Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 500 Royal Family

Ahmed ibn Abdul Aziz ibn Abdul Rahman Al Saud - a wealthy man from Saudi Arabia.

However, his name is too long, so he usually calls himself Ahmed when meeting guests.

"Mr. Ahmed, please come this way."

The assistant leads the way.

Ahmed followed.

Since its establishment, CJ has invited domestic and foreign game manufacturers to participate in the exhibition, and at the same time created a trading platform for businessmen from all over the world to select products.

But in fact, there have not been many people from Saudi Arabia for so many years.

Most of the staff at the Fishing Game had never seen him before, and they all looked at this person curiously.

Ahmed looked calm, completely indifferent to the probing and curious eyes, he was used to it.

After walking a few steps and walking around the stage, Ahmed met Huang Jiajian.

"Mr. Huang, this is Mr. Ahmed, full name." The assistant looked embarrassed.

Ahmed smiled, waved his hand and said, "It's okay, just call me Ahmed. Hello, Mr. Huang."

His English is good, and Huang Jiajian is also very proficient. There is no need for an interpreter to communicate between the two.

Waving away the assistant, Huang Jiajian extended his hand and said: "The place is small and messy, and the reception is not good. Don't mind."


Ahmed didn't care about the tourists and staff coming and going around, and just sat at the small table and started talking with Huang Jiajian.

First they exchanged business cards.

Ahmed's full name is printed on the business card, and his title is general manager of a sports event operating company.

There was a long list of names written on it that made Huang Jiajian feel dizzy, but out of politeness, he read it carefully in front of Ahmed. Just this time, he discovered something was wrong.

Abdul Aziz?

Huang Jiajian once needed to use it for playing games, so he happened to know some knowledge about the formation of Saudi names.

The order in which Saudi names are composed is generally first name, then surname, and the middle part is the name of the elder.

According to the rules of Ahmed's name, Abdul Aziz should be the name of his father or grandfather, plus Saudi Arabia.


Huang Jiajian suddenly took a breath of air, and his expression became a little cautious.

"Are you a member of the royal family?"

Ahmed was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and immediately understood that Huang Jiajian could tell his identity through his name, and couldn't help but be surprised: "Mr. Huang actually knows our names?"

Although he didn't answer directly, he obviously gave the correct answer.

At this time, Huang Jiajian couldn't help being shocked.

He really didn't expect to meet a member of the royal family. After all, when the word "royal family" is mentioned, it gives people the impression that they are superior to others.

"I once knew a little bit about this."

Huang Jiajian smiled bitterly, but quickly adjusted his mentality. He felt that Ahmed was just an ordinary person. Although he claimed to have the status of a royal family, it was the 21st century now and he did not ask for help, so there was no need. Lower your worth.

"Mr. Huang is very knowledgeable. Most people in your country are too aware of the meaning of our names."

Ahmed smiled, but did not show any arrogance.

Huang Jiajian waved his hand: "We don't have much contact with him on weekdays. If I didn't know about it when I was making games, I probably wouldn't know it. I don't know, Mr. Ahmed, what do you want to see me for?"

"I would like to discuss a business deal with your company." Ahmed said: "GAG has become a popular game around the world and is also loved by many people in my country. The derived e-sports competitions are also very popular. "

"In China, some people believe that e-sports will be a popular trend in the future and suggest that the country can make arrangements in this area. The senior management thinks it makes sense, so they sent me to discuss cooperation with your company."

Although GAG does not have a direct agent in Saudi Arabia, thanks to Thomas' efforts, it can also be played in Saudi Arabia, and many people like it.

Compared with traditional events, the influence of GAG events is increasing day by day, and its popularity is rising rapidly. The number of people watching the games is catching up with the number of viewers of traditional events, and there is a faint trend of catching up from behind and sweeping the world.

This huge popularity has further driven the trend of game manufacturers there to hold e-sports competitions.

In Europe, many manufacturers are already interested in developing this kind of competitive competitive games, and there are also many manufacturers holding related e-sports competitions.

This trend has also spread to Saudi Arabia. Some experts and scholars believe that e-sports competitions will be a popular trend in the future and suggest that senior officials should try to introduce them.

Ahmed explained, and then said: "I heard that GAG competitions are divided into multiple levels. There are three A-level events every year. But so far this year, only two games have been announced. Is it the third level? The venue hasn’t been decided yet?”

GAG's three A-level cup matches will be held after the end of the summer split every year.

As of now, the company has only announced two games: the Emperor Star Cup and the IMTV Cup.

Among them, the Emperor Star Cup was discussed with Zhang Zhaoyang last year and a three-year contract was signed. This year is the second time.

IMTV, on the other hand, had already negotiated with Ding Tan years ago and only signed the contract for this year.

The remaining one has indeed not been authorized to go out.

Maybe it was because the requirements were too high, so even if someone came to ask, they gave up later.

Mo Yu originally planned that when the time came and no one was willing to host it, Moyu Game would host it at his own expense. Unexpectedly, Ahmed was attracted to him now.

Huang Jiajian also knew about this matter. He nodded and said: "Yes, there is indeed one empty GAG three A-level event this year. Are you planning to get the company's authorization to host the event?"


Ahmed nodded: "We are willing to host it, but I wonder if it can be done?"


Huang Jiajian clapped his hands and laughed: "But I can't make the decision on this matter yet. I have to inform Mr. Mo. If I can get the approval of your country's royal family, Mr. Mo should not refuse. But Mr. Ahmed, you should understand Meet the requirements for hosting A-level events, right?"

"Of course I understand."

Ahmed nodded and wrote lightly: "The bonus is one million, and the overall hosting cost must not be less than ten million. This money is nothing."

As expected, he is a rich man sitting on black gold. He spends tens of millions easily and does not take it seriously at all.

"In that case, please sit down for a moment and I will contact Mr. Mo right away."

Huang Jiajian was immediately ready to call Mo Yu, but was stopped by Ahmed.

"Be patient and don't be impatient."

"Are there any other questions?" Huang Jiajian asked doubtfully.

Ahmed nodded and said with a smile: "Excuse me, for the three games announced today, will your company also hold related e-sports competitions in the future?" (End of Chapter)

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