Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 535 Small Disadvantage

The list of the semi-finals this time was so unexpected that Mo Yu was afraid that someone was faking the match. He had to call Yang Qiu to investigate. The final result was gratifying. There was no fake match and the semi-finals were all real. level!

Mo Yu was relieved!

no way.

Anyone who understands the current global GAG e-sports system knows clearly which teams are the real strong ones. It can only be said that the top four list of this IMTV Cup has made everyone watching the game confused.

That's why.

IMTV Cup ratings exploded!

Everyone is guessing which team will be the real champion in the end~!

The next day.

The semi-finals are BO5!

The first match was between Emperor Star and Samsung White.

Both teams started to rise in the summer split. Imperial Star is trying to regain its former glory, while Samsung White has emerged in the GCK league as one of the twins. When the team was first established, they successfully broke into the top two in the league points, and even SKT They were all crushed under the feet of Gemini.

These two teams are considered by most people to be the strongest teams in the entire IMTV Cup semi-finals.

There are many predictions online before the game.

Most people still support Emperor Star, believing that based on Emperor Star's performance in the second half of the year, the overall competitive level will be stronger.

But there are also people who support Samsung White, especially GCK netizens, who have high hopes for Samsung White. They are all looking forward to the White team overturning the Imperial Star, winning the championship, and declaring GCK to become the strongest division!

As soon as the game started, the scene turned into the home court of Emperor Star!

"Emperor Star, come on!" "Emperor Star, come on!" "Emperor Star, come on!"

Amidst the overwhelming cheers, SSW’s cheering voice was almost inaudible.

After all, this is Star City. In China, even though Emperor Star performed poorly in the first half of the year, it is still the team with the most fans in the country!

In the stands, the commentators were also excited.

"Viewers, welcome to the first game of the semi-finals, Samsung White vs. Emperor Star!"

"This is a battle between dragon and tiger, don't underestimate it!"

"Many people may not know about the SSW team. They just joined the GCK League in the second half of this year. The Samsung Group is responsible for it. At the same time, Samsung also operates another team, which is SSB!"

"The two teams are known as the Samsung Twins. Each is a super expert in the Korean server. Since joining the league, they have captured the flag all the way and won the top two points in the summer split. At the same time, they also won two tickets to the Korean Division S2. Even The SKT team that everyone is familiar with also had to crawl at their feet."

"It's just that on the GCK side, the white team has been suppressed by the blue team. I didn't expect that this time the white team actually rose up in the IMTV Cup!"

"Let us wait and see whether the former champions will regain their glory or the twins will defeat powerful enemies and enter the world stage!"

After the introduction by the commentator, everyone has a certain understanding of SSW.

In the stands.

Shang Xingyue said in surprise: "Didn't SKT get a ticket for S2?"

"No." Mo Yu shook his head: "The top two teams in the Korean league this year are Samsung White and Samsung Blue, and SKT only finished third."

"Doesn't that mean SKT can't enter the World Championship?"

Shang Xingyue couldn't believe that GCK's giant SKT couldn't enter the World Championship. It was unbelievable.

"No." Mo Yu explained: "They are the champions of the Spring Split. In terms of points, as long as they can get a top three ranking in the three major cups, they will qualify for the World Championship. Although they failed in the IMTV Cup this time , but there are still two games to come, so as long as you perform stably, it shouldn’t be bad.”

"Actually, some clues can be seen from this IMTV Cup. SKT performed very well in the group stage, but unfortunately, they met the Royal Family in the quarterfinals. Originally, they won more and lost less against the Royal Family. Unexpectedly, they were so popular this time. , there may also be a bit of luck involved.”

"In short, SKT has a high chance of qualifying."

Shang Xingyue nodded: "I see, I thought SKT couldn't even qualify. This team has always been a very powerful team in my mind. I didn't expect it to be suppressed by Samsung. It seems that Samsung is really powerful. "

"It's really awesome."

Mo Yu couldn't help but admire him when he heard this.

The same ten people, the same ten faces, the same domestic invincibility.

It seems that Gemini was destined to amaze players around the world as soon as it was born.

If GPL were not recognized as the strongest division now, then maybe this year the strongest team recognized by players around the world would be born in Gemini.

Even the ranking department under Moyu Game arranged the rankings of the two teams. After careful consideration and a large number of record comparisons, the two teams were ranked second and third, second only to re-showing their supremacy. The Emperor Star has surpassed the established giants such as LGD, WE, SKT and FNC.

This shows that Gemini's status in the minds of global GAG players is definitely one of the best.

"Then do you think Emperor Star can win?" Shang Xingyue looked slightly worried.

"It's hard to say." Mo Yu shook his head: "In my personal opinion, the overall strength of Emperor Star may be stronger, but SSW is not bad either. You have to actually play it to know. I can't guess, but anyway , I still support Emperor Star even more."

"me too!"

Shang Xingyue nodded.

According to IMTV's backend statistics, this one game alone added hundreds of thousands of paying users to the entire channel, and its ratings ranked high among many programs across the country. Many popular TV series currently being broadcast do not have this rating. The game's ratings are high.

Ding was busy talking on the phone with company employees. Good news kept coming and he was dancing with excitement.

at the same time.

On the stage, the game has begun.

This is a BO5. Both sides know that their respective strengths cannot be underestimated. In the first game, they still focus on stability, and both teams have the most proficient lineups.

In the early stage, both sides played very closely, with tight vision and tight lines, not giving their opponents any chance.

In the first eighteen minutes, there were only two kills between the two sides, and each was 1 to 1.

Until the 23rd minute.

The white team was seized by Emperor Star, played a wave of 2 for 3, and took down the baron, announcing that the turning point of this game had arrived.


The game ended in 36 minutes, and Emperor Star won the first game!


The second game begins.

The Emperor Star who won a handful did not relax, he continued to win the heroes that were easy to play, and the version T0 that should be banned was also banned.

The white team, which lost a game, plans to change their formation.

The round-faced Imp took out the unique mouse, Mata took out Zyra to support, Pawn in the middle took out the Leopard Girl who had single-killed Da Fei, Dandy took out the Blind Sin, and Looper took out the version of the popular Slag Dragon Girl. .

Several heroes are all frequently used in domestic leagues, and they are also famous heroes for several people.

As soon as this game started, Emperor Xing immediately felt the pressure that was far greater than the first game.

Lu Zibo failed to gain an advantage in the middle lane duel several times, and Mata, the most powerful brain, harassed him from time to time.

The newly promoted bottom lane duo also did not do a good job in suppressing Imp. They tried several times to take advantage of Mata's roaming to cause trouble but failed to find an opportunity, making it easy for a mouse to develop.

The jungle prince is also a little helpless when facing the blind monk.

As for the top lane, Mondo's fight against Dragon Girl is all about punishing Slag Flow, and there's nothing to watch.

The situation is a bit bad. (End of chapter)

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