Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 531 Login to CCTV

"I heard that Douyu spent more than 100 million to buy the S1 broadcast last year?" Ding said: "I know that this year there will be more viewers than last year, 170 million. This is the highest price I can give."

Although the S game is popular, the price is not doubling all the way. Judging from this year's economic situation, I have to say that 170 million is really high.

This figure would have been a sky-high price in the previous life. Although it is not as high as the 1 billion purchased by Station B for three years, it has reached its current peak.

Today, the total number of GAG users worldwide has exceeded 60 million and is close to 70 million, and a large part of them are very interested in the S game.

Based on last year's data, this year even the most basic group stage can easily exceed one million viewers across all platforms, and the finals can reach the tens of millions mark!

As long as it can capture a portion of such a huge number of viewers, it will bring a qualitative leap to IMTV.

Ding Tan took a fancy to this and wanted to make a fortune and replicate the miracle of Douyu last year.

Unfortunately, Mo Yu had other ideas.

"170 million is a lot, but Mr. Ding, to tell you the truth, I have other ideas for the S2 broadcast this year."

"What do you think?" Ding Tan asked, "Or does Mr. Mo think it's not enough?"

"It's not a matter of money." Mo Yu waved his hand and said: "Before you, people have already contacted me and offered to win the broadcast rights of S2. Many of them offered higher prices, but I rejected them all."

"You should also know that the biggest factor restricting the development of e-sports today is actually the social public opinion environment. Many people are full of malice towards games and are also hostile to e-sports. This is a deep-rooted social factor that has lasted for many years. If we want to break it , we must have authority to express our position, so that we can slowly reverse stereotypes step by step.”

"I am constantly working hard for this. Whether I am selected to become an official competitive event or enter the Asian Games, it is all for this goal. Now the momentum of e-sports has been large enough, and it has huge influence around the world. E-sports has already Now that I have entered the public eye, if I can’t take advantage of this opportunity to go further, I’m afraid it will be difficult.”

"Having said so much, I won't hide it from you. This year is the best opportunity. I want to cooperate with CCTV and let the live broadcast of S2 appear on CCTV's screen."

Mo Yu said everything he was thinking.

Ding Tan is very sincere, and he is also willing to treat each other with sincerity.


Ding Tan was shocked when he heard this: "You want to cooperate with CCTV? I'm afraid there is not much chance, right? CCTV is of great significance and is the highest-level mouthpiece in the country. Can those people accept e-sports competitions to be on the CCTV screen in a grand manner?"

Even Shang Xingyue was surprised and said: "Your idea is too bold, I'm afraid there is little hope."

"How will you know if you don't try?"

Mo Yu smiled and said: "Although the idea is bold, it may not have no chance of success! Isn't your station going to produce the program "E-Sports World" now?"

"That's different." Shang Xingyue shook his head and said: "One is a program and the other is a live broadcast. Our sports channel has only broadcast live traditional events and e-sports competitions in so many years since its establishment? I don't even dare to think about it!"

In fact, it's not Shang Xingyue's fault, even Mo Yu came up with the idea after careful consideration.

Even at the Hangzhou Asian Games in the previous life, LOL and DOTA had become official projects and did not appear on the CCTV stage, let alone the S game?

Compared with the Asian Games, the S Games are not on the same level at all.

But Mo Yu saw a glimmer of hope.

The past life is the past life, and this life is this life. On the journey of e-sports development, the two worlds have similarities and differences.

There are many differences. For example, GAG is a domestic game, GAG has entered Asia, GAG has the strongest domestic team, GAG has been elected as an officially recognized official project, GAG is a social hot spot, and so on.

Even CCTV itself has relented and produced an e-sports program.

This in itself is a signal sent to the outside world.

Even CCTV is optimistic about e-sports and believes that e-sports competitions will be the trend of the future. The above radio and television departments have not come out openly to oppose or even support it in a certain sense.

But everything is Mo Yu's inference, and he also judged this result from various deeds.

Just like the GAG ​​caused such a big fuss this year, no matter which department it is in, no restrictive measures have been introduced. Although there is no encouragement, not opposing it is a supportive attitude in itself!

It was after Mo Yu saw this that he had the idea to let S2 register on CCTV.


"Although it seems impossible to log in to CCTV, I think there is no chance of it. E-sports has become a trend this year. Logically speaking, if high-level officials object, they will definitely introduce various countermeasures, but in fact Not really, so I feel a little hopeful.”

Mo Yu talked about his thoughts.

Both Shang Xingyue and Ding Tan had to admit that what he said did make sense.

Public opinion is not friendly to e-sports, but anyone can see the future potential of e-sports, and e-sports originated in China. On the sports track, this is an opportunity to overtake in corners.

That's why the top management didn't support or oppose it, just pretending that nothing happened.

Shang Xingyue even thought more.

She works at CCTV Sports Channel and needs to know more clearly about some of the information there.

She remembers that "E-Sports World" was proposed by Taili's senior management. It may be Taili's idea, but it may also be that she has received instructions from above and is willing to let go of control and test the waters.

Moreover, Tourism TV is also a satellite channel and can be received in many provinces in southern China. Although the ratings are not good, it is still a very important channel.

Now even Travel TV is producing e-sports related programs, and the high-level attitude contained in them has to make people think a lot.

Shang Xingyue also analyzed: "Our station has a relatively close relationship with the higher-ups. Now there is no objection to the launch of e-sports programs. The meaning is very ambiguous. Maybe the higher-ups are willing to see support for e-sports, but it is not convenient to show up in person."

"After listening to the analysis of the two of you, I now feel that there is a slight chance."

Ding Tan smiled bitterly.

He is also a TV person and made his own judgment based on the chat between Mo Yu and Shang Xingyue.

"The senior management neither opposes nor supports it. This is a kind of support in itself. Mr. Mo, I am afraid that S2's idea of ​​​​logging on to CCTV is really possible. If S2 can really log on to CCTV, then IMTV will have no chance at all."

"No way!" Mo Yu said: "No matter what, I want to give it a try!"

"It's totally worth a try." Shang Xingyue said.

Mo Yu said: "Well, but I don't know much about the personnel situation in your station. I need your help in this matter."

"No problem, your business is my business. After the IMTV Cup interview, I will go back to the Imperial Capital to help you find out the news." Shang Xingyue nodded. (End of chapter)

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