Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 504: Cooperation and Eternal Calamity (Two in One)

Jingzhou Airport.

VIP waiting room.

"This time CJ is really eventful!" Mo Yu sighed: "First a big business came to sign the contract, and now Tianxing wants to take a stake. I originally wanted to sit tight in Diaoyutai, but it seems I have to go there."

Yang Qiu, who was accompanying Mo Yu, looked solemn: "Mr. Mo, is there any problem? Tianxing and we are competitors to begin with, and there is Mr. Zhang's issue. Logically speaking, the conflict should be deeper, but now we have to talk about it. If we cooperate, will Cen Fucheng be uneasy and kind?"

"Never mind him, the soldiers will come to cover up the water and earth!"

Mo Yu waved his hands and said nonchalantly: "Anyway, if there is any benefit, let's talk about it. If it doesn't, let's talk about it. Go over and listen to what Cen Fucheng wants to do. Even if the negotiation fails, just go see Mr. Ahmed. After all, he is ours." Big client!”

He specially emphasized the word "big customer".

Yang Qiu also smiled when he heard this: "I have negotiated business so many times, but I have never seen anyone rushing to add money. It is unheard of!"

"The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds!" Mo Yu said with a smile: "Besides, if we think there are too many, people may think that we have never seen the world and are petty. After all, there is a royal family behind us, and it is not enough to say that we have a net worth of hundreds of millions. Huge wealth!”

Rich people have long been famous around the world for their money. To be honest, the total amount of business this time is probably just a few sports cars from someone else's garage. It's really nothing!

How many giant companies are not just children when faced with big dogs?

Even with the terrifying wealth that would be astonished at the national level, Mo Yu could only bend down and pick up the money with a smile.

"So rich!"

Yang Qiu couldn't help but cursed: "What we do in a lifetime is not as good as what they did in a month! There's no comparison!"

"Okay." Mo Yu patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "There is no need to have hatred against the rich, and people are using real money to support the development of e-sports. We should treat them as friends and treat them kindly. On the contrary, Tianxing, since Mr. Cen If you want to invest in shares, we can talk about it. I just have some ideas recently and I’m worried that I don’t have enough help!”

"what idea?"

Yang Qiu asked.

Mo Yu shook his head: "I won't tell you for now. When the time is right, I will make it clear to you."

"Okay." Yang Qiu didn't pursue the question, just frowned and said: "That day, Xingxing wanted to invest in Mojing Sports and purchase GPL seats. Do you think it's possible?"

"The seats are for sale wherever they are. Mojing Sports itself is a company established to bring together the efforts of everyone to develop e-sports. Why not?" Mo Yu spread his hands and squinted: "Anyway, as long as Tianxing has no other ideas, Just agree to them! Mojing Sports already has a lot of shareholders and directors, and one more Tianxing is not too much, and one less is not too much!"

"I'm still worried."

Yang Qiu shook his head, always feeling that everyone was in the same group, and Cen Fucheng might have ulterior motives.

Mo Yu could understand his thoughts, but he was not afraid.

No matter what ideas Cen Fucheng has, he will not refuse them, cooperate or not, he will always be invincible.

"Okay, there's nothing to worry about, just relax."

at this time.

The boarding announcement sounds.

Mo Yu stood up, arranged his clothes, and strode forward.

"Let's go to the Magic City!"

That afternoon.

Mo Yu arrived at the hotel. After a brief rest, he met several people waiting for his arrival at the hotel in the evening.

"Hello Mr. Ahmed."

"Mr. Cen, long time no see. Your style remains the same."

"Mr. Duan, I have long admired your name."

During the banquet, although it was the first time for everyone to meet, Mo Yu still chatted happily with several people, without any competitive attitude among peers. Yang Qiu and Huang Jiajian were also accompanying them, and the six of them mingled with each other, chatting and laughing. .

After having enough wine and food, it was finally time to get down to business.

Mo Yu spoke first.

"Mr. Ahmed, thank you for your strong support for our company. I have longed for your country for a long time. I will definitely go there and visit if I have the opportunity."

Ahmed's face was already red at this time. He had just drank a lot of wine.

"No problem, Mr. Mo. The GAG ​​Grand Slam in Riyadh is about to start this year. How about you go over and be the award presenter?"

Mo Yu smiled and said: "It's better not to overwhelm the guest. After all, it's the first time. I think it's better for you to come by yourself. I won't go there. I'll have a chance next time."

"All right."

Ahmed said regretfully: "Mr. Mo, you should be more thoughtful."

As he spoke, his tone was a bit slurred, and his figure was swaying, as if he was drunk.

