Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 553 Three Korean teams among the top four

Xu Changming presented flowers, Chen Rucheng presented medals, photographers were surrounding, hosts and reporters were waiting for interviews, and the audience was waiting for the opportunity to have close contact...

All glory has arrived!

Guo Bin won the world's first world championship trophy as an individual and received a bonus of 1.5 million!

This is not only unprecedented, it will most likely be unprecedented!

In the future, e-sports honors will belong to major clubs. It will be too difficult to win awards as a free agent!

Not only are there differences in training, there are also huge gaps in logistics, teams, data, and analysis.

But even so, Mo Yu is still willing to give free agents a chance to win the championship!

Love should never be let down!

Esports is for everyone.

That night.

At WE Club, Li Xiaofeng instructed his staff to give Guo Bin a maximum signing contract. The signing fee alone is an astronomical figure in the current e-sports circle.

However, although the money is large, it is not a loss.

Judging from Li Xiaofeng's businessman's thinking, this money was not unfairly spent at all!

The benefits that Guo Bin's world championship will bring to the club will be far greater than the expenses. As long as the operation is good, it can even be earned back ten times or dozens of times. E-sports has long since grown into an inclusive industry with the rapid development this year. An industry of huge economic value, especially for many companies, it is a huge market for thousands of young people and a blue ocean worthy of significant investment.

Li Xiaofeng holds Guo Bin in his hand, and through his own channels, he can bring a full range of benefits to the club. Some advertising endorsements alone are more than this price, not to mention that Guo Bin's reputation as a world champion can also bring traffic and fans to the club. Bring the heat.

This is a business that will never lose money!

This is what e-sports is like, the champions all kill!

Honor belongs to the players, and it is also the best tool for the club to gain profits!

The day after the Global Championship ended, the Competition Center ushered in the next game.

The Emperor Star Cup officially begins.

The participating teams have not changed much from the IMTV Cup. Even the royal family who have already received tickets continue to participate. After all, this is the last training before S2. The subsequent Petroleum Cup is too far away and the schedule is too tight. It will take less than half a month to finish. Just until the World Championships, the time in between is too short.

Except for the teams that have not yet received their tickets, several teams have chosen to give up. Players must be given some time to train before the game to prepare for S2. They cannot compete endlessly, which will affect the state of the World Championship.

within the center.

Sixteen teams entered into a fierce battle.

Before the start of the game, most people were staring at who would win the World Championship ticket represented by the Emperor Star Cup.

Most people predict SKT the most.

They missed most of the opportunities this year. The Emperor Star Cup is the penultimate one. If they don't get it, they will have to fight for the Petroleum Cup.

Domestic audiences are more supportive of OMG, hoping to see the dark forces break in, while some people support NB, which has won all the way from the cup, and want to see the Sanren team perform miracles.

Europe, Southeast Asia, and North America also have their own supporting teams!

This is the penultimate ticket, it’s such a rare opportunity!

All teams have made full preparations, and all the training matches have been filled with various tactical drills before the game. They are bound to win the championship.

The game starts soon.

The first game is the highly anticipated SKT game.

This team has achieved great results since its establishment. It is already a well-known veteran team in the world. The past results are there. Even if it did not perform well during the summer split in the second half of the year, it was because of the rise of the Samsung Twins, which dominated the entire GCK division, let alone SKT. , there are so many competition regions in the entire GCK, including those established in the second half of the year and those that joined the earliest, no team can beat them all.

But when it came to the IMTV Cup, it was a real hit.

The top eight met the Explosive Royal Family, and they fought hard for five rounds and lost in the end. Who can I talk to to reason with them?

What's more, the Royal Family finally won the championship?

After the game, some people said that the match between Royal Family and SKT was the real final. After all, five rounds were played, and various high-energy scenes continued. The excitement was really no worse than the final.

So we can only say that SKT was really unlucky and lost to the explosive Royal Family.

But this time, they are obviously going to make a comeback and move towards the championship.

In the group stage, they won consecutive games and won all 6 games. The quarterfinals were once again assigned to the Royal Family, and then they took revenge and successfully advanced to the semi-finals.

In the semi-finals, they encountered Samsung Blue, who had suppressed them in the league all season. At that time, the whole team felt that there was no hope. After all, they had lost more than they won against the Gemini throughout the summer split. As a result, Dafei showed his devilish attitude in the Emperor Star Cup. , all kinds of support for single kills and hiding from GANK, positioning to the point of flying, full team battle output, and rushed into the finals in one fell swoop.


The final was a battle between SKT and Samsung White.

This is another tough battle.

In GCK, the blue team suppressed them, and the white team also suppressed them. No one in SKT could beat them, otherwise they wouldn’t have opened the small universe for the Emperor Star Cup tickets. They didn’t even go out for supper at night, they just got up and trained from morning to night. , no free time at all, just to get the tickets so as not to go to the Petroleum Cup again.

at last.

The match between the two teams ended with SKT winning 3-2.

So far.

The entire Emperor Star Cup was completely finished, and the penultimate ticket of S2 was obtained by SKT!

Seeing this result, all the fans who support SKT breathed a sigh of relief. Their favorite team finally got the tickets. It can be said that they have caught the last train. All the psychological burdens have been lifted. It is simply that the things that have been pressing on their chests have been removed. A big stone.

Even Choi Min-sik, who is far away in South Korea, received instructions from the headquarters, and all team members were given a large bonus.

The bonus was so high that Da Fei generously treated each of the other four people to a can of Coke!


Compared with SKT's celebration, this Emperor Star Cup made global audiences realize how terrible this year's Korean team is!

It was hard to see the IMTV Cup before, but this time the Emperor Star Cup really made many people’s hair stand on end, and they were all shocked!

The competition went all the way to the semi-finals. The four teams were Imperial Star, SKT, Samsung White, and Samsung Blue. The four teams included three Korean teams and one Chinese team. The rest of Europe, North America, and Southeast Asia were all trampled to death. , not a single one left!

Such terrifying dominance instantly cast a huge shadow over other teams, feeling a huge threat from the Koreans!

All teams have become more vigilant about the three Korean teams that have qualified for the World Championship, and their level of attention is comparable to that of the GPL.

Even the staff of Moyu Company, who are urgently arranging the S2 team rankings and player rankings, have moved the Koreans up a few places, and the level of attention has been directly raised to the highest level! (End of chapter)

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