Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 533 Happy Camp

The appearance of the Golden Dragon Cup instantly ignited the atmosphere of the game to its hottest state.

A small glittering golden trophy was placed in the center of the stage, but it attracted more attention than the two hosts on the Mango Channel.

"Welcome Summoners from all over the world on site and in front of the screen!"

"Good evening, everybody!"

Although Teacher He and Xie Na have never played games, as the gold medal hosts of Mango Channel, their hosting skills are still there. In just a few words, they mobilized the atmosphere of the entire venue, attracting thousands of viewers at the exhibition center. Enthusiastic shouts broke out one after another.

Center stage.

The two were dressed up for the occasion.

"Today, the attention of summoners all over the world is focused on this. Sixteen professional teams from all over the world stand on this stage for victory, honor, and championship!"

“Who will win the final championship title, and which team will the Golden Dragon Cup become the trophy?”

"let us wait and see!"

"I announce that the 2009 "Gods and Gods" IMTV Cup International Masters Tournament has officially begun!"

The two retreated behind the scenes, followed by the opening performance and the team's appearance. Finally, the lights were dimmed and the spotlight shone on the Golden Dragon Cup in the center. The golden light became the only focus at the moment.


Immediately afterwards, the lights in the entire stadium came on, and the two teams from the first game came on stage!


"Teacher He, thank you for your hard work." Ding Tan stepped forward to thank him.

Mo Yu and Shang Xingyue were also nearby, and they couldn't help but look at He Crab curiously at this moment.

In the past, I had only seen the two of them on the screen, but now that I saw them in person, Mo Yu was also very curious.

Similar to what is circulated on the Internet, Teacher He is indeed not tall, but he is very gentle and polite, and makes people feel like spring breeze when talking to him.

As for Malanpo Xie Na, he is quite lively, carefree and informal.

"It's okay." Teacher He waved his hand and said with a smile: "This is also a brand new experience for me. I have never been exposed to e-sports competitions before. I only saw them occasionally on the Internet. I have only heard of them but never seen them. Today I really came to Only when I was there did I realize that it was indeed well-deserved. This experience was also the first in my life, and it was very novel and exciting.”

"Yeah, I never thought it would be so lively." Xie Na interjected from the side: "It's far beyond our expectations. It's so exciting."

The two of them have hosted countless programs and are used to big scenes. They also did some research before coming here. They know the significance of the IMTV Cup and the scene will definitely be spectacular, so they have been mentally prepared for it.

When I actually came to the scene and saw the grand scene, I realized that I still didn't think enough.

"You're welcome." Ding Tan said with a smile: "More than 4,000 people came to the scene today, but this grand occasion is not the biggest in the e-sports circle. To really shock people from the bottom of their hearts, they have to watch the S2 in December. Global Finals.”

"S2 Global Finals? I've heard a little bit about it." Teacher He nodded and said with a little regret: "It's a pity that I can't host it myself. If I can host it once, it will definitely be unforgettable for me. By the way, Mr. Ding, there is something I also want to ask for your help.”

"What's up?"

Ding Tan asked.

"E-sports is very popular now. The base camp station plans to invite a professional team to the stage next time. It will not only promote e-sports but also increase the popularity of the base camp. It can be regarded as the best of both worlds." Teacher He said: "It's just that I don't know them very well. People in this field, so I want to ask you for a favor. It just so happens that everyone is gathered in Star City right now. I would like to ask Mr. Ding to help us get to know each other. Isn’t it convenient?"

"Then you've got the wrong person." Ding Tan laughed and pointed at Mo Yu who was standing next to him: "Let me introduce you to Mr. Mo Yu, the founder of e-sports and the chairman of Moyu Game Company! This talented person He is the real owner, and whoever the base camp wants to find, Mr. Mo can just say a word."

"How is it? Mr. Mo? Do you agree to Teacher He's request?"

As soon as this statement came out, He and Xie were both surprised.

It turned out that Mo Yu was standing nearby. They thought he was Ding Tan's subordinate, but they didn't expect it to be a giant Buddha.

"Mr. Mo, I've been looking at you for a long time, and I didn't recognize you for a moment. I'm sorry." Teacher He immediately bowed slightly and stretched out his hand.

"It's okay, Teacher He, I have admired you for a long time."

The two shook hands, and Mo Yu smiled and said: "Actually, I often watch Base Camp and like this program very much. I never thought that Mr. Ding would invite you and Teacher Xie to host it. I came here specially to get to know you. When I met you today, it is indeed well-deserved."

"That's ridiculous."

He Jiong is very polite.

Although he is very famous, he is still far behind Mo Yu. His status, status and wealth are not on the same level.

Mo Yu was not arrogant, but smiled and said: "You just said that the base camp wants to invite a professional team to participate. This is a good thing. I don't know who you want to invite? I can help to make peace. It shouldn't be a problem. "

He Yan's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately thanked him: "Thank you so much!"

"The station has also investigated some information. I heard that the Emperor Star Club is the only world champion in the world now? I wonder if it is possible to invite them to the stage?"

"no problem."

Mo Yu smiled and agreed: "As long as it does not affect the club's training, it will be fine. After all, the next step is the global finals. This game is a game that all e-sports teams around the world have been looking forward to for a year. It is also the most valuable game in the current e-sports world. The highest competition, Emperor Star wants to defend the championship, and has been strengthening training recently, which is very hard."

"Understandable." He Yan nodded and added: "It may take two or three days to record the show. If you really can't make time, forget it."

"It'll be fine for two or three days." Mo Yu said: "Make a good balance between work and rest. Emperor Star happens to be on site. I'll take you there later."

Imperial Star happened to have a game against Flash Wolves today. At this time, they were not staying in the hotel, but in the backstage lounge.

Happy Camp, as the top variety show in the country, is an excellent publicity channel. Some celebrities or movies will come here to promote before they are released. Mo Yu wants to create a few e-sports stars who are out of the circle. The last issue of Happy Camp was also It was originally planned.

Now that Mango TV is interested, it just suits his liking.

Immediately, several people were led by Ding Tan to the Emperor Star's lounge.

Everyone in Emperor Star was watching the game, discussing tactics, and studying the situation. They were all surprised when they saw a group of people coming in.

"Mr. Mo, Mr. Ding, Teacher He, Teacher Xie, Miss Shang, are you okay?"

Han Wenhui stood up and asked.

"It's not a big deal." Mo Yu came forward: "Happy Camp intends to invite Emperor Star as a guest, it can be regarded as a publicity. After the IMTV Cup this time, you can take people there for two or three days at most. It should not be delayed. ?”

"Good thing!"

The club also needs to be run, so Han Wenhui agreed as soon as he heard it.

"I just don't know if Mr. Zhang agrees with it?"

"Don't worry, Zhaoyang will definitely agree. I will just tell him then."

"That's no problem!"

Han Wenhui immediately agreed. (End of chapter)

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