Seeing this, Mo Yu smiled and said, "Eat more food to calm down your stomach. Yang Qiu, go and ask the waiter to bring you something to sober up."


Yang Qiu stood up and left.

After Mo Yu casually comforted Ahmed for a few words and asked him to sit on the edge to rest, he turned to look at Duan Yuanfeng and Cen Fucheng on the other side who still looked normal.

"Mr. Duan, Mr. Cen, you have a good capacity for drinking."

Mo Yu raised his glass and smiled: "One more?"

"Forget it." The two of them shook their heads, and Cen Fucheng said, "Just an appropriate amount of wine. Drinking too much will delay business."

"That's fine."

Mo Yu put down his wine glass and said leisurely: "Let's talk about business then. I heard that Mr. Cen is interested in negotiating a cooperation?"

"That's right."

Cen Fucheng nodded, but did not talk about business first, but asked: "I wonder how Yiming is doing lately? Why don't you come?"

He sounded nostalgic.

I thought that Mo Yu would bring Zhang Yiming with him so that the two of them could catch up on old times. After all, they had worked together for so many years and had a close relationship with each other in their daily work. However, Zhang Yiming didn't come, and I couldn't help but feel disappointed.

Mo Yu was also a little embarrassed when he asked about it.

Although it is said that Zhang Yiming took the initiative to resign and join the fishing industry, it does not look good after all.

"Mr. E Zhang is busy with DOTA development matters. He is too busy to leave."

Mo Yu touched his nose, feeling embarrassed.

In fact, before he set off, he asked Zhang Yiming if he wanted to come over and meet him, but Zhang Yiming finally refused.

"Are you busy with work?" Cen Fucheng's eyes were far-reaching, as if he was nostalgic for the past.


After a long while, he sighed.

After sighing, he looked solemn and said solemnly: "Mr. Mo, now the domestic e-sports industry is dominated by Moyu Games. The e-sports industry is booming, and Moyu Sports is the leader in the field of e-sports events. But the cake is so After all, it’s impossible for Moyuyuyu’s family to eat them all, so I wonder if I can give some to Tianxing?”

Esports is based on games.

However, the game itself is deeply affected by public opinion, especially in China, where restrictions are very serious.

If Mo Yu wants to develop e-sports by himself, it is definitely not enough. Multiple parties must work together at the same time. Only in this way can the momentum be strengthened and an unstoppable trend be formed.

Therefore, he is willing to accept investment as long as he has the ability to help e-sports.

This will not only help share the pressure, but also bring together the forces of all parties to accomplish great things.

"Of course Tianxing wants to share it." Mo Yu nodded slightly: "Whether it's investing in Mojing Sports or buying GPL seats, there's no problem, but I can't figure it out, what benefits can Tianxing get from it?"

"Tianxing is a gaming company to begin with. As long as we make games and hold competitions, we can naturally reap the dividends from the development of e-sports. Why do we need to cooperate with me?"

After hearing this, Cen Fucheng smiled bitterly and said: "How can we organize competitions without cooperation? There are only so many domestic e-sports clubs. Now all the clubs only participate in the competitions owned by Moyu Company and are not interested in other games at all."

"By investing in Mojing Sports, I can gain experience in hosting e-sports competitions. At the same time, I am also optimistic about the development of GAG. Purchasing seats can increase Tianxing's influence in the e-sports field."

Nowadays in China, there are many professional e-sports clubs, large and small, across the country. However, except for the two games under Moyu Games, these clubs do not consider participating in other game competitions at all. Even some small teams are not interested, only individual players. Only the team has such an idea.

The reason is that on the one hand, the game is not doing well, and on the other hand, there is the reason of the e-sports association.

WECS, founded by Mo Yu, is currently the largest management organization in the domestic e-sports industry. Its members are all large professional clubs. It has become the de facto manager of the e-sports industry and the setter of standards.

If other games are not recognized by the association, then all professional clubs in the association will not participate at all.

Although this method hinders the development of the e-sports industry to a certain extent, it is beneficial to both Moyu Games and association members, and everyone abides by it.

Tianxing can do it on his own without joining the association, but the difficulty is almost the same as when Mo Yu started from scratch. It would cost too much, so it would be faster to join the association.

Cen Fucheng smiled bitterly and said: "WECS was created by you, Mr. Mo. The situation inside should be very clear. While you and I are cooperating, the games developed by Tianxing must also be recognized by the association, and major clubs must establish branches to participate. How about coming in and helping the development of the event?”

Once a large professional club joins a certain event, the traffic and influence it brings will be very beneficial to the game. It will definitely drive some teams to participate and bring a large number of viewers.

