Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 502 Too Little

Regarding the agency contracts and tournament licensing contracts for CSGO, Red Alert, and DOTA, Mo Yu has already prepared them.

Since he wants to develop e-sports, he naturally looks at the world, not just domestically, so he has been prepared for it.

Now that Huang Jiajian needs it, he can pass it on at any time, but he has made some slight changes in the amount.

Compared with GAG's top contract, the amounts for the other four games will certainly not be that high. Based on the race hegemony and GAG's related contracts, Mo Yu reworked a rough amount and marked the bottom line. As long as it does not exceed the bottom line, He can accept it.

Moreover, Saudi Arabia is able to obtain agents and authorizations before the game is released. This may be a promising investment in the game. Slightly lowering the requirements can be considered as reciprocating the favor.

After quickly revising the contract and sending it over, Mo Yu relaxed.

"I hope we can negotiate!"

He whispered to himself, hoping that Huang Jiajian could negotiate this big cooperation.

Magic City.

CJ Venue.

Huang Jiajian waited for a few minutes. When he saw that he had received the contract document from Mo Yu in his mailbox, he immediately sent it to the assistant in the library and asked him to print it out, and then hurried back.

On arrival at the booth.

At a glance, he saw Duan Yuanfeng and Cen Fucheng chatting happily with Ahmed, and his face darkened and he hid aside.

They are both celebrities in the gaming industry. Although he has never interacted with Duan and Cen, he knows them.

"Mr. Huang, contract."

When the assistant saw him arriving, he quickly ran over with the contract.

After Huang Jiajian took the contract and checked it was correct, he looked at his assistant: "What's going on? Why are the people from Penguin and Tianxing here?"

He looked angry.

He had just promised to Mr. Mo that he would capture Ahmed, but now he saw Duan Yuanfeng and Cen Fucheng were there. They were both in the same industry, and he couldn't help but suspect that they had heard the news and wanted to seize the project. Undermining cooperation.

"I don't know." The assistant shook his head: "But I'm not here to steal business. On the contrary, I said I want to discuss business with you."

"You want to discuss business with me?"

Huang Jiajian was stunned and sneered: "We are all colleagues, what business can we talk about? Do you want to develop games with us? What a joke! I want to see what kind of medicine they are selling in their gourds, let's go!"

Huang Jiajian strode away.

"Mr. Ahmed, I'm sorry, I'm late."

The three of them were chatting, but when they saw him coming, they all stood up.

Ahmed waved his hand and said, "It's okay. I wonder if Mr. Mo has given the results?"

Huang Jiajian nodded and said with a smile: "Everything went well, Mr. Mo gave me full authority to handle it, but Mr. Duan, Mr. Cen, what brought you two here?"

When he spoke, he looked at the two of them and smiled fakely.

Duan Yuanfeng and Cen Fucheng saw his unkind expression, looked at each other, and immediately laughed.

Compared with Huang Jiajian, both of them are old foxes. After thinking about it, they knew that Huang Jiajian must have misunderstood. Duan Yuanfeng immediately expressed his attitude when he saw this: "Mr. Huang, don't get me wrong. The two of us have business to discuss with you. It just happened that we met." Mr. Ahmed is also here, just for a few words, there is absolutely no bad intention. In this way, you talk to Mr. Ahmed first, and the two of us will not disturb you until you finish talking about business."

After saying that, he pulled Cen Fucheng to the empty table and chairs on the other side, showing his attitude of not interfering in the business.

Huang Jiajian was stunned again when he saw this. He was completely confused. He didn't know what they meant, but as long as they were not here to steal business, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at Ahmed.

"Mr. Ahmed, Mr. Mo has agreed to all your requests, including the agency rights for five games and the right to host events. I have the contract document sent by Mr. Mo here. You can read it. look."

"Oh?" Ahmed said happily after hearing this: "Great, where is the contract?"

"Hold on."

Huang Jiajian immediately opened the laptop he carried with him, opened the contract document just sent by Mo Yu, and gestured: "Please take a look."

He was still wary of Duan Yuanfeng and Cen Fucheng. His laptop screen was turned away from the two of them. When he glanced over, he found that the two of them had no intention of peeking and inquiring. They were just sitting there chatting and laughing. Don't look this way.

Seeing this, Huang Jiajian withdrew his gaze: "The contracts are all company's standard documents, and the terms and conditions are not much different. The biggest difference is the agency amount and event hosting requirements. According to Mr. Mo's idea"

on the contract.

For the desert area, in the five games, the agency amount proposed by Mo Yu was slightly less than that in the European area.

Overall, the price of Red Alert is about two-thirds of that of Race for Hegemony, while the price of CSGO and DOTA is about two-thirds of that of GAG. In addition, in terms of event hosting requirements, GAG’s A-level event qualifications are the same all over the world. As usual, they are stipulated The prize money is one million, and the hosting cost must not be less than 10 million.

The specifications for race hegemony require that the prize money for the champion should not be less than 500,000.

As for the remaining three games, since none of them have been officially released except CSGO, in terms of event bonuses, Red Alert competes with the race for hegemony. CSGO requires half less than GAG, and DOTA is the same as GAG.

However, these are the bottom lines that Mo Yu has tentatively drawn up, which means that if Ahmed has no other ideas, then the relevant events must be held at least on this scale, but if he wants to increase it, he is free to do so.

Anyway, the game has not been officially released yet, and the specific arrangements will definitely be different from the current contract.

As for Ahmed?

It’s also a trivial matter!

The big dog owners have a lot of money, and a small amount of competition bonus is simply a drop in the bucket, and it is not a big problem to increase it ten times as much as possible.

Compared with the cost of hosting events and game agents, what they value more is the influence of e-sports competitions and the authoritative image of Moyu Games in the field of e-sports!

Half an hour later.

With Huang Jiajian's explanation, Ahmed understood all the requirements in the contract. All that was left was to ask a professional lawyer to review and review it.

"Too little." Ahmed shook his head and sighed: "Before I came here, I thought the size of the competition and the prize money would be at least close to the S competition held last year. I didn't expect it would be so different. This little money is not worth it." It’s nothing.”

Huang Jiajian couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, but he had to admire the heroic spirit of the big dog owner.

He touched his nose and said with a smile: "The S competition is the highest honor event in the GAG ​​e-sports competition system. It is usually organized by the company. What you want to host is an A-level event inferior to the S competition. In terms of competition level, A little worse, but Mr. Mo is also happy to see e-sports events flourish in your country. If Mr. Ahmed you are willing to increase the prize money and expand the scale of the event, Mr. Mo has no objection." (End of Chapter)

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