
Regarding the three new games, Huang Jiajian was silent for a few seconds. After thinking about it, he said frankly: "Yes, not only GAG, all games under our company will hold relevant competitions in the future. I believe Mr. Ahmed should know that the company is currently Both games released have planned corresponding events, but relatively speaking, the GAG ​​event may be more famous."

GAG has entered the summer split.

The global competition for racial hegemony is currently in full swing. Even people who don’t play this game have heard some news. Fishing Game has never kept it secret. The official website will update the current points ranking of each competition area every other week. List.

The entire tournament schedule is divided into two stages. The first stage is the points battle, which starts in March and ends in October.

The second stage is the championship battle, which starts in October.

We have now reached the late stage of the points battle, and the top players in each major competition area have basically played out. The only controversial thing is the top eight positions. Only those who can break into the top eight will be qualified to participate in the subsequent championships.

Ahmed knew this too.

The two games released by Moyu Games have already held competitions, and the contents of the three games previewed today are also full of competitive elements, and there is a high probability that competitions will also be held.

“I wonder what your company’s future plans are for CSGO, Red Alert, and DOTA games?”

Ahmed asked, seeing that Huang Jiajian didn't quite understand, and added: "If it is just distributed in China, I think there is no need to talk about the next thing, but if it is distributed globally like GAG ​​and the scale of the competition in the future We also look at the world, so I think we can have further cooperation.”

"In addition to GAG, Race Hegemony includes CSGO, Red Alert, and DOTA that have not yet been released. We all want to get your company's authorization to host events and the agency distribution rights in the Central D region!"

"Of course, price is not an issue, the prize money and scale of the event will also satisfy your company!"


So arrogant!

Games that have been released are required, as are unreleased games.

Huang Jiajian has never seen such an unreasonable request, but I have to say, it is really delicious.

Saudi Arabia has always been famous in the minds of Chinese people for its stupid people and rich people. He didn't know it before, but today he finally understands it!

Huang Jiajian couldn't help but rub his hands, stood up and said: "This is a serious matter and I can't make the decision. If you can give me some time, I will contact Mr. Mo immediately."


Ahmed smiled slightly and extended his hand to signal.

Huang Jiajian immediately arranged for his assistant to take care of this person, and he quickly walked to a quiet area outside the venue with his laptop to contact Mo Yu.

Duan Yuanfeng and Cen Fucheng happened to be seen by Duan Yuanfeng and Cen Fucheng who were rushing in on the road. They were about to say hello, but Huang Jiajian didn't pay attention at all and ran out directly.

"Looks like there's an emergency?"

"I don't know what happened."

The two looked at each other, both felt something was wrong, and each became curious.

outside the venue.

Huang Jiajian contacted Mo Yu via laptop video.

At this time, Mo Yu was handling matters at the Jingzhou headquarters. When he received his video call, he was deeply surprised and wondered why Huang Jiajian contacted him.

‘There must be something important. ’

Mo Yu pressed the button to connect, and Huang Jiajian's figure appeared on the computer screen, looking very excited.

"What's wrong?"

"Mr. Mo, there is something I can't decide."

Huang Jiajian reported everything to him in detail. Mo Yu couldn't help being surprised after hearing it, and immediately remembered the memories of his previous life.

In a previous life, there was a city in Saudi Arabia called Riyadh, which was also the capital of Saudi Arabia.

This city ranks very high in the global e-sports city rankings, and Riyadh is considered a city with a very high e-sports influence index.

The reason for this is all because there is an e-sports event in Riyadh every year.

Authorized by the local Crown Prince, its subsidiaries and the Saudi E-Sports Federation organize the Super E-Sports Festival - Gamers8, also known as the E-Sports World Cup.

The festival lasts for 8 weeks and covers six game competitions including "DOTA 2", "Fortnite", and "PUBG". The total prize pool exceeds US$45 million, which is one of the best numbers in the world.

The reason why Mo Yu knew about it was because he learned about it through the Riyadh Masters when watching DOTA2 games before.

In this DOTA2 competition, the championship prize can easily reach one million U.S. dollars. In 2023, the prize pool was increased to 15 million U.S. dollars, which is comparable to that year's TI finals.

It is for this reason that the DOTA2 Riyadh Masters is also nicknamed the ‘Oil Cup’ and ‘Local Rich Cup’ by players.

However, the Petroleum Cup happened in 2021, and it was only 2009. Mo Yu did not expect that the other party would contact him, and not only wanted GAG, but also wanted all other games.

"Mr. Mo."

Huang Jiajian's voice brought Mo Yu out of his thoughts.

"It's okay." Mo Yu waved his hand and asked, "Is this person a member of the royal family?"

"It should be." Huang Jiajian nodded and said: "Although Ahmed did not officially admit it, he did not veto it. Coupled with his name, it can almost be concluded that he is a member of the royal family. In addition, I just checked it on the Internet. , although Ahmed was not found, the company on the business card was."

"I also contacted Thomas to confirm the authenticity of the news. Thomas told me that there is indeed such a company in Saudi Arabia called Gamers8 Esports. It is an event organization company just established this year. It has already hosted some track and field, football, marathon, Bicycle and other competitions, this is the first time for e-sports.”

Huang Jiajian summarized the information he found, and Mo Yu couldn't help but nodded when he heard this: "It seems that they are almost inseparable!"

Comparing it with the memory of his previous life, he had basically determined the relationship between Ahmed and the company behind him at this time.

“I can’t believe that history can advance so early!”

Mo Yu thought to himself.

In the previous life, the Petroleum Cup was held when e-sports was the most developed and popular, but now it is held so early. It seems that it was he, the butterfly, who flapped its wings and changed history.

However, he had no objections to the request for hosting and agency rights for several games.

Regardless of whether there will be an e-sports festival in the future, the influence of the Saudi royal family alone will be of great benefit to the development of e-sports. It can even take the opportunity to further expand the influence of e-sports and make e-sports a popular destination in all countries. Recognized official competitions will be a good thing for subsequent admissions to Asia and the Olympics.

Anyway, so far, the three major A-level cup competitions of GAG have not been determined, so it would be okay to authorize the competitions, let alone the competitions of several other games.

"As long as you can accept the company's requirements, the authorization and agent can agree to them. You can discuss all cooperation matters with him. If it doesn't work, I will fly to the Magic City again! In addition, there are agency requirements for CSGO, Red Alert, and DOTA games. The organizer of the event asked me to draw up a contract and send it to you immediately. I happened to have an idea in this regard."


Huang Jiajian perked up after hearing this and immediately said: "In that case, I'll go over right away!" (End of Chapter)

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