Mo Yu heard the words but said: "Mr. Cen, I remember that Tianxing only has one battlefield suitable for competitions, right? How can such a game attract the participation of professional clubs? It's not that I don't want to help you, as long as Tianxing can make For a game suitable for competition, I will definitely call on everyone to actively join in creating a branch, but I’m afraid it won’t work on the battlefield!”

"Although MOBA games are the undisputed king in the field of e-sports, there is no need for Tianxing to focus only on MOBAs. There are many types of games suitable for competition. Why not find another way?"

"What else is there besides MOBA?" Cen Fucheng asked: "In any case, although there are many other types of games, they are not as good as MOBA in terms of competition."

Mo Yu nodded when he heard this.

What Cen Fucheng said makes sense.

There are many games suitable for competitions such as fighting, racing, basketball, football, RTS, and FPS. However, judging from past experience, only FPS, RTS, and MOBA can really make the competition bigger and stronger. Even football and basketball games The games are all far apart, not on the same level.

However, it is a pity that whether it is DOTA, King of Kings or LOL, Mo Yu has to do it and cannot give it to others.

These three games basically complete the MOBA, leaving only scraps.

After all, Cen Fucheng's vision was limited and he couldn't think of any other way.

Mo Yu pondered for a few seconds and then said: "Actually, martial arts is a good choice. I remember that Tianxing has a good ancient martial arts online game. Why not consider doing martial arts?"

"Martial arts? How to do it?"

Cen Fucheng was stunned for a moment.

"Martial arts, fighting, battle royale."

Mo Yu slowly spit out a few key words.

He thought of the Meteor Butterfly Sword and Eternal Calamity.

Meteor Butterfly Sword is the earliest popular stand-alone martial arts fighting game. It was also a powerful presence in Internet cafes at that time; and Everlasting Calamity was produced by the original Meteor Butterfly Sword team after joining the Pig Factory.

If Tianxing is willing to cooperate, they can cooperate with Tianxing to develop an eternal disaster.

Tianxing itself has a large number of team members with rich experience in the production of martial arts games, but they are used to making online games and did not think of this aspect.

Now that Cen Fucheng mentioned it, he felt that both parties could cooperate and rely on Tianxing's production team to recreate Eternal Calamity.

You can win over Tianxing and also make games, the best of both worlds.

"As a Chinese, I have always had the idea of ​​making a martial arts fighting game." Mo Yu said slowly: "Since the emergence of martial arts, it has been rooted in the most romantic fantasy world deep in the hearts of Chinese people, and it naturally has an influence on the Chinese cultural circle. A powerful attraction.”

"If Tianxing is really sincere in cooperating, I happen to have a game planning plan. After the cooperation is negotiated, you and I can jointly produce and develop it."

"If this game is made, I believe it will have a certain influence in the field of e-sports."

Martial arts games are Tianxing’s forte.

Among the online games developed by Tianxing, there are several martial arts genres, which have received a lot of praise from players.

When Cen Fucheng heard about martial arts, his eyes immediately lit up and he asked, "I wonder what kind of game it is?"

Even Duan Yuanfeng and others next to him looked over, expecting Mo Yu to explain in detail.

Mo Yu didn't mention it and said with a smile: "Let's talk about cooperation first. Is Mr. Cen sure?"


Cen Fucheng agreed without hesitation.

I just wanted to discuss cooperation with Moyu, but I didn’t expect the benefits of a new game, which far exceeded expectations.

"In that case, let's make an appointment to discuss the details of the contract. Then I will come up with a detailed plan!"


Cen Fucheng said loudly.

"Then celebrate the happy cooperation between Tianxing and Moyu!"

“Happy to work with!”

Everyone raised their glasses.

Although it was a pity that Zhang Yiming was not seen, the important matter was settled and Cen Fucheng was very happy.

Both the guest and the host enjoyed themselves.

Talk and laugh for a while.

Duan Yuanfeng, who was next to him, put down his wine glass and sighed: "The cooperation between Tianxing and Moyu has been reached. It seems that I have to persuade other senior managers to promote the cooperation between Penguin and Moyu."

Mo Yu smiled and said, "There will be a chance."

At this time, he already knew that Duan Yuanfeng was a pro-Mo faction of Penguin. Although there was a competition at E3 last year, it was not a big deal and had no impact on him at all, so he naturally became close to Duan Yuanfeng.

"Oh, try your best." Duan Yuanfeng sighed: "It's not that easy to turn the ship around in a big disaster. Let's not talk about these disappointing things. Mr. Mo, this year e-sports was successfully selected as the 78th official sports competition. Now it has been awarded With the official name corrected, it can be said that it is in full swing.”

"I wonder if Mr. Mo will make any big moves next?" (End of Chapter)

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