Several people discussed it for a while, and they all felt that this matter had great potential.

"Sorry, Mr. Ding." Mo Yu sighed: "I hope you can understand that if you can really log into CCTV, whether it is for me personally, GAG or the entire e-sports industry, it will not be comparable to 100 million yuan. of."

Ding Tan was helpless at this time.

No matter how much money he gets, it is still far behind compared to being logged into CCTV. There is no comparison at all!

He even felt that as long as he could log into CCTV, Mo Yu might only charge a small amount of money, not that much.

This is the meaning of CCTV. It is different from the feeling IMTV gives to the world!

One is national orthodoxy, and the other is a private channel, which are completely different.

Of course, if Ding Tan is willing to pay one billion or eighty million, then Mo Yu may change his mind.

"Forget it." Ding Tan was less interested: "In that case, I won't force it, but Mr. Mo, I hope that if the cooperation with CCTV fails, I can be given a chance!"

"That's natural." Mo Yu nodded: "If it doesn't succeed, I will sell it to you for 170 million."

"Okay! With your words, this trip is worth it!"

Ding Tan laughed and returned to his chic posture.


That night, several guests and hosts had a great time.

Early the next morning, Mo Yu woke up from the hotel bed with a dry mouth and a groggy head.

He drank too much last night. Ding Tan didn't look like he knew how to drink. In fact, he drank hard. Mo Yu finally felt like he was so drunk that he didn't know how he came back.

A glass of water was brought to you.

Shang Xingyue had already gotten up.

"Are you up? Have a drink of water."

"I really didn't expect Ding Tan to be so good at drinking."

Mo Yu took the water cup and drank it, finally feeling better.

"Same for you, drinking so much." Shang Xingyue complained, then said: "Last night I thought about logging in to CCTV again, and I think it is indeed possible. I don't know how you plan to do it? Just reply to me Taili?"

"No rush." ​​Mo Yu waved his hand and got up and said, ""E-Sports World" will be broadcast next month, right? It just so happens that the Petroleum Cup will start next month, and I plan to ask Ahmed to invite him in the name of Saudi Arabia. People from your sports channel went over to do a program, and it won’t be too late to talk about it then.”

"Are you planning to let Taiwan see GAG's influence abroad?"

"That's right." Mo Yu said: "After all, you have no right to speak unless you have seen it with your own eyes. With GAG's overseas influence, the Petroleum Cup scene should be bustling by then. When the time comes, those leaders in your station will see that they have no right to speak. CCTV should be helpful.”

Chinese people are reserved, but they are extremely enthusiastic about making a name for themselves overseas.

As a domestically produced game, it can perform well overseas. I believe it will definitely touch those leaders. In that case, we will be more confident in talking about S2's registration on CCTV.

"You give me a list and select people who can help win the S2 live broadcast rights. Then I will communicate with Ahmed and ask the other party to invite you over. I will come forward to discuss it after watching the game."


Shang Xingyue thought for a while and immediately agreed.

"The person in charge of negotiating the broadcast of events in the station is a director named Cheng. This person is a close confidant of the director of the sports channel and has great power. He comes forward to negotiate with the other party for many event broadcasts."

Mo Yu asked: "Director Cheng? Tell me carefully."

"Cheng Ziyun is in charge of advertising and event broadcasting. He knows a little bit about my family background but doesn't know the details. He treats people mildly but is very disciplined. He is a bit selfless. By the way, he is also a bit angry and patriotic, and has a deep interest in the country. A deep friendship.”

Shang Xingyue talked about what happened before.

"You should know about the accident that occurred during the Imperial Olympic Games torch relay in Paris last year, right? Director Cheng was very angry at that time. He scolded him many times in private and was later punished."

Mo Yu nodded when he heard this.

"It seems that this person is indeed patriotic."

The torch relay incident caused quite a stir on the Internet at the time.

When the torch was delivered to Paris, Jin Jing, a female disabled fencer, passed it in a wheelchair. As a result, she was attacked by communists who tried to snatch the torch from her hands. Fortunately, Jin Jing protected the torch very well and held the torch tightly in her hand. The criminals were not allowed to succeed.

Later, Jin Jing was hailed as a "beautiful angel in a wheelchair" by domestic netizens and was praised by many netizens.

In response to this incident, many people criticized the ZD elements on the one hand, and also scolded France for its poor protection on the other.

Mo Yu was very angry when he learned about this.

Cheng Ziyun can express his dissatisfaction with this matter. Obviously, the patriotic and angry youth cannot run away. He is the kind of character who hopes to see China number one in the world!

"This person is very close to my heart. To be honest, I was very angry when I found out about this. Unfortunately, I had no choice but to verbally curse, but nothing could be done." Mo Yu regretted: " Since Cheng Ziyun is patriotic, I believe that when the time comes to see the grand spectacle of the Petroleum Cup and the victory of the domestic team against the overseas team, it will definitely arouse emotions. When the time comes, I will come out to talk to this person. I believe it will be very helpful to persuade this person. .”

"That's right." Shang Xingyue also agreed: "Director Cheng should be happy to see a domestic game become popular all over the world."

"Then it's settled." Mo Yu said immediately: "When the time comes, I will ask Ahmed to specially invite this person, but I don't know if he will agree?"

Shang Xingyue nodded and said: "It should be no problem. Let alone the director himself, there's no way he could refuse an invitation of this level even if the director knew about it!"

"That's it."

Mo Yu slapped his thigh, feeling that the hope of success was getting a little higher.

The matter was decided, and Mo Yu immediately called Ahmed to explain the situation, hoping that he would help. After Ahmed asked, he readily agreed and expressed his willingness to help.

the other side.

Shang Xingyue took members of the program team to the scene for interviews. Not only did he interview the behind-the-scenes staff, he also went to the hotel where the players were staying to interview some players from various countries and personally shot videos of the live training matches.

Three days later.

The IMTV Cup is officially announced.

Sixteen teams from the five major regions gathered in Star City to compete for the championship!

When the Golden Dragon Cup made entirely of gold appeared on the stage and glowed golden under the lights, the whole audience was shocked!

"This trophy is so domineering! I've never seen it before!"

"It's unbelievable. It's actually a trophy made entirely of gold!"


Commentators from various countries exclaimed in surprise, and the live broadcast room was filled with constant barrage!

"Holy crap!"

"I have seen so many games, but I have never seen any game where all the trophies are made of gold. It is unheard of and unseen!"

"First time in my life!"

"This is the charm of rich people. This year's trophy is more than the championship bonus!"

Even the audience at the scene screamed in exclamations, not to mention the professional players of each team who appeared. They were all eager to win the championship and win the trophy! (End of chapter)

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