Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 530 Golden Dragon Cup

It's not just a dazzling sight, there is indeed a golden trophy placed in the room, shining brightly under the light.

"Golden trophy?"

Shang Xingyue couldn't help but exclaimed.

"That's not true, you got a gold trophy?"

Mo Yu quickly stepped forward and looked at it carefully.

The entire trophy is not big, only about ten centimeters in height, almost the length of a palm. The shape is nothing special, just ordinary. It is just a cup with ears and a base below. The wall of the cup is carved with a dragon-shaped pattern, with four claws flying into the clouds. , the scales are clearly visible, and it is obviously at the level of a master.

Since the trophy was protected between glass, Mo Yu couldn't get his hands on it.

From a purely visual perspective, if it were all gold, it would weigh at least several kilograms.

"Is it really made of gold?"

Mo Yu looked back at Ding Tan.

Ding Tan looked proud and pointed at the trophy and said: "Isn't it handsome? The Golden Dragon Cup has a total weight of 3326 grams. Except for the base, it is all made of gold. The cost alone cost me more than 900,000 yuan, plus the labor cost. , this trophy is worth a total of 1.1 million!"

1.1 million Golden Dragon Cup!

He is indeed very wealthy!

This year’s gold price is about 280 yuan per gram. Calculated at 3326 grams, the gold used in the cup body alone costs 950,000 yuan. Add in the master-level carving technology and manual labor costs, and the price is about 1.1 million yuan!

When this trophy came out, it was a work of art.

The trophies used in previous competitions cannot compare with the Golden Dragon Cup. The main reason is that the materials used are too expensive and they are all made of gold. They are too wealthy.

Shang Xingyue had already held up her mobile phone to take pictures from various angles. At this time, she felt regretful. She should have brought a camera. The pixels of the mobile phone were not clear at all.

On the other side, Mo Yu couldn't help but be speechless.

"If you get such a golden trophy, will you take it back when the time comes?"

The trophy of the World Championship can only be owned by the winning team for one year, and it will be taken out of the World Championship the next year. It is not permanently owned by the champion team.

What the team received was only a replica, as well as the gold medals and personal trophies in the hands of the players.

The IMTV Cup will only be held for one session, and the licensing contract for the next session has not yet been negotiated. In other words, if Ding Tan does not withdraw, it means that the champion will receive an additional bonus of 1.1 million, which is more than the bonus for winning the championship!

"Why recycle? No more recycling."

Ding Tan waved his hand and said proudly: "It's only 1.1 million, more money has been spent, this little money is nothing, just treat it as a gift to the champion."

The prize money for an A-level competition is 2 million according to regulations. The champion gets 40%, the runner-up gets 15%, the third runner-up gets 9%, the fourth to eighth place each gets 4%, and the ninth to sixteenth place each gets 2%. Plus other large and small expenses, it's at least five to six million.

Those with deep pockets like Zhang Zhaoyang and Ahmed spent tens of millions of dollars.

Mo Yu has received news that due to time issues, this year's Petroleum Cup will be held in a stadium in Saudi Arabia for the time being. However, next year the other party plans to build a new venue specifically for e-sports competitions to hold an e-sports festival. The Petroleum Cup will It is included in the E-Sports Festival and is considered one of the projects.

If you really want to build a stadium, the cost will be huge, even more expensive than Mo Yu's renovation of the Jingjie Center!

He originally saw that the IMTV Cup was relatively rough and crude, and thought that Ding Tan might not spend too much, but he did not expect that the highlight would be the trophy.

1.1 million!

That’s really the dominator in the trophy world!


Mo Yu couldn't help but praise: "As soon as this Golden Dragon Cup is displayed, all the teams this year will go crazy and all of them will be eyeing the championship!"

There is a difference between bonuses and gold.

Compared with the 1.1 million bonus and the 1.1 million trophy, there is no doubt that the trophy is more exciting than the bonus.

Once this Golden Dragon Cup is put out, who among the participating teams will not be tempted?

The clubs behind the scenes must issue orders to fight for the championship with all their strength!

The most important thing is that it is very likely to be out of print. It is only this one, so it is too rare.

Mo Yu didn't even plan to spend so much money to build a pure gold trophy. The actual value of the trophies from the S and MSI competitions combined may not be as expensive as this Golden Dragon Cup, and may be more of a symbol of honor and status.

Unlike the Golden Dragon Cup, in addition to honor and status, it is also valuable!

"Hahaha, this is what I want." Ding Tan laughed: "Just putting a trophy there, the advertising sensation it caused is not something I can buy with 1.1 million."

"That makes sense!"

Mo Yu agreed.

1.1 million invested in advertising can only make a small splash at most, but if it is placed on such a gimmick Golden Dragon Cup, the effect will definitely be outstanding. I don’t know how many people will come here to watch the game, and these people happen to be The people Ding Tan wants to win over are those who spend a small amount of money to do big things!

"Let's go, lock the door quickly and let people watch. When the game starts, take it out and let the host introduce it. The effect will not be much worse."

Several people walked out of the room, still discussing the Golden Dragon Cup along the way.

I don't know what others think, but Mo Yu and Shang Xingyue both admire Ding Tan's generosity and are really willing to spend money.

After passing the venue, Ding Tan took the two of them to a Hunan restaurant.

Several people were sitting in the private room, and while waiting for the food, Ding Tan talked about another business.

"Mr. Mo, the broadcast license for this year's World Championship should not be sold yet, right?"

Mo Yu took a sip of tea, shook his head and said, "Someone is contacting me, but he hasn't sold it yet. What's wrong? Do you have any ideas?"


Ding Tan said: "Last year, a broadcast of S1 brought many benefits to Douyu. Even Huya, who had always been evenly matched, was suppressed. I definitely have ideas for S2 this year. IMTV is a startup. If I can win the S2 Global Finals I believe the broadcasting rights will greatly improve the channel’s ratings. What do you think? Make a price?”

"There's no problem with the offer, but I don't know if Mr. Ding can accept it."

Mo Yu laughed.

Last year, S1 was sold to Douyu Live and made 125 million yuan.

At that time, the two major platforms Huya and Douyu both offered high prices, with a difference of only a few million, but they were eventually won by Douyu.

Once Chen Shaojie made this deal, the benefits he brought to Douyu were far more than that.

With S1, Douyu not only saw a huge increase in users, overtaking Huya to become the second largest live streaming platform in China, but also made a lot of money from gifts in all aspects. The most important thing was to get a super large investment, which can be said to be a huge profit. The money is full, and more than 100 million have been earned.

Because of this, even before S2 started this year, Chen Shaojie had already contacted him several times and wanted to discuss live broadcasting.

And not only Douyu but also Huya are making a comeback. Video platforms such as Youku and Tudou also have ideas. Even Handongtai is also interested, but the price offered is not high enough.

Mo Yu didn't expect that Ding Tan would also be eyeing S2 now.

But he didn't plan to let go just yet, he had other plans in mind.

This year's opportunity is great. It has been selected as an official project and has qualified for the Asian Games exhibition competition. E-sports will be a hot social topic in the second half of this year.

Rather than cooperating with others, Mo Yu wanted to use Shang Xingyue's relationship to see if he could get on the line with CCTV.

With S2's huge traffic there, it's impossible for CCTV to not have any ideas if it gets the news. The biggest problems are still money and social impact. As long as it can resolve and dispel the concerns there, he is actually more inclined to cooperate with CCTV.

As long as it can be broadcast on the CCTV platform, it will be a severe blow to public opinion and those demons and monsters in society. It can effectively curb the arrogance of those people and greatly improve the public opinion environment of e-sports. (End of chapter)

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