Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 526 Cup Season

"The world champion is reborn from nirvana!" 》

"The most powerful team in S2!" 》

"The champion is back, not sleeping in the doghouse!" 》

"The most powerful enemy of all teams!" 》

"The biggest challenge of GCK!" 》

"GEU be careful, this year's strongest team is born!" 》

"Even facing the champion, GMS still has hope of winning! 》

"The new GCS champion team G2 said that the Emperor Star is not a concern and we can give them a 3-1 advantage!" 》

All competition regions are paying attention to the news of the GPL. The competition has just ended. The news that Emperor Star has returned to the top has spread throughout the major competition forums. Everyone is exclaiming that the king of Emperor Star has returned. Each team has won the World Championship. Qualified teams have also increased their analysis of Emperor Star.

This is how scary it is to be a world champion!

Even though they have been in decline for half a year, when Emperor Star returns to the stage, no one will despise them and regard this team as the strongest opponent on the road to winning the championship!

The three major champions lead two newcomers, and the Galaxy Battleship takes off again!

As the first summer game since the establishment of the league, Mo Yu served as the award guest for this game.

There are many medals, trophies, and bonuses!

The championship bonus of 2 million is the reward for the champion!


After shaking hands with each contestant, Mo Yu left the stage and returned to the box.

"Where's Lao Deng?"

Zhang Zhaoyang was the only one in the box.

"If you lose the game, go back and comfort the players." Zhang Zhaoyang waved his hand.

"Aren't you going down?"

Mo Yu smiled.

"I won't go. Let Han Wenhui take them to have a good meal and relax in the evening." Zhang Zhaoyang said: "After all, the most important World Championship is coming next, and there are only a few days to rest."

"That's fine." Mo Yu smiled: "Have you made arrangements for this year's Emperor Star Cup?"

According to the GAG ​​schedule, the leagues in the five major divisions will basically end in the near future, but it does not mean that there will be no games. The next games are also heavyweight!

First there was the Emperor Star Cup, followed by the IMTV Cup hosted by Ding Tan, and finally there was the Petroleum Cup, which was bought and authorized by a Saudi tycoon!

After these three games, there will be a super event for the entire e-sports world at the end.

S2 World Finals!

"The arrangements have been made. Let's play directly at the Jingjie Center." Zhang Zhaoyang said: "Anyway, the news has been released and the list of participants has been sent. The rest is just some logistical work, so it's not a big problem."

"Are you confident of winning the championship?" Mo Yu asked.

"It's hard to say. I definitely have confidence. I don't know whether I can win the championship." Zhang Zhaoyang said: "The schedule is too tight. I plan to give up the Petroleum Cup and only participate in the Emperor Star and IMTV Cup. I will spare time to prepare for S2."

Three major cup competitions are held in two months. The time is short and the schedule is tight, so choices must be made.

In particular, some foreign teams may not have enough time to complete the formalities for going abroad to participate in competitions. The time is too short, and the continuous transfer flights are also a huge test for the players' condition.

If it is not for the purpose of qualifying for the World Championship, it is actually a good choice to give up one game and maintain the training status of the players to prepare for the World Championship.

Emperor Star has money and has qualified for S2. If you don't care about the bonus, it doesn't matter if you give up one game.

And this year is pretty good for domestic teams. The Emperor Star Cup is in Jingzhou and the IMTV Cup is in Star City. They are both in China. In order to prepare for S2, the only thing Zhang Zhaoyang can give up is the Petroleum Cup.

"I'm afraid it won't be very good for Saudi Arabia." Mo Yu said with a smile: "Without the Emperor Star, it means that there are fewer gimmicks."

"If you don't like it, just feel bad. There's nothing you can do about it. The World Championship is the most important thing." Zhang Zhaoyang shrugged and said, "I can't give up on the World Championship, right?"


Mo Yu smiled and saw Zhang Zhaoyang getting up to leave, and thought of another thing.

"By the way, Xingyue will lead a team to interview Emperor Star in two days. You can arrange it and let the players cooperate."

"Xingyue?" Zhang Zhaoyang thought for a while and suddenly said: "Your girlfriend is a reporter, right? She is not a sports reporter? Why are you here to interview the e-sports club?"

The specific news has not yet spread, and Zhang Zhaoyang does not know the inside story.

Mo Yu explained: "Their station is recording a program called "E-Sports World". With the Emperor Star Club's status in the e-Sports circle, it is natural for them to interview it."

Although "E-Sports World" has not yet been scheduled to be broadcast, we learned from Shang Xingyue that the program team has been successfully formed, and the first issue has focused on Emperor Star.

After all, Dixing is now the leading club in the country. First of all, it is the first in the world. Secondly, it is the only world champion. Now it has just won the summer championship. Who would we interview if not Dixing?

Shang Xingyue and Zhang Zhaoyang were not very familiar with each other, so she asked Mo Yu to explain.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Zhaoyang immediately agreed: "Come just come. As long as it doesn't affect the players' training, interviews are a good thing. That's CCTV!"

"Okay, then I'll tell her."


After the two agreed, Mo Yu left the box and called Shang Xingyue.

The next day.

The "E-Sports World" program team set off from the Imperial Capital and went straight to Jingzhou.

Mo Yu picked him up at the airport in the afternoon.

There were seven or eight people in the group. Shang Xingyue was both the host and reporter. He was responsible for leading the group, accompanied by photographers and other staff.

Mo Yu had already arranged the bus and took Shang Xingyue to his car.

The two have already met their parents and have agreed that their parents will meet to discuss marriage at the end of the year. At this time, they are getting along very casually.

"Have the arrangements been made?"

"Are you still worried about me doing things? When will the recording start?"


"So urgent?"

There was no driver in the car, so Mo Yu drove the car himself: "You just landed and didn't you rest for two days?"

Shang Xingyue's face showed a hint of exhaustion but excitement: "No rest, the station is in a hurry, and this is my first time leading a program, so I have to perform well."

"All right."

Mo Yu was a little helpless. It seemed that he couldn't do anything shameful at night.

"By the way, when do you plan to broadcast it?"

"Next month, just in time to catch up with the excitement of the cup season," Shang Xingyue said: "According to the station's plan, five episodes of material must be recorded before broadcasting, and we will check the ratings after it is broadcast."

"What? If it doesn't work, do I still have to cut it off?"

Mo Yu was surprised when he heard this.

"That's not true." Shang Xingyue shook his head: "But the ratings are good, so the advertising fees are expensive. By the way, you know so many advertisers, you might as well introduce two, which can be regarded as my performance. .”

Mo Yu knows a lot of sponsors, and they are all bosses who are very interested in e-sports. They are highly overlapped with the advertiser group of "E-sports World".

"It's simple. I'll help you contact a few people. I believe they won't refuse if you can be on CCTV." Mo Yu easily agreed, and then he chuckled: "It's just that I helped you, so why don't you repay me well?"

"What in return?"

Shang Xingyue knew what he meant as soon as she heard his tone. She couldn't help but glance at him sideways and said angrily: "Drive your car well, I think about HS all day long!"

"What's wrong with HS?" Mo Yu called out to Qu: "Can't we have sex with my own wife?"

"I'm too lazy to care about you! Let's drive and talk about it tonight!"


Mo Yu felt energetic instantly! (End of chapter)

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