Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 529 Selecting Newcomers

In fact, handsomeness or not is just the same. Mo Yu has seen too many and doesn't have much idea. The IMTV Cup really doesn't have much new ideas. It may even be the worst among the three major cup competitions this year.

But you can't say this out loud, and just looking at the layout of the scene, Ding Tan must have put his heart into it, and that's enough.

"If I can get a handsome word from you, Mr. Mo, then all my efforts will be in vain." Ding Tan smiled heartily, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

Although he is young and a second-generation rich man with a rich family background, he is a good person and not arrogant. He does not understand his identity and simply gets along with this person as if he were a good friend in ordinary life, harmoniously and harmoniously.

Mo Yu laughed: "IMTV has been developing well recently. The ratings of several programs I watched were good, and the response online was good."

"It's not bad."

Ding Tan waved his hand.

"There are almost no programs about e-sports games on TV channels. I also took the lead. But now that even CCTV has stopped, I'm afraid it won't develop so well in the future."

The entry of CCTV and Travel Channel does give people the illusion that traditional TV channels are preparing to attack the e-sports field on a large scale. However, Mo Yu knows that this situation is only temporary. The future will definitely be dominated by the Internet, even CCTV It is impossible to compare, this is the general trend.

The best carrier for e-sports games is always online, not on TV.

If IMTV continues to develop, if it does not pay attention to network experience, it will be abandoned by the times sooner or later.

"That's not the case."

Mo Yu shook his head and advised: "I think you can pay more attention to online channels. This is a brand new publicity channel. IMTV's main broadcast content is much better on the Internet than on TV channels."

Ding Tan's vision was still limited, and he obviously didn't agree with Mo Yu's statement.

"I think we need to grasp it with both hands, and even TV channels need to be grasped harder than online channels."

"Forget it, personal vision is different. Since Mr. Ding has this idea, just do it on your own." Mo Yu waved his hand and stopped persuading, and asked instead: "How are the preparations for the competition going?"

Ding Tan stopped chatting after hearing this and replied: "Everything has been arranged. I have hired a dedicated person to take care of the competition venue, accommodation, travel, training, and food. There will be no omissions."

Mo Yu nodded: "That's good. In that case, I only need to be responsible for awarding awards. By the way, you still don't know what the trophy looks like?"

The three major A-level cup competitions are not always hosted by the same company and will change every year.

But now Emperor Star has signed a three-year contract, and the Saudis have signed a permanent licensing contract. The rest is the IMTV Cup, which is currently only signed for this year.

After all, not everyone has the courage to invest tens of millions of dollars.

Just like for Ding Tan, if it were not a new establishment of IMTV, hosting such a game would also be good for promoting IMTV. I am afraid he would have to think carefully about whether to host it.

The organizers of the three major cup competitions are different every year, and naturally the trophies are also different.

The Emperor Star is a jade seal-shaped trophy. Mo Yu heard from Ahmed that a large amount of gold should be used for the Petroleum Cup, but he just doesn’t know what the shape of the IMTV Cup trophy is.

"I found a local jeweler in Star City to cooperate." Ding Tan extended his hand and said, "Just in time, the trophy has been shipped over, let's go and see it together?"

"Okay! Let's go!"

So, Mo Yu followed, and everyone walked into the convention and exhibition center together.

At this time, there were staff coming and going in the convention and exhibition center, and everyone was busy setting up.

When passing by the center stage, Mo Yu stopped and looked at it with interest.

What you can see is a regular stage, a boxy rectangle with lights on top and dry ice blasters on both sides. Players enter the mall directly behind the stage backdrop.

Ten computers are placed on the left and right in the middle of the stage, and a soundproof room is set up.

The commentary seats are arranged in the audience stands.

There are four large LED screens hanging in front of the stage, facing all directions, so that the audience can clearly see the game picture no matter where they are.

Mo Yu looked around and felt that it was pretty good. There was nothing new, but the money and materials were spent on practical matters. The viewing effect should be okay.

"It might be a little messy, sorry."

"It's okay, the arrangements haven't been made yet. Which guests will be invited for the opening show? Is there anyone from Mango Channel?"

"Please." Ding Tan said with a smile: "Several ace hosts from Mango Channel will come to host the show, Teacher He and Xie Na."

"These two people are coming? That's a bit big!"

Mo Yu was shocked when he heard this.

He and Xie are now the gold medal pillars of Mango Channel Happy Camp and are very well-known. Inviting Ding Tan to host the IMTV Cup can indeed attract a group of viewers for the game.

"However, with such a good opportunity, why don't you train your own people? As far as I know, IMTV has recruited many new people to develop into the e-sports industry."

"Too immature." Ding Tan waved his hand: "This competition is very important, and I'm not too worried. I'll train as a deputy first. By the way, Mr. Mo, a few of my people are performing pretty well. This year's S2 will give How many places do I have?"


Mo Yu waved his hand and agreed.

IMTV's program content is all related to e-sports. There are not only event hosts but also specially trained commentators. When the GPL league is broadcast, they will also explain the game situation on TV. Mo Yu has watched one episode and his performance is not bad, at least He won't make common sense mistakes. He has his own ideas for the team's tactics and game analysis. In terms of professional ability alone, he can still pass the test.

But it was the female commentators who left the deepest impression on him.

I have to say that the TV station is more attractive than the game company. The female commentators and hostesses are no worse than the beauties of GPL. They all have amazing figures. SSy kind is the most suitable for the taste of LSP viewers.

The World Championships are full of old faces every year, and the audience will also feel fatigued. It would be good to add a few newcomers to try to save face.

"Thank you very much."

"But the person you choose must have at least a passable professional level. The World Championship is for the whole world. It will not be good to be scolded when the time comes."

"Don't worry, they are all top students majoring in hosting. Their skills are so poor that I am embarrassed to send them there myself."

"That's OK!"

The two of them walked around and soon came to a quiet room with a security guard standing at the door.

"Mr. Ding."

The security said hello, Ding Tan waved his hand, turned around and said, "The trophy is inside."

Mo Yu and Shang Xingyue suddenly became interested and wanted to see what the trophy looked like.

As a trophy that is likely to only appear once and then disappear, who can not be curious?

Shang Xingyue has even prepared his mobile phone to shoot, so that he can put it directly into the show and experience the competition trophy up close and personal. Many viewers have never experienced this kind of thing!


Ding Tan pushed open the door and entered.

In the room, a golden trophy surrounded by glass was revealed! (End of chapter)

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