Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 549 Micromanipulation Master and the Ultimate APM

Unlike most games that only require four QWER or WASD keys, a real-time strategy game like Race for Hegemony requires keys that cover almost the entire keyboard, including more than 26 letters, numbers, and F1 and F2 keys.

Almost all keys including spaces, ALT, SHIFT, and CTRL on the entire keyboard are useful!

Because each unit in the game has unique skill keys, it even requires constant switching, formation, and other extremely complex operations.

Ordinary people may just right-click the mouse and it's over. Experts even have to constantly control the movement of the soldiers while releasing skills, trying to retain as many people as possible in order to win.

A true RTS game master can definitely be called the strongest player in the e-sports world!

For them, even the fingering methods put on the finger keyboard have unique research. They are the group of people with the highest APM in all e-sports projects, and the group of people with the highest strategic and tactical vision in all e-sports projects.

For this group of people, Baldhead's forward position cannon moving five centimeters to the left and right is not a joke, but something that is really possible.

They are true masters of micromanaging!

He is also a master tactician!

Many professional team coaches in the previous life were actually retired players from RTS games such as StarCraft and Warcraft. For them, they only needed to understand the game mechanics and how to play them, and then they could quickly develop a set of super Tactics!

Just after Mo Yu finished his speech on the stage, the game officially started.

After forty male and female players from all over the world complete the drawing and grouping ceremony, they will compete in the next few days until the top 16 players are selected to enter the second round.

Guo Bin happened to be drawn on the first day of the game.

As the player with the highest points ranking in the Asian division, he attracted the attention of countless people as soon as he appeared on the stage.

"Brother Bin, come on!"

Backstage, Su Hao did not go back to the hotel, but stayed at the scene to experience and become familiar with the atmosphere.

He is also lucky. If he is placed in Group A like Guo Bin, that is, if he plays on the first day, his condition will definitely be greatly reduced. Fortunately, he has good luck and is placed in Group D, which is the last appearance in the group stage.

"Don't worry, there's no pressure!"

Guo Bin smiled easily and stepped onto the stage.

on the stage.

There are only two computers, one on the left and one on the right, far apart. There is a distance of several meters in the middle, so there is no screen peeking report.

Moreover, there are several referees watching at the scene. Players who are not really brave or who don't care about professional e-sports at all will not cheat, but play seriously and honestly.

"The two sides in this match are the CQ2000 players from the Asian Division in Group A, and the other side is a female player that is rarely seen by the audience, player Sara from the Eastern European Division!"

Two figures appeared on the big screen.

Guo Bin wore headphones and sat in front of the computer, very relaxed.

On the other side is a blond, blue-eyed, fat girl from Ermao. She is well-known in the local race hegemony player circle. She is one of the few technical female players in the world. Many male players cannot beat her.

"This should be a fight between dragon and tiger!"

The person in the middle of the commentary box who is responsible for controlling the field is MISS. On the other side are Gongsun Yaliang and Question Mark who are responsible for analysis. The three of them are all anchors of Moyu Live.

Since the race competition started too late and did not have multiple divisional leagues, most of the commentators on the commentary desk are anchors. This is also true for the English stream. They are not professional commentators who have been formally trained by the company. It was specially invited.

However, these anchors each have their own skills.

Either the technology is not good but the live broadcast effect is very good and the popularity is very high, or someone like MISS has the technology and is popular. In short, the atmosphere in the commentary box is not bad, and the audience feels quite satisfied.

According to Yang Qiu's arrangement, anyone who performs well this time will be invited by the company to sign and become an official commentator, but those who perform poorly will not be invited in the future.

"Yes, female players are indeed rare."

"But don't underestimate Sara. She is ranked seventh in the Eastern European Division. She has exquisite skills, an aggressive playing style, and is good at using the Void Tribe. Her APM test is 320+. She is a very strong female player!"

"CQ2000 cannot be taken lightly, otherwise it will capsize in the gutter!"

The three of them analyzed it at once.

Simply based on past performance and strength comparison, Guo Bin actually has the upper hand in all aspects.

His effective APM is above 380+, which means that his fingers have to tap on the keyboard more than 380 times per minute, and these 380 taps are not all random taps, but each one is a valid operation.

This speed is already approaching the peak of professional players!

Even among the 40 players participating in the competition, you can rank at the top!


Hand speed doesn't mean everything. There are people who don't have high APM but can still perform various wonderful operations. But sometimes, APM is also an important indicator among players.

Players with higher APM will definitely be more precise, more powerful, and more cumbersome in micro-management than players with lower APM!

Game start.

The map is randomized in the Noxian Meat Grinder.

This is an eight-gold mine map. There are neutral monster buildings that can be recruited, and there are also many wild monsters distributed in every corner of the map, covering a large area.

"Let's look at the map now. CQ2000 still chooses the human race, which is placed in the upper left corner."

"Sara also used the Void Tribe, which she is better at, and placed it in the upper right corner."

"Then it seems that the two sides may encounter each other soon!"

In the game, both sides quickly mined gold trees, built hero altars, and barracks. At the same time, they also sent their own peasant units out to explore the field of view to determine the distribution of map resources and the location of the opponent's base.

This kind of investigation can help players open up the fog of war, determine the distribution of wild monsters, gold mines, and camps, and also harass the opponent's development.

"found it!"

MISS shouted.

Guo Bin took the lead in finding Sara’s location.

"This is a bit bad for Sarah. The base location was found first and the opportunity was lost!!"

From God's perspective, Gongsun Yaliang was worried about Sarah.

Purely from the perspective of racial restraint, the void arms are more restrained than the human race, but this restraint relationship is not absolute and depends on the player's operation.

Since Guo Bin is the first to determine the position, he will definitely not give Sara time to develop stably. The next step will definitely be to send out heroes and come over non-stop to harass Sara's development. Using the hero's flexibility, he will come directly to hit your farmers, hit your buildings, and make you tired. In order to cope with it, at the same time, we continued to send troops to develop technology through multiple military camps at home, and finally defeated the opponent with a steady stream of harassment attacks.

This style of play tests the player's operation.

If the hero who comes to harass dies accidentally, it will be a big loss. It will directly give the opponent time to develop and complete the counterattack.

What the harassing party wants is the opportunity, and what the harassed party wants is time. As long as it is delayed, the follow-up will be a battle between hundreds of people! (End of chapter)

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