"Beautiful cross kill!"

"The big bug is dead!"

On the battlefield.

Through constant adjustments to his position, Sarah made a mistake and his hero Void Fear was blocked by Guo Bin with four infantry soldiers. He was unable to move and could only be beaten passively. At the same time, there were heroes and long-range units on the periphery who were constantly outputting.

At this moment, the hero is dead, and there is no way to save him later.

It is still early in the game, and the death of a hero often means failure. If it is delayed until the later stage, it may not be so serious!


competition is over.

Sara's base was exploded and GG was knocked out. Guo Bin won his first victory and got off to a good start.

Handshakes after the game.

Guo Bin was a little embarrassed. After all, he was facing a female player, who could be called a national treasure.

"Sorry, Sarah."

"It's okay, CQ2000. I've heard about you and watched your competition. Only when I actually play can I know your strengths and weaknesses. You are very strong." Sara praised: "I hope you can go further!"

"The same to you!"

After a brief acquaintance, both parties left the stage.

As soon as he entered the backstage lounge, Su Hao greeted him.

"It's a bit embarrassing, Brother Bin. The Sarah opposite is also a famous player in Eastern Europe. I didn't expect to be beaten so violently by you!"

"Don't underestimate her!" Guo Bin said with a smile: "Sarah is actually quite strong and her skills are not bad. It's a pity that I'm a little stronger."

"Be careful of being struck by lightning." Su Hao was speechless.

"Hahaha." Guo Bin laughed and reminded: "To be honest, even though she is a woman, her skills are really not bad. You have to be careful and don't be careless. There is no weak player who can enter the global competition. , everyone must treat it with caution, otherwise we will lose the game.”

"Don't worry, I understand."

Su Hao nodded.

Stage ahead.

MISS felt a little regretful. As a female player, she was also very touched when she saw Sara lose in the first round.

"Unfortunately, the game is over!"

"In the first match on the first day of the group stage, Sara lost to CQ2000!"

"Thanks to both parties for bringing us a wonderful battle!"

"Take a short rest now, we will bring the second game of the day later!"

The entire global competition took nearly half a month, with a dense and complex schedule and relatively short rest time.

From the beginning of the group stage to the quarter-finals and semi-finals, the entire competition became more and more popular and popular, and even attracted a large number of media to come to the scene for interviews.

Fight until the end.

There were spectators inside and outside the competition center.

As long as it is a game day, a large number of spectators who cannot buy tickets will gather in the outer square to wait for the latest news.

When forty contestants fought to the final four, all the female contestants were eliminated, and the female contestant with the best score only made it to the quarterfinals.

Among the top four list, Guo Bin is one of them; the second person is a bearded player from Bulgaria, whose ID is INS; the third person is a young man from the beautiful country, whose ID is rise, and the third person is The fourth one is Su Hao.

The two Chinese nationals in the top four list have greatly boosted the hearts of domestic fans.

Many people did not expect Su Hao to reach the semi-finals before the game. His performance in the first few games was a bit poor, and he barely managed to advance. Compared with Guo Bin, who has been bravely improving all the way, he is not at the same level.

Many people felt that Su Hao might be eliminated soon.

But I didn't expect to be slapped in the face in the end.

Among the top four players, Guo Bin, INS, and Rise ranked first in points in the three major regions of Asia, Eastern Europe, and North America respectively. Only Su Hao ranked third in the Asian region.


The semi-finals have officially begun.

The entire semi-finals will be a BO3 draw.

The final result made the domestic audience feel very sorry. Su Hao met Guo Bin, and INS met rise.

I originally wanted to play two Chinese people in the final, but unfortunately the draw was not good, but at least it means that the Chinese people have been sent to the finals.

At this point, although Su Hao and Guo Bin had a good relationship, they couldn't hold back. They had to spend everything they had and fight. There was no one giving in to the other.

No matter what.

Su Hao is still a little younger.

The two sides fought fiercely for three games. The first two games were quick battles with each player winning one game. The third game was a battle of hundreds of people that was delayed until the later stages. All kinds of operations were directly filled up.

In the lens of the big screen, I could only see the two people pressing their fingers continuously, their faces as deep as water, and they were concentrating.

The fingers on the keyboard were clattering and jumping, making it difficult to see clearly.

In the end, Guo Bin advanced to the finals with superior skills.

And the other side.

The No. 1 team in Eastern Europe faced the No. 1 team in North America.

I originally thought it would be a shocking battle, but no matter what happened, it would be three full and enjoyable battles with all my strength.

The result was far beyond everyone's expectations.

rise lost two games in a row, INS easily defeated the opponent and entered the final easily, with no pressure at all!


"Not on the same level at all!"

"Rise lost so badly. They lost both games and were abused in all kinds of ways. There was no chance to fight back!"

"I'm already worried about whether I can beat CQ2000 next time. Both of them are good at human race, and they performed very well in this global competition!"

"It's a lot of pressure. INS is too strong. I feel he has a great chance of winning the championship!"

Discussions are happening online.

After seeing the two games in the semi-finals, most people were worried about whether Guo Bin could win. The contrast between the two games was so obvious that people had to worry.

But soon, a game made everyone more confident in Guo Bin.

It was a battle for third or fourth place, rise versus Su Hao.

One is ranked third in Asia, and the other is ranked first in North America.

Originally, most people thought that Su Hao would lose, but they didn't expect that Su Hao won the game in the end.

This made people who supported Guo Bin feel confident.

"CQ2000 won with difficulty against Suho, Suho easily defeated rise, and rise miserably defeated INS. Looking at it this way, rise is actually the weakest one. When CQ2000 beat INS, it is still unclear who will win!"

"INS is not guaranteed to win. I am very confident in CQ2000 now!"

Predict the flip.

Most people feel more hopeful about Guo Bin winning the final!

And just when the finals were about to start, taking advantage of the growing popularity, Mojing Sports released the latest event news and a simple plan.

"We will hold more competitions next year, and we will invite more professional players to join. In March, July, and October next year, we will arrange a super event of the same level as the Global Championship, and will also hold Some other small tournaments.”

"We will design a more complete event system for the two games of Race Hegemony and Red Alert."

“We welcome interested individuals or companies to inquire about event hosting.”

As soon as the news came out, it immediately shocked the e-sports circle.

Originally, the Global Championship was the most popular event in the entire e-sports circle recently. Many clubs had long been interested in participating, but Moyu Company has not released any definite news.

These clubs are afraid to invest.

The main reason is that they are afraid that the two games of the Fishing Game will not be held, and all the players signed by the club's branch will be wasted immediately.

As a result, as soon as the announcement was issued, it was immediately confirmed.

Not only race hegemony, but also Red Alert will start more events next year, and Moyu Company promises that it will never change.

With the fact that GAG is there, everyone believes that Moyu Game will definitely follow the content in the announcement and will definitely not change its mind.

After figuring it out, those clubs immediately took reassurance.

That night.

On Weibo, the official accounts of each club released the news.

"We will form a race hegemony division and a red alert division, and sincerely invite the world's elite masters to contact the club. We will arrange a trial training - Emperor Star!"

"Recruitment Order—LGD."

"I am honored to inform all Race Hegemony players of good news. After many days of negotiation, we have reached an agreement with player Guo Bin (CQ2000). Player Guo Bin will join the WE Club Race Hegemony Division."

"DFG·Suho is connected!"

In a short period of time, all the big and famous clubs in the country have announced that they will establish racial hegemony and red alert divisions. There are even some small start-up clubs doing the same, and the really fast players have signed contracts. On.

Five of the top eight players in Asia in this global competition have been signed by clubs. (End of chapter)

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