Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 517 Howling East Wind

In the previous life of Oil Earth, some players protested to Riot and asked to set up a server, but were rejected by Riot. They believed that it was difficult to find a stable center point due to the complexity of the oil region. For example, if it was placed in Egypt, the delay for Saudi players would be It will be very high because part of the route in Saudi Arabia first goes around Europe and then to Egypt.

Later, someone proposed that a server could be set up in Dubai, which would guarantee internet speeds for wealthy countries around the Gulf.

Since this person has helped so much, Mo Yu certainly agreed in order to build relationships.

After all, we will definitely have to deal with the Olympic Council of Asia in the future, and this time is just the beginning.

"Build it, build it immediately!"

Mo Yu agreed to this person's request without hesitation and quickly gave a reply. He will set up an oil region server in Dubai before S3 to avoid the high latency and bad gaming experience of countries in the oil region!

The other party was immediately overjoyed and assured Mo Yu that in the future, Mr. Khadgar would be willing to help with e-sports matters in the council, such as voting~

Mo Yu happily accepted.

August 20th.

The 2009 Olympic Council of Asia Member Representative Conference was officially held, and official media from many countries were invited to the meeting.

at the conference.

Song Qing formally proposed the proposal in public, and the e-sports project - "Gods and Gods" applied to become an exhibition project of the Yangcheng Asian Games. Subsequently, under the chairmanship of Khadgar, members from various countries voted. The final proposal was approved by a high vote and became the main event of this conference. The most striking news.

The news spread back to various countries as quickly as possible that day.

It was posted on all major media outlets the next day.

"E-sports enters Asia, from "Internet addicted boy" to "bringing glory to the country"! 》

"From Internet Cafe Games to the Asian Games, e-sports has traveled more than '30,000 miles'!" 》

"E-sports enters Asia, and the Yangcheng Asian Games is the first of its kind!" 》

"Revealing the Secret of Emerging Sports, GAG's Past and Present Life!" 》

"GAG was selected for the exhibition competition, and the competition for young people started at the Asian Games! 》

"E-sports enters the Yangcheng Asian Games. E-sports does not mean playing with things and losing one's ambition!" 》

Overnight, countless relevant news reports quickly swept the global Internet, and tens of millions of GAG players around the world went crazy.

No one expected that GAG would suddenly transform into the Asian Games!

Although it was just an exhibition match, it was the Asian Games!

The level of the competition is so high that in a sense it is even higher than the World Finals!

The horror level of this incident is even more shocking than the announcement some time ago that e-sports has been selected as an official project!

All major game companies are confused!

Everyone is still following the trend and making small fuss, at most they can have a small competition for fun. As a result, you GAG have directly entered the highest palace of world sports!

What's going on?

However, the reality is so cruel. Under Mo Yu's leadership, GAG has made great strides forward, far behind all other games in the field of e-sports!

On the Internet, there was a wave of discussion.

"This wave is like witnessing history!"

"From now on, GAG also has its own national team!"

"We are not Internet-addicted teenagers!"

"Bring glory to the country!"

"Detailed explanation of the main candidates for the national teams in each division!"

Miscellaneous posts flooded the screen, and related discussions could be seen everywhere. On online live broadcast platforms in various countries, GAG anchors became the beneficiaries of the traffic. Countless users poured in to watch the live broadcast and talk about related matters in the barrages.

The entire GAG ​​circle, e-sports circle, and gaming circle are caught in a huge wave.

At this time, no matter whether you play GAG or not, as long as you are a gamer, you are embarrassed to say that you don't know about GAG entering Asia. If you can't tell others when they ask, you will be looked down upon.

at the same time.

After completing his entry into Asia, Mo Yu also instructed Zhang Zhaoyang to formally hold closed-door meetings within the two major leagues, GPL and GDL.

At the meeting, Zhang Zhaoyang pointed out: "Each club must strictly observe player discipline, strengthen disciplinary management, and prohibit any vicious incidents that affect the league's reputation. If they are found together, they will be punished together, and we will never tolerate it!"

"At the same time, each club should increase investment in youth training, strengthen player training, and be sure to maintain the strength of the first division to prepare for the Asian Games!"



Almost all the top giants in the five major regions have come to negotiate with external investment institutions. Some news that Mo Yu knows shows that LGD, which just won the MSI championship, accepted a huge investment of eight figures and announced that it will be in the multi-year competition. Strengthen each area, aiming directly at the S2 championship at the end of the year!

This figure is simply a huge amount of money in the e-sports industry!

Even teams with poor performance have received sponsorship from many investors.

The Star Team, considered by the outside world to be the poorest team in the GPL League, has also recently changed its training base from the upstairs of its own Internet cafe to a villa on Lingshi Road.

Game stocks are on the rise!

It can be expected that with the support of capital, the overall industry salary of e-sports personnel engaged in GAG projects will see a huge increase. Soon, the basic salary of domestic professional players will enter five figures. As for the top players?

There is likely to be a million-dollar contract in the winter transfer period at the end of the year!

At the same time, taking advantage of the entry into Asia, the domestic live broadcast industry has also experienced growth. Moyu Live received a C round of financing exceeding 1.5 billion yuan, followed closely by the two major platforms Huya and Douyu.

Early September.

The news of GAG entering Asia has just calmed down, and a new round of storm has begun.

Sina Weibo announced the launch of internal testing. In addition to a large number of celebrities from the entertainment industry who had already decided to settle in, domestic GAG professional league clubs, players, and officials all created Weibo accounts immediately.

Mo Yu has people on several related accounts such as 'Moyu Game', 'Mojing Sports', 'WESC World E-Sports Association', 'GPL Professional', 'GDL Professional League', and 'Here Comes the Great God' Announced the news of GAG's entry into Asia and took advantage of the situation to announce that this year's S2 World Championship will be won by South Korea!

As soon as the news came out, Weibo, which had just entered internal testing, welcomed a large number of domestic players.

The number of Weibo users easily exceeded one million in one fell swoop. The number of fans of any account related to e-sports increased rapidly, which was even scarier than those of celebrities!

Such real data performance allows the outside world to more intuitively see the huge traffic carried by GAG!

at the same time.

The S2 Battle Pass is officially launched, announcing that this year's biggest e-sports event - the S2 World Finals, has officially kicked off!

The gift pack contains a large number of hero skins, accessory skins, voices, special actions, defense tower skins, and countless valuable gifts. You can have it by purchasing the gift pack!

Initial version - 99 yuan, upgraded version - 199 yuan, ultimate version - 399 yuan, the same global price!

On the day it goes online, players can earn money!

The World Championship prize pool is beating at a terrifying rate!

It rose to 5 million US dollars that day, and the subsequent increase is gratifying. It is almost a foregone conclusion that it will surpass S1!

In other words, this year’s S2 World Finals prize money will be more than last year’s 14.32 million!

What kind of Gouba Po disease, the whole family was infected~ As soon as I recovered, everyone else all had a fever! It’s 2 Yang!

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