League, cup, S competition, peak competition, college league.

Although there are only two games released, there are definitely many events, large and small.

Not to mention S2 at the end of the year, once the news of this year’s Riyadh Grand Slam is released, it will definitely attract the attention of global e-sports enthusiasts.

However, Duan Yuanfeng felt that Mo Yu might still be hiding some big moves.

Such a big event as being selected for e-sports cannot be let go so lightly. Just like before, there will be no action at all.

"What big move can we make?"

Mo Yu picked up the water glass and took a few sips, then smiled lightly.

Duan Yuanfeng shook his head: "For such a big event as being selected for e-sports, the discussion on the Internet is so intense. With your methods, Mr. Mo, will you just let go of this enthusiasm?"

Mo Yu waved his hands when he heard this and said, "No, Mr. Duan, you are overthinking."

"Impossible!" Duan Yuanfeng affirmed: "Moyu Game is also filming a film and television production and is expanding his tricks in CJ. Obviously he wants to build momentum!"

He spoke categorically and with precise words.

Several people also looked at Mo Yu suspiciously.

After all, such a big event as being selected for e-sports happened this year. Mo Yu would be stupid if he didn't take advantage of this popularity. Maybe there will be something big.

At this time, Yang Qiu remembered what Mo Yu said at the airport, and felt suspicious in his heart.

Mo Yu still said: "The purpose of entering film and television is to create e-sports stars, and CJ's amplified moves are just to build momentum for the game."

As soon as he finished speaking, several other people felt that it made sense and nodded one after another.

Cen Fucheng advised: "Old Duan, you have drunk too much."

Duan Yuanfeng shook his head and said, "I didn't drink too much."

He stared at Mo Yu and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Mo, there is actually a lot of voice within Penguin wanting to cooperate with Moyu Games. Even our Mr. Ma has ideas. If you can speak out, maybe you can become my Conditions to convince others!”

"It's just that if you really don't have any ideas, then it seems like I'm thinking too much."

"However, I still say that, with your methods, it is impossible not to make any moves at all!"

Duan Yuanfeng's guess was not groundless.

If he were in Mo Yu's position, and the e-sports he has been promoting with all his strength has now been officially recognized, it would be silly not to take advantage of this incident to make a fuss and further promote the development of e-sports!

But whether it was GAG or racial hegemony, there were so many competitions nowadays, he couldn't imagine what Mo Yu would do, it was just a guess.

Duan Yuanfeng stared at Mo Yu closely, and everyone else also looked at Mo Yu.

Ahmed was already sleeping nearby, and no one paid attention to him.

Mo Yu didn't speak for a moment, just picked up the cup and took a sip of water, remaining silent.

This attitude already explains a lot.

Suddenly everyone at the table felt their hearts skip a beat, knowing that Mo Yu must be thinking about it.

The scene fell silent for a moment.

After a while, Mo Yu slowly let out a breath, put down the cup, and said softly: "My guess is good. I do have an idea. It's just that the matter is big and there's not much I can do. Before it's done, let's talk about it." It doesn’t make any sense, and it might lead to bad things, so I don’t want to tell everyone, lest everyone raise their expectations, but it doesn’t work out in the end, and instead they are disappointed.”

Mo Yu sighed.

There actually is!

Suddenly, the eyes of everyone present lit up.

"Mr. Mo, we are all our own people here, why not come and listen." Cen Fucheng asked.

Duan Yuanfeng was also shocked. Even Huang Jiajian and Yang Qiu pricked up their ears, wanting to hear Mo Yu's big move.

"I didn't want to tell you originally, but since Mr. Duan keeps asking, I'll tell everyone."

Mo Yu spoke slowly.

"Although e-sports has only been around for three years, it has already accumulated tens of millions of fans around the world, especially GAG-related events. The ratings of each game are no worse than those of traditional events. Last year's World Championship It has also brought considerable economic benefits to the host area.”

"Under this situation, if I have no further ideas and am willing to continue on this path without taking any action, I would be really stupid!"

"So, I have an idea to see if I can do something big next year!"

next year?

As soon as the exact time was announced, everyone immediately began to think about and speculate on what major events could be related to e-sports next year.

While others were still thinking hard, Duan Yuanfeng suddenly had an astonishing idea in his mind.

He had already made speculations in this regard, but when he heard that the development process of GAG events would be discussed next year, he suddenly had an idea and cried out in horror.

"Asian Games!"

"The 16th Yangcheng Asian Games!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent.

Everyone looked at Mo Yu dumbfounded, wanting to hear if it was true.

Is Mo Yu really eyeing next year's Yangcheng Asian Games?

This idea is so bold!

They had never thought about it before, and they had not connected the Asian Games with e-sports at all. They subconsciously felt that it was impossible and automatically skipped the correct answer.

Even Duan Yuanfeng himself thought about countless possibilities, and finally felt that the most unlikely was the most likely!

"That's right."

Mo Yu finally admitted.

"I want to add the GAG ​​project to the Asian Games!"

The timing is really great!

Although it has only been around for three years, e-sports events are developing in full swing and making rapid progress. Under the leadership of GAG events, the global e-sports industry is burning like a prairie fire.

Many major game companies are launching their own competitions. Although their influence is not great and they are scattered everywhere, together they are a force that cannot be underestimated!

In addition, Shang Xingyue is active in the imperial capital, and his father-in-law is optimistic about him, as well as all the forces gathered around him.

He wants to give this Asian Games a try!

This is one of the reasons why he accepted Tianxing's cooperation!

Tianxing is based in China and has been developing in the game industry for a long time. He knows many people and has very deep connections and has considerable influence.

So he was willing to accept Cen Fucheng and let everyone work together.

If Duan Yuanfeng can convince Penguin Pony to join, then both domestic Internet giants will have a cooperative relationship with Moyu Game.

Merchants, Handong, Jingzhou, Liangma, Tianxing, Tiancheng, Jingzhou Construction Engineering, Laogandy, Huajia Electronics, Weibo, and the companies behind major professional clubs. If we can integrate this power, everyone can build momentum together , perhaps it can give the above a deeper understanding of the influence of e-sports, and can slightly open the door to the Asian Games for e-sports.

His requirements are not high, as long as GAG can enter and become an exhibition match!

The influence of the racial hegemony is still a bit weak. Only the influence of GAG has a chance to penetrate the gate of the Asian Games!

The Handong Provincial Games is his first step in testing!

Even though there are some criticisms, most people are still very optimistic about GAG becoming an event in traditional sports games such as the Provincial Games.

With this foundation, coupled with GAG's great influence in recent years, and the GPL division's undisputed number one strength in GAG projects, it may be possible to make domestic executives relent.

Several people present were a little confused and couldn't believe that Mo Yu was eyeing the Asian Games. (End of chapter)

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