Not to mention the Korean Division.

Relevant news reports have been flying all over the place for a long time, and there is no need to go out of your way to do it. Whether it is offline or online, discussions related to e-sports have already been raging and heated in South Korea.

Saudi Arabia, which has just won the licensing contract, personally announced that it will vigorously develop e-sports culture. It is expected to invest a lot of money to build a super event in the e-sports circle and build a super e-sports competition venue. It was announced that this year's GAG Riyadh Grand Slam will be held. It will be held in October this year, and professional teams from all over the world are invited to participate. All participating teams will receive a bonus of US$100,000 regardless of their performance.

The country is also preparing. Mo Yu is personally in charge and has already arranged everything.

For a while.

E-sports and GAG have become the focus of discussion on the Internet in various countries, and the popularity is very high.

Many people who have never learned about e-sports have been flooded with overwhelming information. Even if they don’t want to know about it, there is nothing they can do because they can always find it inadvertently as long as they go online.

Invisibly, e-sports knowledge entered their minds in a despicable way.


Youku Video has opened a new column.

The first domestic e-sports reality show - "Here Comes the Master" will be broadcast soon.

Several filming behind-the-scenes and a 20-minute first preview are officially available.

As an online variety show, the biggest advantage is that you don’t need a version number and can be released immediately, eliminating a lot of tedious procedures. Many Youku users have never been exposed to this type of variety show, let alone watching online variety shows on video websites. .

In the minds of most people today, variety shows are still limited to singing auditions. What is a reality show?

This alone made the audience full of curiosity about "The Great God Is Coming".

The 20-minute pilot trailer featured many idol stars and heavily mosaicd the mysterious guests invited by both teams.

Fans of these idol stars, website users, and e-sports enthusiasts have attracted a lot of attention.

The content is even more eye-catching.

The many mini-games and the interactions between celebrities made the audience hooked and wanted to see all the content. The celebrity GAG offline real-life competition held later also made the audience full of expectations.

In short, "Here Comes the Great God" became a hit before it was aired.

Three days later.

The first episode of the program was launched online. With a super long duration of 2 and a half hours and a lot of laughs, the playback volume of "Here Comes the Master" skyrocketed.

In this program.

In addition to the 6 permanent guests, through Mo Yu's relationship, the program team invited Jay Chou, who had just renewed his GAG agency contract with Moyu Games, and another superstar singer JJ as guests of the program.

When the identities of the two loyal GAG players were revealed, countless fans of the two people cried out in disbelief. They never thought that two super singers also played computer games in private, and their ranks were not low. They often appeared on 6 shows The number of resident guests is even higher!

Jay Chou's Platinum 5, a dedicated swordsman; JJ's Diamond 4, a proficient player on the road!

Just the huge traffic brought by the two people has made the show's broadcast data have a tendency to break through the sky.

And Mo Yu did not forget the e-sports star plan when building momentum.

In addition to the 8 stars, the remaining four amateurs are the LGD coach who just won the MSI championship and ZSMJ in the bottom lane; Emperor Star's coach Han Wenhui and S1FMVP, world champion Lu Zibo!

The four people will serve as amateur guests and lead two star teams to fight and win!

in the program.

When the director proposed that in this episode, the two teams would compete to determine their respective dinner budgets, the six regular guests all began to pray for more powerful newcomers.

Then Jay Chou and JJ formed two teams.

At this time, Chen He took advantage of JJ's participation and laughed wildly: "Haha, Brother Chao, you feel like you're going to be abused when you hit the road, so don't give away more!"

Deng Chao looked unconvinced: "JJ and I have a very good relationship, and we can develop peacefully on the road."

The two are worthy of being the future kings of variety shows. Even though it was their first time on a reality show, they brought a lot of laughter to the audience in front of the screen, without any of the baggage of being a star.

There must be two such leaders in a reality show, otherwise everyone will be stuck there and unable to let go, and the show will be meaningless.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Zibo and ZSMJ appear.

With his good looks that are not inferior to those of celebrities, Lu Zibo attracted the attention of many viewers as soon as he appeared on the stage. In particular, many female fans made screen-licking comments such as "so handsome", "little brother" and "little puppy".

In the comment area, there are a lot of comments discussing Lu Zibo's appearance.

In the program, under the leadership of Deng Chao and Chen He, the two sides used all means during the competition. They used all kinds of cliques, alliances, rebellions, and mischief. The program's effect was directly maximizing.

For example, during a reaction competition in the Emperor Star Club.

Both groups were asked to use their mouse to click on a specific color ball that appeared on the screen in front of a computer.

This kind of test is a special reaction training for professional players and has high requirements on reaction speed.

While Deng Chao was performing, Chen He was doing all kinds of tricks and mischief beside him, and the audience went crazy with laughter.

Until the last section.

Everyone comes to the competition center and is about to begin the final GAG final showdown.

“Welcome to the world’s holy land of e-sports—Jiejie Center!”

"This is the only professional e-sports venue in the world built specifically for e-sports competitions. It has hosted many world competitions since its completion."

Along with Deng Chao's explanation, the audience's eyes were opened!

Many of them have never been exposed to e-sports. Under the introduction of the program guests, they have truly understood the e-sports competition in all aspects for the first time.

The level of luxury of the Competition Center surprised many spectators. They had never thought that gaming competitions could be so grand!

According to director Wang Hao, even several celebrity guests who came to the Jingjie Center for the first time said "fuck"!

Arriving at the Competition Center means that the program has reached the final stage of the competition.

At this time, after a series of small games, the two teams were evenly matched, and Deng Chao started to cause trouble again.

He grabbed Lu Zibo, completely ignoring the latter's confused look, and ran to the blue team led by Chen He to show off.

"Hahaha, the blue team will definitely lose. We have the world champion. Chen He, please give less points in the middle!"

Chen He's eyes darkened, and then he grabbed ZSMJ and came out to show off his power.

This made Lu Zibo and ZSMJ look embarrassed.

It was the first time for the two main actors to film a show. Although they were used to facing cameras on the field, they still couldn't let go at this time.


The game ended with the failure of Chen He's team.

Although ZSMJ shows great power, he is a duo after all, and his lack of support still affects his performance.

Lu Zibo directly made a killing spree in the middle, completing his super feat, and led his teammates to destroy the opponent's base like a beast.

When the results of the competition came out, Deng Chao's team had a lot of meat and fish, while Chen He's team could only eat some steamed buns, steamed buns and instant noodles, which immediately formed a sharp contrast.

After the program was broadcast that day, netizens responded very strongly.

Discussions are hot online.

E-sports and GAG are known to many fans who watch the show. ZSMJ and Lu Zibo also attracted a group of fans with their excellent performance in the final game.

Especially Lu Zibo, with his good looks, he immediately attracted a large number of fans. Many people flocked to the "Lu Zibo Bar" to leave messages. The popularity was very high, no worse than some celebrities.

At the same time, the broadcast of "Here Comes the Master" also attracted many people in the entertainment industry to become aware of reality shows and online variety shows. This unique broadcast method and program content made their eyes bright, and they began to have ideas.

Perhaps in the near future, domestic online videos will flourish as a result.

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