Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 508 The five major competition areas work together

As for the remaining two games.

DOTA once again allowed countless MOBA game players to witness Moyu Company’s strong dominance over this type of game, and Mo Yu’s name as the “Father of MOBA” became even louder.

Many players on the Internet are studying the actual machine demonstration screen released on CJ. The completely different gameplay from GAG has also attracted a large number of users before DOTA has been developed.

Of course, the inevitable one is the debate between GAG and DOTA.

The game hasn't even been launched yet, but a small number of users from both sides have already begun to argue.

Some people argue about plagiarism, and others argue about mechanisms, skills, and gameplay. Even if they come from the same source, they are still unavoidable.

Mo Yu had no choice.

At the same time, there is a strange phenomenon. With the release of DOTA, many MOBA game manufacturers no longer follow the trend like they did before by copying GAG. Instead, some web game advertisements appeared on the Internet, and the content actually used the CG trailers and videos released by DOTA. The content of the game is really quite numerous at one time.

The final Red Alert made RTS fans around the world excited. After playing with the ancient style, everyone is looking forward to Red Alert’s modern technological war style.


As soon as Mo Yu came back, he organized an internal video conference for members of the associations in the five major competition regions of South Korea, Southeast Asia, China, North America, and South Korea, and announced that he would build momentum for the Asian Games.

As soon as the news came out, there was a lot of discussion, there was a noisy buzz in the earphones, and everyone looked surprised.

"No matter what, if GAG can enter the Asian Games this time, even if it is just an exhibition match, it will be a major victory and will be beneficial to everyone participating in the meeting."

"I hope everyone can find ways to create positive news in their respective divisions and report positively on GAG. Do you have any opinions?"

Mo Yu simply turned off other people's microphones and waited until he finished speaking before turning them on.

As soon as he opened it, a club owner from the Southeast Asian region couldn't wait to ask: "Mr. Mo, is the news about the Asian Games confirmed? Is the chance of success high?"

South Korea's Choi Min-sik couldn't help but asked: "If I want to apply, will I have enough time?"

"There's enough time." Mo Yu said: "There is enough time. As for the probability of success, I can only say that there is hope and it is worth a try."

"Everyone should be aware of the significance of this matter. I hope everyone can cooperate with the company in publicity, but it is best not to leak the news before confirming it to avoid counter-effects."

"This is natural." Zhang Zhaoyang on the screen nodded and said: "Emperor Star is willing to fully cooperate with the publicity. Apart from this, is there anything else that needs to be done?"


Mo Yu waved his hand and said: "Everyone just do it. For specific ideas, you can refer to the GCK division. They are very popular in the summer competition. As for the rest, I will be responsible for it."

The huge changes that took place in the GCK Summer Split caused a lot of noise.

Many chaebols have settled in, announced their investment in GAG to establish clubs, and other actions have aroused huge discussions in Korean society.

GAG-related topics have continuously topped the list of hot topics, and people are discussing them in daily life. The influence is very huge, and it has even spread overseas. There are even people discussing it in domestic forum posts.

The other three major competition areas have also received some news, which can be said to have a huge impact and is understood by the global e-sports community.

This huge wave of discussion is exactly what Mo Yu needs. It can add great influence to e-sports activities and be of great help in entering the Asian Games.

After all, when a sport becomes globally known, the sport itself must have entered the eyes of many people, and the highest-level sports organizations like the Olympic Council of Asia will 100% pay attention.

What Mo Yu has to do is to build momentum within the five major competition areas to make this influence even greater, preferably large enough to attract the attention of the council.

"Everyone from GCS and GEU, please help. Although this is the Asian Games, it doesn't seem to be relevant to you, but only after entering the Asian Games can you be qualified to touch the Olympics. This matter is of great significance to everyone participating today. There are benefits to all.”

"That's right." Jiang Zhidao, general manager of GCS's fishing game division: "I will arrange some publicity plans. Major commercial malls in North America and some newspapers and magazines will arrange to publish advertising videos, and I will also find ways to build momentum online."

GCS agent Li An agreed: "No problem, I am willing to cooperate with Mr. Jiang's work."

GEU's branch manager Li Jiahui and agent Thomas also expressed their opinions.

"Very good." Mo Yu cheered up and said with a smile: "Since everyone is willing to help, I would like to ask you to work together and work together, and we must try our best!"

"The meeting is dismissed!"

End of the meeting.

That night, someone had already started taking action.

First, there were some positive publicity reports about GAG in the Southeast Asia region. There was a disaster in a certain place, and the GMS region club donated a lot of materials and money. News came out, and the main player of a certain team went home and was interviewed by the local news daily. , and in the interview refuted the outside world’s view that e-sports and online games are confused.

This person's personal experience illustrates the cruelty of e-sports competitions. It is no worse than traditional sports competitions and even more stringent in some aspects. Professional e-sports players are not as easy as everyone thinks. It requires three major aspects: body, talent, and spirit. There are extremely high requirements, and more than 90% of ordinary people cannot participate at all, and it is not the same thing as playing games.

Immediately afterwards, many major events also happened in the North American region.

The senior brother of TSM was invited to participate in a talk show, where he talked about the top-secret content of GAG game training and some news about his own family.

The strict management of his parents, the secret support of his elder brother, and the fact that he was willing to quarrel with his family and run away from home in order to play games have made many people sympathize with and even empathize with the elder brother.

Because many teenagers have similar experiences.

However, at this time, the eldest brother's family tragedy has not happened yet. The program team invited the eldest brother's family members to participate. The eldest brother's parents have a good attitude in public, and perhaps this family tragedy can be avoided in the future.

In addition to Big Brother, the North American region also released a series of e-sports documentaries, announcing the life of professional players to the outside world on a large scale for the first time.

In addition, there are rumors that the movie shot by the well-known Hollywood director Spielberg will have some scenes of e-sports competitions. The other party visited major e-sports clubs to investigate and carry out some related work.

In short, the news is confusing, but it is all biased towards positive publicity.

The same goes for the European region.

Core players from each club were interviewed, and a large number of positive reports about e-sports prize money and honors appeared on social software.

Under the arrangements of Li Jiahui and Thomas, even some major media from traditional channels were invited to interview several well-known and popular players.

The FNC club, which only finished third in the MSI competition, has made bold claims that it will definitely win a world championship for the European Division this year! (End of chapter)

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