said softly: "Huang Jiajian is the game director after all, so he should know the relevant information about cooperation. Since e-sports is becoming mainstream, and MOBA is the mainstream of e-sports, I think we may be able to cooperate with Moyu Games for development."

"Do you have any idea?"

Duan Yuanfeng was heartbroken when he heard this.

"I heard that GAG participated in the Handong Provincial Games this year. I guess he also wants to promote e-sports into the mainstream sports system. After all, his company alone is unable to do it, but with Penguin and Tianxing, it may be different. ”

"We together represent more than 70% of the domestic game industry market. When we come together, there is strength in numbers, and we may be able to help him."

"Moyu Game also has many partners. The clubs below cover multiple industries, and Mojing Sports also has shares in Lao Ma. If they can be integrated for a certain goal, I believe the chance of success will be greatly increased."

Cen Fucheng said.

Duan Yuanfeng was surprised at how quickly his thoughts changed. After thinking about it again, he felt that it was natural.

Although we have conflicts in the gaming business, we have created a new cake for the development of the e-sports industry that everyone can eat.

Cen Fucheng is not stupid. The meaning of his words is obviously that he wants to cooperate with Mo Yu in the e-sports industry.

He had similar thoughts.

Games belong to games, and e-sports belongs to e-sports!

"In that case, you can go and take a look at the situation!"

"Then let's go!"

The two people immediately turned around and walked backstage to discuss and inquire with Huang Jiajian.

at the same time.


Not long after Huang Jiajian sat down, he heard news from his assistant that a desert tycoon from a big oil country, wearing a kaffiyeh (a turban covering the head) and known as a rich man, wanted to see him.


Huang Jiajian was very surprised.

He did meet a few Arabs on the stage, but he didn't expect that they would come to see him to discuss matters.

He remembered that two of the company's games seemed to have no agents there. It was probably Thomas, the European agent, who was temporarily in charge, and the sales were average.

"Perhaps you're here to discuss agency business?"

An idea came to Huang Jiajian's mind, but he didn't show it on his face. Instead, he immediately arranged his clothes and asked his assistant to bring someone over. He was always ready to get up and greet him.

After all, people in big oil countries are very confident. They sit on top of black liquid gold mines and are always generous with their purchases without bargaining. They leave the impression that they are wealthy and rich!

If we can negotiate this agency business and make a lot of money for the company, the bonus at the end of the year will be even bigger!

"Bring people in quickly and get ready to make tea!" (End of Chapter)

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