Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 536 General Pawn’s three battles with FMVP

Small disadvantages will be reduced to small disadvantages, and the game can still be played.

Han Wenhui's training is indeed sophisticated, and there is no doubt that his talent as a coach is the best in the world.

As early as the day when they learned that the opponent was Samsung White, Han Wenhui quickly found all the data that could be found such as the recent game videos of the White team, the daily rankings of the players, etc., and then analyzed them one by one, and analyzed each person. Lots of research and what to do about it.

It was this superior coaching level that allowed Emperor Star to find an opportunity to break the situation even though it was at a disadvantage.

8 minutes.

Mata was unable to make a move in the middle and jungle. When he returned to the bottom lane, he was caught by the Emperor Star jungler Prince who had been waiting for a long time and successfully took the kill.

Immediately afterwards, Imp in the bottom lane failed to retreat and was outflanked again, giving away another kill.

Then comes the three-hit combo of dragon, line push, and tower consumption.

This lightning-fast offensive prevented Sanxingbai from reacting for a moment, and the bottom lane was directly at a disadvantage.

What follows is that Mata no longer dares to wander around. He must ensure the development of the Imp mouse. At the same time, he must be careful of the blind man's GANK to prevent the advantage from being knocked back. The other two lanes must also have good vision to not give the white team any chance. .

16 minutes.

Emperor Star got the second vanguard, found an opportunity in the middle, and played a wave of two-for-two. Although there was no advantage in kills, it knocked off the outer tower of General Pawn in the middle.

Once this key defensive tower is lost, the white team's vision becomes a little bit impossible.

The most critical thing is the Baron in the 21st minute.

At that time, the white team gathered to fight the baron, but accidentally made a move, and the emperor star seized the opportunity to rush the baron. Even if they reacted in the end, it was too late.

In the pursuit battle, Emperor Star retained three dragon species in key positions, namely upper midfielder.

After this wave, all the advantages of the white team were gone and they had to switch to defense.


The second game ended with the victory of Emperor Star.

"2 to 0!"

"What twin stars are worth mentioning in front of the world champion!"

"We will still be champions in the end!"

"Keep it up, Emperor Star, end the game 3-0!"

As soon as the second game ended, the commentators were shouting excitedly, as if they had seen the scene of Emperor Star beating the white team 3-0, completely ending GCK's fantasy of seizing the strongest division, and announcing that the God King had ascended to the throne.

There are also various optimistic remarks in the barrage.

"No, no, I'm talking about SSW!"

"Repay Gemini just for this? Come on!"

"The rise of the emperor star will never disappoint fans!"

"It feels like it's three to zero. Let's finish it quickly so we can still make it in time for dinner!"

The barrage was even crazier than the commentary. The fans of Emperor Star were very optimistic, all beaming with joy, and they didn't take Team White seriously at all.

On the other hand, Samsung White.

Even at a disadvantage, the atmosphere behind the scenes did not fall into a downturn, with everyone from coaches to players discussing gains and losses.

Defeat is cruel, but the game still has a chance.

Playing again, Samsung White regrouped and adopted a more extreme mid-lane Yasuo lineup.

As soon as Yasuo took out this hand, the whole crowd exclaimed.

Even the commentator was amazed: "Do you dare to take Yasuo in this situation? Then the jungler will have a barrel, otherwise the dual-physics lineup will be at a huge disadvantage!"

"It should be Jungle Barrel. The plane is off the lane. I need to make up for a wave of AP damage!"

"I checked the previous results. Pawn, a young player, is very good at playing Yasuo. He is also a leader in GCK and should not be underestimated."

"But he is playing The God. Who dares to say that he can get an advantage? Looking around the world, no one dares to say that he can stabilize the pressure in the middle, right?"

"That's true."

The commentary box was optimistic.

It is true that Lu Zibo's record since his debut has been too dazzling. Even when the Emperor Star was in its lowest period, he was the core of the entire team and could be called the Purple Golden Beam in the Sea!

With him around, the middle lane of Emperor Star is the most stable and least worrying point.

