Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 516 Oil Area Server

During the short discussion, Song Qing sat in his seat and accepted inquiries from some representatives from time to time.


After the discussion, the voting session began.

On the stage, Khadgar announced.

"I believe everyone should have a sufficient understanding of this proposal. Let's start voting. If more than half of the people agree, it means the proposal is passed."

There are 9 people in the executive board.

Apart from himself, the only thing Song Qing can be sure of is that there will be two people who will vote in favor 100% like him. One of them is a connection provided by Ahmed, and the other is a domestic connection.

The remaining two votes depend on whether the words just said can convince the two of them.

Voting begins.

The situation is clear at a glance.





"be opposed to!"

"be opposed to!"

"be opposed to!"

"be opposed to!"

Four people agreed, four opposed, and the remaining one was undecided, Khadgar.

The situation suddenly entered the most tense stage.

Song Qing looked at the situation on the court and received three votes steadily. The extra vote was also from a member of a country that usually had a close relationship with the country. According to the data provided by Moyu Game, the GAG ​​of this person's country also It is very popular, there are professional players playing in it, and it belongs to the Southeast Asian region.

"Four to four, only Khadgar has not made a choice yet!"

"But this person has always been conservative in his actions. I'm afraid there's not much hope for him to agree!"


Song Qing's heart tightened.

As the nominal leader of the Council, Khadgar tends to act conservatively. During his tenure, several resolutions were made in favor of stability. There is little hope of persuading him to approve GAG's application to enter Asia.

Song Qing didn't have much hope in this either.

But now we have reached the most critical period. Whether we can succeed or not depends on the last vote!

Everyone present stared at him, waiting for Khadgar's next move.


be opposed to?

In a daze, Song Qing seemed to see Khadgar glance at him, with a hint of a smile on his lips.

next moment.



Mo Yu's thoughts were confused and he had no intention of working.

"I heard from my father-in-law that the Yangcheng Organizing Committee has submitted an application to the Olympic Council of Asia, and the internal meeting will be held in the past few days. I don't know whether it has been approved or not."

"As long as the internal meeting of the Executive Board can pass it, the next member congress will basically be on the same page!"

"It's really heart-wrenching!"

He did everything he could, and Mo Yu had no other option.

If you don't pass this time, you will have to wait for the next term, and the next term. By then, it will be at least four and four years, which is too long.

The development of today's e-sports industry, as a whole, is naturally inferior to that of the previous Asian Games in Jakarta.

But when it comes to GAG projects alone, the difference is not very big.

Although the leagues in the five major divisions were founded not long ago, they are developing very fast and the audience for the matches is also huge.

So this time, only one GAG ​​project was applied for, and no other projects were applied for. Even if other projects were known to have little hope, it would be difficult to pass the application.

"I don't know if the results will come out!"

Mo Yu could not sit still, waiting for the news.

August 11th.


Mo Yu had just arrived at the company and before he sat down, his phone suddenly rang. When he opened it, he saw the two characters 'father-in-law' displayed on the screen!


Mo Yu's heart tightened, and he immediately closed the office door and answered the phone.

Just connected.

Shang Cunyuan's voice came over.

"Ahmad also talked through Khadgar?"

"Khadgar? Who?"

Mo Yu was at a loss and had no idea who Khadgar was.

"Chairman of the Board of Directors, he prefers a conservative attitude in making decisions. The result of this vote was originally a tie. When this person was the only one left, Lao Song thought there was little hope. But to his surprise, Khadgar actually agreed!"

"Really? Passed!"

The question of who Khadgar was flashed through his mind, and all of Mo Yu's attention had been attracted by the final result.


At the Executive Board meeting, GAG successfully passed the vote. The next thing to wait for is the Olympic Council of Asia Member Representative Conference that has not yet been held this year. News media will naturally be invited to participate in the conference, and then the news will be officially released to the outside world.

As long as there are no mistakes in the middle, it means that GAG will become an exhibition event of the Yangcheng Asian Games next year!

"Yes, it passed!" Shang Cunyuan was also very happy: "Five to four, successfully passed!"

"Great, great!"

Mo Yu was beaming with joy for a moment and couldn't control it. He couldn't help but jump up and wave his fists.

This news is really great.

What he did in his previous life 18 years ago, he did it eight years earlier. So will it also take eight years before it becomes a formal project?

Moreover, if GAG can enter Asia, it will be a huge benefit not only to GAG's competition capabilities, but also to the entire e-sports industry.

Events as high as the Asian Games have recognized the status of e-sports, so who will dare to make irresponsible remarks in the future?

E-sports will be recognized by more mainstream countries, the brand value will also rise, the industry will develop further, and more and more companies will participate in the e-sports industry.

at the same time.

GAG's selection is equivalent to setting a precedent.

With this precedent, in four years time, all the games under the company will be produced, and we don’t know how many projects will be included in the Asian Games.

It was natural for Mo Yu to lose his composure!

"Fuck, it feels so good!"

"It's so cool!"

Mo Yu couldn't help but cursed, but Shang Cunyuan on the other side of the phone didn't care when he heard it.

He knew how important GAG's entry into Asia was to Mo Yu, so he just reminded him: "Anyway, as long as the problem is not big, the Member Congress will probably approve the application. I have to remind you." In a word, this time we are at home, and you must select the five strongest players to form a team. Don’t let your guard down. If you lose then, it will be a big shame~"

"Don't worry, I will make arrangements right away. No matter what, I will win the championship!"

Mo Yu issued a military order on the spot!

"Besides, you really don't know Khadgar?"


After the call ended, Mo Yu was excited and also called to research who Khadgar was and how he could stand up to support GAG's entry into Asia.

Like Shang Cunyuan, he originally thought it was Ahmed's connection, but after a phone call, it turned out that it was not the case at all. Ahmed knew another person, and he also agreed with a show of hands.

at last.

Mo Yu found clues in the list of people that CJ had previously signed a licensing contract with.

One of them, a businessman from Keguo, won agency licensing contracts from several surrounding countries and invited Moyu Games to set up a dedicated Oil Earth server.

After Mo Yu called this person, he immediately got a positive reply from him.

"That's right, I was the one who persuaded Mr. Khadgar. Mr. Mo, with such a big contribution, can you change to a server in the oil area? When we play the Western European server, the delay is at least 100+, which is really too serious for experts! "(End of chapter)

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