Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 552 The Strongest in the World

The final battle begins!

Millions of race hegemony players around the world are watching this game through various channels.

Although it is not as popular as GAG, it is already the second largest e-sports event in the world after GAG. No game can shake it.

There are tens of thousands of viewers in the major live broadcast rooms. As the largest live broadcast platform in China, it is also the official event platform of Moyu Game. At this time, the live broadcast room of the Global Competition for Race Hegemony is listed on the homepage.

Countless spectators who come in and out are always interested in this, and if they are curious, they go in to find out.

More and more people are entering the live broadcast room, and the number of viewers has soared to 6 figures!


"The decisive battle is coming"!

"CQ2000 will win!"

"It's another duel between two races, I feel like I'm going to lose!"

Thousands of barrages passed by, covering everything, all in a mess.

The two people on the stage have entered the most focused state.

After putting on the headphones, lightly pressing the keyboard and mouse, and confirming that there was no problem with the device, Guo Bin interlaced his fingers and stretched them out.

Two consecutive tense duels are a huge test for the fingers. The more critical the situation is, the more flexible the fingers must be to ensure that there is no stiffness, otherwise one mistake may affect the final direction of the game.


Guo Bin couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He knows that players around the world are now watching this game.

Thinking that hundreds of thousands of people were watching him now, even a big-hearted player like him couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

But soon, this tension turned into surging motivation filling his chest with a deep breath.


"It must be blown up!"

"Must win!"

Guo Bin couldn't help but type a line of words on the public screen.

"INS, you will GG!"


The beautiful referee behind him glanced over and quietly made a note.

CQ2000 openly sent text messages to provoke his opponents before the game, and it was recommended that they be given a verbal warning.

One hour and 28 minutes later.

"It's about to end."

"It should be said that it is finally over!"

"This one is really a super long bladder, but it also shows us the power of the arrow tower!"

“I feel like INS lost a bit unfairly!”

"Haha, as a human race, he might not want to win so... shamelessly?"

"What a shame, don't sound so ugly, this is called tactics!"

"No matter what, INS is going to lose. No matter how you look at it, there is no hope that he will come back and win!"

"Defense tower tactics are a winner!"

Along with the commentator's analysis, the audience also felt that INS was just struggling in a desperate situation and refused to admit defeat. The game was almost settled.

After all, the situation is clear.

The map chosen for this game is the Sun Disk, which is also the largest of the ten maps in the game. There are more than ten gold mines on the field!

Guo Bin and ins were born one on the upper left and one on the lower right, exactly on the diagonal, the farthest distance.

At the beginning, everyone thought that this game would be the rhythm of harassment-leveling-war. Who would have thought that Guo Bin would not take an unusual path from the beginning.

It was normal at the beginning, with heroes harassing, mining, and leveling up. But when Guo Bin started building defense towers, the game changed.

One tower, two towers, three towers...

The commentator was still laughing at this time.

"I feel like the tower comes out too frequently. CQ2000 is supposed to be defensive, but the distance is very far, so there is no need to be so cautious!"

Ten towers, twenty towers... the commentator's expression has changed.

"CQ2000 has come up with a brand new set of human defense tower tactics!"

"He is frantically building arrow towers on one side, and they are in every branch mine. He has even sent farmers to build them at the INS house!"

The entire map is full of defense towers. The more the INS fights, the more uncomfortable it becomes. It feels like Guo Bin is simply not a human being!

Defense towers were built right up to his house and were about to surround his base!

Army attack!

INS led troops to push back, and Guo Bin sent farmers to frantically repair and build new towers.

The situation continued to stalemate, and in the end there were at least 100 defense towers on the entire map. It was impossible for the INS army to break through any of the mines. The game had entered garbage time. It was either GG or waiting to die!

INS fell into despair.

He really didn't expect to be able to play like this. He was originally ready to laugh at his opponent for wasting money, but when things got worse and worse, it was too late for him to transform even if he wanted to!

"No, INS has basically lost, and there is no room for a comeback!"

"This tactic is so rogue!"

"It happens to be another map of the Sun Disk, with rich gold mines, otherwise I might not be able to win it."

The commentators are sighing, the audience is marveling, the outside network is criticizing the failure of victory, and some people are already learning about the ladder.

Looking at this scene, Mo Yu couldn't help but laugh.

He recalled two sayings circulated among previous Warcraft players.

The first sentence is that those who can persist in the operation for half an hour and slowly push away 5 mines are European players; those who can persist in the operation for 1 hour and slowly push away 10 mines are Korean players; those who can persist in the operation for 2 hours , the one who is still smiling and placing the 100+ tower is Teacher Guo.

The second sentence is that people who finish the game with Guangmo only have two feelings. The first is that if you beat him, you will never want to play against the human race again in your life.

The second way is that if you lose, you will never want to play Warcraft again in your life.

Teacher Guo and Guangmo in the two sentences are actually the same person. It was he who invented the tower-building tactic and became popular for a while.

At that time, there was a Finnish player who played Dark Night. When he saw the countless towers built by Guangmo in the mines during the game, he immediately fell into despair and quit the game without even tapping GG.

From then on, the player suffered from claustrophobia and never participated in offline competitions again.

This shows the advantages and disadvantages of this tactic. From online to offline, it is simply invincible.

"I hope INS can stabilize its mentality and not be crushed!"

Seeing the expression on INS in the lower right corner of the screen as if he had eaten Yoneda Kyo, Mo Yu almost couldn't help laughing while praying for him.

A game lasts for more than an hour, and it is really a test of mentality for a professional player!

The competition center has been drowned in cheers.

The game ended at 1 hour and 45 minutes. INS was unable to recover and finally knocked out GG.

This also completely announced that Guo Bin won the championship and became the first world champion in the world of racial hegemony!

Moreover, this championship is full of gold. Forty top players from more than ten countries stand out, and no one can say anything sarcastic!

Even though some people sneered at his tower defense tactics, no one could say anything about his championship!

"Congratulations, CQ2000!"

"You are the world champion, you are the strongest racial hegemony player in the world!"


Wang Zhaozhao stepped onto the stage, her sweet scent lingering in her ears and nose.

But Guo Bin didn't care at all. He only had eyes for the trophy in front of him.

On the stage, golden ribbons fell from the air.

Fireworks are blasting and lights are on!

This moment belongs to the champion and to Guo Bin!

He held the trophy cup with both hands and raised it high with all his strength!

"To the entire audience and the audience in front of the screen, the first world champion has been born!"

"Let us all hail his name!"


Wang Zhaozhao shouted loudly.

The audience who had not left the venue were also cheering.




In the live broadcast room, the screen is full of champions, congratulations, and victory!

The world's first world champion belongs to China!

Perhaps in the eyes of those behind you, the tactics of the first session were sloppy, the play style was crude, and there were many flaws, but at this time it represents the highest level in the world!

Guo Bin is the undisputed strongest man in the world!

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