Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 527 Interview

Early the next morning.

The program team came to Emperor Star.

Everyone from Emperor Star has been waiting at the club for a long time. It was the first time for several players to wake up so early and even straightened their hair, with tired looks on their faces.

This interview was no different than before. It was going to be on CCTV, and it was a positive publicity, so we had to pay attention to our image.

"Business reporters, everyone, welcome."

Zhang Zhaoyang took the lead and stood in front to lead Shang Xingyue and others in.

The Emperor Star Club is located in a large and luxurious villa. Most of the people in the program team have never been exposed to a professional e-sports club, and the outside world is very confused about professional e-sports. Everyone can't help but look around when they come in, very curious.

Standing on the lawn of the villa, Zhang Zhaoyang said with a smile: "Old Mo has already said hello. Take whatever you want to take today. Don't have any worries. There is just a small problem. Please give me more positive words."

"Don't worry." Shang Xingyue said with a smile: "We are here with the mission of promoting e-sports. We will definitely not mess around. Besides, Mr. Zhang, you and Mo Yu are friends, I know what to do."

"Then I'll trouble you."

Zhang Zhaoyang smiled and turned to look at everyone in the club.

In addition to professional players and coaches, there are also a large number of people in the Emperor Star Club, including analysts, data scientists, cleaners, assistant coaches, and other employees. There are at least dozens of them. At this time, everyone is standing there, waiting for arrangements.

"These are the staff of CCTV Sports Channel's "E-Sports World" program team. If you need anything, please try your best to cooperate and don't cause trouble."

He turned around and looked at Shang Xingyue: "Do you want to make any arrangements?"

"Need not."

Shang Xingyue waved his hand and said: "Strive to be true."

"Then start now?"

"Okay, start!"

The program team immediately arranged the equipment and communicated the interview details.

Each issue of "E-Sports World" has a theme, and the theme of this issue is obviously Emperor Star.

Shang Xingyue first arranged for photographers to take pictures of the inside and outside of the club, while Zhang Zhaoyang was explaining next to him.

We walked around the training room, player dormitories, analysts, canteen, and gym, and then started taking photos of the boss, Zhang Zhaoyang.

"I would like to ask Mr. Zhang, why do you want to create Emperor Star? I remember that when Emperor Star was founded, the public opinion environment in the e-sports industry was not very good, it could even be said to be bad. Why or what drove you to create Emperor Star? Star Club?" Shang Xingyue held the microphone, cocked her long black stocking legs and talked to the camera.

Zhang Zhaoyang also dressed seriously.

"Actually, I like to play a lot. A big part of the reason why I founded Emperor Star at that time was that I thought e-sports would be fun. Secondly, I also felt that this industry was worth investing in. Speaking of which, I was also tempted by Mr. Mo when I founded the professional club."

The two chatted casually.

Zhang Zhaoyang talked about the Internet cafe competition in a humorous tone.

At that time, he was still a well-known rich second generation in the Jingzhou business community. Instead of inheriting such a large construction group in his family, he opened an Internet cafe, which seemed very unprofessional. Even now, many people actually laugh at Zhang Zhaoyang behind his back, and actually surrendered. If you are rich enough to start something like an e-sports club, it is simply a waste of time.

However, everyone has his own ambitions. Zhang Zhaoyang's character is that he loves to play, but his love for fun does not mean that he does not do his job properly. He has also begun to intervene in large and small affairs of Jingzhou Construction Engineering, which is not what the outside world sees. .

In the e-sports circle, Zhang Zhaoyang is a club owner who has appeared a lot. Many e-sports enthusiasts are very curious about his experience and want to know some of Zhang Zhaoyang's thoughts.

His account on Weibo also has hundreds of thousands of fans.

It is foreseeable that Zhang Zhaoyang will definitely become a hot spot once this program is aired.

The two had a brief chat, followed by interviews with professional players and coaches.

During the interview, the camera recorded everything faithfully and also did some little games like reflexes.

For example, in a small tube filled with sensors, professional players must take a special pen refill and put it into the small tube without touching the wall of the tube midway; there are also light spots that constantly appear on the computer screen, and players must control the mouse to quickly click on the light spots, etc. .

These mini-games place extremely high demands on players’ control and reaction.

The people from the program team participated in the battle in person, but they couldn't compare with professional players. Behind the seemingly small gap was an insurmountable gap.

The interview ended in the evening.

Shang Xingyue returned home exhausted.

Mo Yu had just hung up the phone at this time. Ding Tan invited him to be the guest of honor for the IMTV Cup and accompany him to attend some local receptions. The two had a good relationship, so Mo Yu certainly agreed.

Seeing Shang Xingyue return, Mo Yu went up to greet him: "How was the interview?"

"It went very well." Shang Xingyue sat on the sofa with his legs on Mo Yu's legs and said lazily: "After this episode is broadcast, the outside world's stereotype of professional e-sports should be greatly changed. To be honest, even I didn’t expect that professional e-sports would be so hard, it’s really not something that ordinary people can do.”

No matter which era, CCTV's influence is there. As the highest-level mouthpiece in the country, it cannot be compared with other channels.

No matter how much Mo Yu promotes on weekdays, the effect may not be as good as one episode of the program.

"Professional e-sports is indeed not that simple." Mo Yu shook his head and said: "Even if I have done so much publicity, in fact, people outside have only superficial impressions of professional e-sports, thinking that as long as the game is played well, it will be enough." Play eSports.”

"Let me tell you an interesting story. At the end of the Jingzhou Cup, some parents came to Zhang Zhaoyang and said that their children were very good and talented at playing games. They asked him to train their children to play e-sports, but the results were unbearable."

"Even now, people occasionally come to see him. It happens all the time."

Mo Yu preached.

Similar things have happened not only before but also recently.

LGD is just downstairs from Moyu Game.

That time, Mo Yu happened to get off work and saw that a parent approached Deng Junhua to promote his child. After being rejected, he looked disdainful and said, "Isn't it just playing games?" The words reveal disdain and ignorance.

"Still don't understand enough."

Shang Xingyue thought of what she saw in Emperor Star during the day, and couldn't help but shake her head and said: "It is too one-sided to simply link good gaming skills with professional e-sports. Professional e-sports is a sport that relies on talent, and more than 90% of people don't know how to do it. There is no talent for playing professionally, this is a natural gap that cannot be made up for by training."

"Today I really saw the power of professional players. There is a computer game in Emperor Star that tests players' reaction speed. Light spots pop up constantly on the screen and players are required to use the mouse to click on them all within the specified time. Watching It’s very simple, but when I actually started using it, I was in a hurry.”

"too difficult!"

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