Coupled with Chengfeng, who understood the top secret of jungle, the words "defend the middle lane to death" were deeply engraved in Chengfeng's mind.

With a good combination of midfielder and jungler, there’s no need to worry!

The third game started.

Pawn is not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf. He moves aggressively but is also very stable. After several rounds of blood exchanges, he actually gained an advantage. On the surface, Lu Zibo's wandering was a bit too much and he was suppressed.

But it can actually be discovered through data analysis.

Yasuo doesn't have an advantage in last-hitting, he just plays more aggressively and actually has more health bars, so he seems to have an advantage, but the economy is actually at a balance.

Even the commentator on the stage said: "Yasuo played very fiercely, but in fact he didn't get the advantage. He just had to make steady last-ditch hits. From the current point of view, Yasuo's hand was not wise. It depends on whether it can be effective later.”

"That's right, but in the late stage of Yasuo's life, he has become wandering. He does a lot of damage and can't hit you even after using Ice Heart. This is the most annoying thing."

"It was a bit of a mistake. I don't know if the player wanted to take it or the coach took it."

on the stage.

Pawn looked serious.

I have only watched videos and met them in ranked games, but have never actually played against each other in the arena.

As soon as we started playing today, after losing two consecutive games, we finally realized Lu Zibo’s extremely strong dominance on the court. He is as stable as a mountain and his attacks are as sharp as a blade. He is definitely the top mid laner in the world. If he wants to win the lane in Lu Zibo’s hands Advantages, not that easy.

He wants to take this hand of Yasuo himself, because he wants to use Yasuo's early zero consumption and short CD displacement to disrupt Lu Zibo's position, and then gain an advantage.

But it failed.

The wandering mage stood there, giving no chance at all, and the same was true for several battles.


Pawn secretly thought that he had a headache and felt that the situation was beyond expectations. If he took out Yasuo, it would be useless if he couldn't produce the effect.

"We have to open things up."

The situation in the middle lane dragged on until both sides reached 6. The moment the upgrade light flashed, the director's camera moved to the middle lane.

The junglers on both sides also began to move closer to the middle.

"There's going to be a fight in the middle!"

An exclamation from the commentary desk pulled the audience together. Thousands of pairs of eyes stared at the big screen, knowing that a battle might occur in the middle.

Online, Lu Zibo also had a premonition and moved more cautiously and stayed back.

Looking at the river shrouded in mist, Lu Zibo didn't dare to move or look in the eye. The wine barrel flashed an E and Yasuo caught it and blew it up. He might have to give blood.

In the earphones, the blind man controlled by Chengfeng was already in place and was giving reminders.

"Be careful, don't get caught, the opponent's set of damage should be enough to kill you!"

"Yeah. I know."

Be alert to the highest level, but opportunities will always appear as long as you are online.

A wave of sports car soldiers moved forward, allowing Jiugong, who had been waiting for a long time, to find an opportunity.

Golden light flashes, meat, eggs, onions and chicken!

"What a quick E flash!"

"Dig a trench and hide through it!"

In an instant, the wine barrel flashed, and the animation effect showed that the two figures almost collided, but everyone saw that Wandering was not pushed. Instead, he pulled away in a flash and cooperated with the blind man. Turn around and deal damage to the wine barrel. If Yasuo's wind wall hadn't followed quickly, the wine barrel might have died!

"too fast!"

"What happened? I thought we hit it!"

"Director, hurry up and play it back!"

The picture changed too fast, and it was impossible to clearly see what had just happened, until the director pulled a wave of slow motion.

in the lens.

The moment Wine Barrel E flashed his hand, the flash of golden light had just disappeared, and the wine barrel's belly had not yet been retracted, Wandering Flash was also pressed out immediately.

However, due to the number of frames of the skill's special effects animation, what appeared before everyone's eyes was that the wine barrel's figure happened to appear at Wandering's position, and Wandering just happened to dodge away, and there was a momentary overlap.

The difference between the two flashes was almost only 0.01 seconds!

Lu Zibo's reaction speed is amazing! (End of chapter)

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